Protocol management

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Territory mapping

Waterbird census

To access the adminstration of a protocol you need the Protocol administrator right. Only an Admin of the Local portal can provide you such access, under certain conditions.

If you are an administrator, go to the administration section on the left hand column (see image Administration), and scroll down to Protocol administration. Open panel and select Protocol administration (see image Protocol administration).


Protocol administration.



Waterbird census. Site administration.

From the Waterbird census menu, select Sites to see a list with all existing sites. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census. Existing sites.

Reference name: Name given to the study site.
Custom name:
Reference locality: Pre-determined site use to enter observations.
Municipality: Municipality the locality belongs to.
Altitude: Altitude associated to the locality.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing the name of a site, or part of it, and click SEACH. When a filter is applied, Click on DISPLAY ALL.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Edit

Click to see details of selected site.

4. Edit

Click to edit details of selected site.

5. New site

Create a new site.

1. Click + NEW under the list (see image). Select the site as if entering an observation (see wiki section Web interface > Submitting records if necessary) and choose the new option: Create a protocoled census - Waterbird census (see image below).

Creating a new site for Waterbird census protocol


2. Enter a name for the new site.

Naming a new Waterbird census site.

Name of reference locality: Name assigned automatically.
Reference number: Type a name for the new site.
Custom name:

3. Either:
  • Draw polygon as explained in ... or,
  • Import shapefile:

Importing a plygon shapefile.

1. Choose datum and
2. upload the file.
3. When done, click IMPORT.

After a new polygon is created, it is possible to export it as a shapefile to use in the future. Click on the file icon under the Polygon section (see image below, encircled).

Saving the shapefile of a newly created Waterbird census site

4. When the new site is ready,
SAVE AND STAY to save the site and continue making changes, or
SAVE AND ADD A RECORD to save and start entering observations.

The new site is now created and saved (indicated at the top of the page). You have now the option to delete the newly created site if necessary (see image Deleting a newly created site). Otherwise, go anywhere in the page or start the whole process to create other sites without loosing the new one.


Waterbird census. User/Site

From the Waterbird census menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Access to sites

List of observers allowed to conduct Waterbird census protocols and the site/s they are assigned to. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census. Access to sites.

User name: Name and email address of observer.
Reference name: Name of the Waterbird census site.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing the name of a site, or part of it, and click SEACH. When a filter is applied, Click on DISPLAY ALL to see the full list.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See details of observers and their assigned site.

Waterbird census User/site Display

User name: Observer name and email address.
Reference name: Name of site the observer has right to survey for the Waterbird census protocol.
Custom name:
8. BACK: Go back to main list.
9. EDIT: See Edit subsection below.
10. DELETE: Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.

4. Edit

Modify the user assigned to this site, or the site assigned to this user.

WBC User Site edit (1).png

11. Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the
expandable panel (b).
12. Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the
expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to preious screen without saving changes.
14. MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.


Export list as a .txt file.

7. + NEW

Grant rights to observer to conduct Waterbird census surveys to dessignated sites.

Capture 2023-03-22 .png

11. Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose
from the expandable panel (b).
12. Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the
expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to preious screen without saving changes.
15. ADD: Save new addition.

Administration users rights

List of users and administrators with acces to the Waterbird census protocol. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Users and administrators of Waterbird census protocol.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing the name of a site, or part of it, and click SEACH. When a filter is applied, click on DISPLAY ALL.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See the rights granted to the selected observer.

2023-03-21 Sites-users, users rights, details.png

Number: File number.
User name: Name of the user receiving the right.
Right granted: Right the selected user is granted.
8. BACK: Go back to main list.
9. EDIT: See Edit subsection below.
10. DELETE: Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.

4. Edit

Modify the rights granted to an observer.

2023-03-21 user rights edit.png

11. Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the
expandable panel (b).
12. Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the
expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to previous screen without saving changes.
14. MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.

6. + NEW

Add a new right to an observer.

2023-03-21 user-sites new right.png

11. Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose
from the expandable panel (b).
12. Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the
expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to preious screen without saving changes.
15. ADD: Save new addition.

7. Protocol administrators

List of administrators of Waterbird census protocol and their email addresses.


