User administration

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See all personal information about users registered in the system and modify it if necessary.
Grant or revoque rights to specific users.

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Users administration.

Admin users

Main Menu > Administration > Users administration > Admin users.

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Admin users.


List of all users ever registered in that web site and/or logged in. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

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Users admin. Observers.

1. Search
2. Page and items
3. Details
4. Edit
5. Admin user rights
6. NEW

Number: register number.
Log in: has the member ever logged in?.
Data: has the member ever transmitted observations? Can send observations via NaturaList and never log into the web.
First name: observer's given name/s.
Family name: observer's family name/s.
Municipality: the observer will receive maps and news around this location.
Inscription: date the observer registered or first logged in.
Language: observer's default language of the site.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing one of the selecting criteri, or part of it, and click SEACH. NOTE it is possible to apply more than one filter (ie. Select all observers registerred as Mary that have submitted at least one record). When any filter is applied, click on DISPLAY ALL to see the whole list. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

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Searching observers.

1a. Type any word, or part of it, to conduct a free search.
1b. Type a family name, or part of it, to select observers registered with this family name.
1c. Type a firt name, or part of it, to select observers registered with this name.
1d. Select from the expandable menu one of the available criteria:

with any right: observers that have been granted at least one right.
with access to archives: observers that have been granted access to archives.
without access to archives: observers that are not granted access to archives.
with records: observers that have submitted at least one observation.
without records: observers that have never submitted observations.

2. Page and items

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See data associated to this user. Access the same details by clicking on the observer's name. Details include personal information as entered in the registration form, as well as data on registration data and last log in. See image below as an example.

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Admin users. Observer details.

BACK: Go back to previous screen.
4. EDIT: Edit details.
5. ADMIN USER RIGHT: Rights granted to this user.

Addtional information:


Additional information.

9. Some portals require users to submit a minimum number of observations before they can access certain functions.

4. Edit

Modify user's personal data, including email address and password. When done, click MODIFY to save changes.

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Modifying user's personal data.

BACK: Go to previous screen without saving.
MODIFY: Click to save changes.

5. Admin user rights

Invisible users
Some registered users are not visible and administrators cannot grant them rights.

This happens when:
1. The administrator have rights on a local mirror site and the user's address is not within the territory covered by this site, or
2. The user has not submitted any data yet.

Solve it by:
1. asking the user to submit any data on this mirror website, or
2. changing the municipality the user is registered at in the mirror website

List of rights granted to this user, and any possible restrictions to the right:

Restrictions related to geography: The right applies only at one, or few, geographical places like sites, municipalities, or cantons. In the image below, the user can only export data of the species Paratettix meridionalis in the municipality of Pamplona/Iruña.
Restrictions related to taxonomic groups: The right applies only for one, or few taxonomic groups or species. In the image below, the user can only export data of the species Paratettix meridionalis, and can ask for verification details only for birds.
Restrictions related to protocols: The right applies only to one or few protocols, projects or to the rarity committe. In the image below, the user has administration rights only for the Waterbird census protocol, and no other protocol.
Unrestricted right: Some users may not have any restriction to a right. It is marked by a warning symbol (in the image below, encircled).

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Admin users rights and restrictions.

BACK: Go back to previous screen.
10. Edit: Edit rights. See subsection below for more information.
11. Delete: Revoque this right to the user. A message will ask you to confirm.
12. +NEW: Grant a new right to this user. See details below.

10. Edit
Change restrictions for this user to this right.

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Finish editing.

1. BACK: Go to previous screen without saving.
2. MODIFY: Click to save changes.

12. NEW
Grant a new right to this user. Choose right from the expandable menu. If the selected right accepts restrictions, they will open underneath. Select specific options to which the user will have rights to (see examples in the image below). Do not select anythig to grant unrstricted rights. This will be indicated by a warning mark on the main list (see image Admin users rights and restrictions.

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Granting rights to users. Example.

13. Tick those taxonomic groups the user will have right to.
14. Start typing the name on the left field, and select from the expandable panel on the right. The user will have rights only on the selected species. When done, click + (number 15), and repeat the process to add other species.
15. Adds a restriction.
16. +ADD: Click Add to save, or BACK to go to previous screen without saving.

Underneath the list of users, some statistics are displayed.

