Grey Partridge (Admin)

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GP admin menu.png

Grey Partridge. Admin menu.

  21 Grey Partridge

PERDIX Preparation and data

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Grey Partridge. Preparation and data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Grey Partridge protocol. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Grey Partridge > Preparation and data for more information.



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Grey Partridge. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a Grey Partridge census.

Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Sites for more information.

PERDIX User/Site

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Grey Partridge. User/Site.

From the menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > User/Site for more information.

PERDIX Settings

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Grey Partridge. Settings.

Set protocol parameters.

Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Settings for details.

Parameters describing the protocol

Expand the table below to see all posible parameters and options available for the Grey Partridge protocol. Use arrows on headers to alternate between ascending and descending alphabetical order.

Grey Partridge. Parameters.
Name Description Options
Conditions in general The user estimates how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying conditions are not good. Good / normal
Bad / heavily influenced
Optical equipment The user should indicate the equipment used for the survey. Only one option is possible. None


Coverage Serves to indicate how much of the designated study area is covered in the survey. Partly


Coverage Serves to indicate how much of the designated study area is covered in the survey. Empty field
Additional observer Space to indicate if the observer has been accompanied by someone whose observations were also recorded. empty field
Important changes since last count ? Allows indicating if there have been major changes since last visit. empty field
Conditions The user can leave a note about general surveying conditions. empty field
Sound played The user should indicate if they used playback to detect the species. slide to mark on/off

PERDIX Import a shapefile

PERDIX Check data

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Grey Partridge. Check data.

Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Check data for more information.


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Grey Partridge. Report.

Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Report for more information.


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Jackdaw. Map.

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Map for more information.

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