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NaturaLlist is a worldwide compatible mobile application that allows browsing and sharing your biodiversity observations in a casual way like a field notebook, by list or with more advanced tools for protocolled collection of data.

Several languages are available. See a list of all available languages at wiki section Various > Available languages.

Most functions are available for both Android and Mac. Some advanced tools, like protocols, are currently only available on Android. The application NaturaList is linked to and the existing ornitho portals (see image Dataflow between our tools. Those portals give you full possibilities for using, backup and share your data after synchronization. See what you can do in each of the “tools” at the table below. To see the list of local portals, visit wiki section Various > Local portals and partners.

Functions NaturaList Android Naturalist iOS Local portal
Enter casual observations YES YES NO YES
Enter an observation list YES YES NO YES
Enter observations a posteriori YES YES NO YES
Projects YES NO NO YES
Protocols YES1 NO NO YES1
Display data (including rare) YES YES NO YES2
Offline maps YES NO NO NO
Offline use YES3 YES4 NO NO
Share the position of your observation and send it to google maps YES YES NO NO
Statistics and other information NO NO YES, partly YES
Species names in different languages tool YES YES NO NO
Download your own data NO NO YES YES
Worldwide use YES YES YES NO
Edit/delete your data YES5 YES5 NO YES6
Display your data on a map NO NO YES YES6
Have extended possibilities for languages for species YES YES YES YES7

1 Only for users with special rights. To know more about users with special rights go to wiki section...
2 By specific search or during the last 5 days within the territory covered by the corresponding portal.
3 Except for transmitting data, downloading maps and see what’s around you.
4 Except for transmitting data and see what’s around you.
5 Before synchronisation.
6 Only data within the territory covered by the corresponding portal.
7 Only languages available locally.

Downloading the application


To download your application, go to Google Play in your phone. Search NaturaList and install (see image Downloading NaturaList). Do not confuse with other applications with close names, for example iNaturalist.

Downloading NaturaList.

Alternatively, scan the QR to download the application:

Scan to download NaturaList.

Once installed, open the application to log in if you are an existing user or to register if you have never done so before (see image Logging in).

Logging in.


    • Use the same log in details for our systems: NaturaList,, and all our local portals.
    • If you registered into a local portal, do not register again
    • Your username is your email address
    • When downloading, do not confuse with other applications with similar names



Unregistered users can still see nearby records. Click on Go to records to see the latest observations in your area (see image Logging in). If you want to access other tools you have to register.

If you never created an account on any of our platforms and want to do so

  • click on Register (see image Logging in), and
  • fill in the registration form (see images below). Fields with asterisk are mandatory. Please provide your full name and birth date to individualise you when there is more than one observer with the same name. Please provide your country so default parameters can be tailored to your area: cartographic layer, atlas codes and protocols if/when applicable. Your contact details are necessary so an administrator can reach you when/if there are some records that require more information.

Registration form. Name.

Registration form. Address.

Registration form. Contact.

Check the appropiate boxes to use the application as an anonymus user or as a visibble user, and decide who can see your email address.

An anonymous user have full functionality but observations submitted are not published under their name but as 'anonymous'. An anonymous user's email address is not public so other registered users will not be able to contact them. Note administrators can still do if the submited record needs additional information.
A visible user also have full functionality and submitted observations are published under the observer's name. In this case, other registered users, as well as administrators, can contact the observer regarding their observation. Check if you do not want your email address to be available to other users. Administrators could still contact you regarding confusing records.

To know more about administrators, go to wiki section Web interface > Local portals > Administration.

Logging in

Open the application and log in with your credentials. Your username is the email address you are registered with. If you forgot your password, click on Password forgotten? and check your inbox. A new password will be sent to your registered email address within minutes. Remember it may go to your spam folder. We advise you to change your password into a more memorable one (but not a simplier one) and keep it safely. Change your password at any of our local portals. Visit wiki section [[Web interface > Local portal> My account]].

The first time you log in, read and accept (if agree) our terms and conditions (see image Terms and conditions). You will always be able to come back to them at Menu > Tools > Terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions.

When prompted, allow NaturaList to access:

  • your location: allow the GPS to locate you correctly on the map for entering data or browsing data around you, and
  • photos, media and files: allows NaturaList to take pictures for linking it to your observation when relevant, on your demand, or for playing sounds for some specific protocols.

Before you start using the application, you can follow a short tutorial (see image Short tutorial).

Short tutorial.