NaturaList for iOS FAQ
1: Transfer my yearly subscription:
In case you change device, you can transer your valid subscritpion for NaturaList. For that purpose, please follow the Apple instructions.
If it don't works please check if
1: internet connexion is OK?
2: Are you using the right Apple account (the one you used to buy the subscription)
3: Is your device updated?
If all is OK and the problem still resist please contact Apple support.
2: I renewed my subscription and I can't use the linked functionalities:
Apple don't give us any information about the users that buyed something within NaturaList. We can only check if the payement was done or is pending.
Sometimes, the payment system need some days to do the payment or it may happen the the card you used is no more valid or reached the money limit.
In consequences as long as the payment is in pending position, you cannot access the linked functionalities. Please check with your financial service provider what's wrong. If all is OK from it, then contact Apple support.