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List of exports

Admin users rights

Main Menu > Administration > Users administration > Admin users rights.

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Admin users rights.

List of all possible rights. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

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List of admin users rights.

1. Page and items
2. Details
3. Edit

1. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

2. Details

Click to see details of selected right.

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User's rights. Details.

1. BACK: Go to previous page without saving.
2. EDIT: Modify details. See next sub section Edit for more information.

3. Edit

Click to modify user's rights.

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User's rights. Edit.

1. BACK: Go to previous page without saving.
2. MODIFY: Save changes.

Who's online?

Main Menu > Administration > Users administration > Who's online?.

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Who's online?

List of all opened sessions. Gives information on users and conection details.

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List of online users.

1. User's details
2. Connection details

1. User's details

User name and prefered language.

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Information on online users.

3. Click on icon to access observer details. See image Admin users. Observer details as an example. Edit if necessay as explained in wiki section Administration > User's administration > Admin users > Observers > 3. Details.

4. Access the list of observations submitted by the user.

2. Connection details

Numbers under the name (blured in the image), indicate the internet provider and IP address for the current session.

Admin of committees

Main Menu > Administration > Users administration > Admin of committees.

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Admin of committees.

Committees list

List of existing committees associated to this local portal. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

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List of committees.

1. Page and items
2. Page and items
3. Edit
4. Delete
5. NEW

Committee name: Name given to the committee in the selected language.
Position: In which position the committee will show on the list.
Visible: Indicates if the committee will be visible or not.

1. Page and items

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

2. Details

Click to see details of the selected committee, including its name the different languages.

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Committee details.

BACK: Go to previous screen.
EDIT: See edit subsection below.
DELETE: Delete the selected committee. You will be asked to confirm.

3. Edit

Modify details of committee, or add name in a new language.

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Edit committee.

Committee name: Select the tab language and add / modify committee name in the selected language.
Position: Type the position in which this committee will appear in the public list.
Visible: Indicate if the committee will be visible or not.

BACK: Go to previous screen without saving.
MODIFY: Save changes.

4. Delete

Delete the selected committee. You will be asked to confirm.

5. NEW

Create a new committee.

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Creating a new committee.

6. Language: Select language in which you want to name the committee. You may choose more than one language.
7. Name: Type a name for the new committee in the selected language. If you need to add a new languege repeat step 6.
8. Position: Type the position in which the new committee will show in the list.
9. Visible?: Indicate if the committee will be visible to users.

BACK: Go back without saving.
ADD: Save the new committee.

Members list

List of all members belong to any committee. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

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Committees' members list.

1. Search
2. Page and items
3. Details
4. Edit
5. Delete
6. NEW

Committee: Name of the existing committee.
Observer: Name and email address of observer.
Comment: When available, comment in the language the page is on.

1. Search

Reduce list by selecting a committee from the expandable menu, and clicking SEACH. When a filter is applied, click on DISPLAY ALL to see the full list.

2. Page and items

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See details of observers and their assigned committee, as well as some comment if available.

4. Edit

Modify the user assigned to a committee, or the committee a ser belongs to. Add or edit a comment if necessary.

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Editing Committee's members list.

7. Modify committee: Start typing the name of the committee (a) and select from the expandable menu (b).
8. Modify observer: Start typing the name of the obsever (a) and select from the expandable menu (b).
9. Select language: Select a language to leave a comment. The comment will only be visible if the page language is that of the comment. You can leave a comment in different languages.
10. Leave comment: Type comment if necessary. If needed, repeat from 9 to leave a comment in multiple languages.

BACK: Go to previous screen without saving changes.
MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Delete the user assigned to a committee. You will be asked to confirm.

6. NEW

Assign a new user to an existing committee.

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Committee's members list. New.

7. Select committee: Start typing the name of an existing committee (a) and select from the expandable menu (b).
8. Select observer: Start typing the name of the obsever (a) and select from the expandable menu (b).
9. Select language: Select a language to leave a comment. The comment will only be visible if the page language is that of the comment. You can leave a comment in different languages.
10. Leave comment: Type comment if necessary. If needed, repeat from 9 to leave a comment in multiple languages.

BACK: Go to previous screen without saving.
MODIFY: Save changes.