Management of the agenda

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Administration > Management of the agenda

Management of the agenda.

List of planned events. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

List of events.

Start date: Date the event starts.
Title: Title of event.

1. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

2. Details

Click to see details of selected event.

Details admin events.

BACK: Go to previous screen without saving.
EDIT: Modify details. See sub-section Edit below to know more.
DELETE: Delete event. You will be asked to confirm.

6. Start date: Starting date of event.
7. End date: Ending date of event.
8. Insertion date: Date and time of creation or last update.
9. Title: Title of event in all available languages.
10. Message creator: Name and email address of creator.
11. Content: Text of event in all available languages.

3. Edit

Modify / complete information about the event.

Edit admin events.

BACK: Go to previous screen withoust saving.
MODIFY: Save changes.

6. Start date: Modify starting date of event by clicking on the calendar and selecting a date from the expandable menu.
7. End date: Modify ending date of event by clicking on the calendar and selecting a date from the expandable menu.
9. Title: Modify / add event's title by selecting a language from the tabs on top (a) and typing title in the selected language (b). Repeat process for any other language.
11. Content: Modify / add event's information by selecting a language from the tabs on top (a) and typing the text in the selected language (b). Repeat the process for any other language.

4. Delete

Delete the selected event from the list. You will be asked to confirm.

5. NEW

Create a new event.

Adding a new event.

BACK: Go to previous screen without saving.
ADD: Save new entry.

6. Start date: Indicate a starting date of event by clicking on the calendar and selecting a date from the expandable menu.
7. End date: Indicate an ending date of event by clicking on the calendar and selecting a date from the expandable menu.
9. Title: Add event's title by selecting a language from the tabs on top (a) and typing title in the selected language (b). Repeat process for adding a different language.
11. Content: Add event's information by selecting a language from the tabs on top (a) and typing the text in the selected language (b). Repeat the process for adding a different language.