Waterbird census. Menu.

From the Waterbird census menu, select Settings to set protocol parameters.

Species list

List of species designated as part of a basic or an extended list. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census protocol. Species list.

Species: list of species to survey.
Extended species list?: species belonging to an extended species.
Order: order of appearance.

See Ending the list to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing the name of a species, or part of it, and click SEACH. When a filter is applied, Click on DISPLAY ALL to see the full list.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See name of species, their assigned order in the lis and to which type of list they belong.

Waterbird census protocol. Details of Species list.

Species: list of species to survey.
Extended species list?: species belonging to an extended species.
See Ending the list to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.
Order: order of appearance.
7. BACK: Go to previous screen.
8. EDIT: See edit subsection below.
9. DELETE: Delete species from the list.

4. Edit

Modify details for the selected species.

Waterbird census protocol. Editing species lists.

10. Species: Modify, if necessary, the name of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).
11. Extended species list?: Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).
12. Order: Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.
13. BACK: Go back to previous screen without saving.
14. MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Delete the species from the list.

6. NEW

Add a new species to the list.

Waterbird census protocol. Adding a new species to the list.

10. Species: Start typing the name, or part of the name, of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).
11. Extended species list?: Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).
12. Order: Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.
13. BACK: Go back to previous screen without saving.
15. ADD: Add the list species to the list.

Parameters describing the protocol

List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census. Settings.

1. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

2. Active?

Indicates if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.

3. Mandatory?

Indicates if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.

4. Order

Order in which the different parameters will appear at the beginning of the protocol.

5. Details

See details associated to the selected parameter.

Waterbird census. Parameters display.

BACK: Go to previous screen.
EDIT: Edit. See corresponding sub-section below.

6. Edit

Modify settings for the selected parameter.

Waterbirds census. Edit parameter settings.

8. Select if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.
9. Select if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.
10. Type the order in which the parameter will appear at the beginning of the protocol.
BACK: Go ack to the previous screen without saving changes.
MODIFY: Save changes to the parameter.

7. Parameters

List of all possible parameters in Waterbird census protocols.

Allows user to enter a comment if necessary.

Important changes
Allows indicating if there have been major changes since last visit.

Additional observer
Space to indicate if the observer has been accompanied by someone whose observations were also recorded.

Indicates the percentatge of water surface that is frozen. Options are:
no ice
0 - 10 %
10 - 50 %
50 - 90 %
90 - 100 %
100 %

Snow coverage
Indicates the proportion of snow cover. Options are:
no snow
partly covered
completely covered

Count type
User should choose one the options:
roost count
during day

Count method
The user indicates how they conducted the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:
at ground
on airplane
on ship

Optical equipment
The user should indicate the equipment used for the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:

Serves to indicate how much of the designated polygon is covered in the survey. The user chooses between:

Water level
Indicates the water level. Options are:
Dry / Empty

Approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species. Options are:
0-100 m
100-300 m
300-1000 m
≥ 1000 m

Provides information about the waves. Options are:
With crests

Conditions in general
The user estimates how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying ::conditions are not good. Options are:
Good / Normal
Bad / heavely influenced

Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions
If general conditions indicated above were noot good,
clicking the yellow field the user opens an expandable menu and chooses the reason. Only one option is possible:
Mixed (weather)
Mixed (human)

Count payed
The user can indicate if the count is payed for or not. Only options are

Number of persons on shore
The user can type the number of persons on shore.

Number of rowing boats
The user can type the number of rowing boats.

Number of motor boats
The user can type the number of motor boats.

Number of sailing boats
The user can type the number of sailing boats.

Number of canoes/kayaks
The user can type the number of canoes/kayaks.

Number of fishing boats
The user can type the number of fishing boats.

Number of sports divers
The user can type the number of sports divers.

Number of surfers
The user can type the number of surfers.

Additional observers
The user can indicate the name of other observers participating in the data collection.

Important changes since last count?
The user can indicate if there has been any major change since their previous count, for example, some disturbance like noise or construction.

Record the trace
By checking a cell, the user can have their track recorded.

Hide all records from the public
By checking the cell, the user hides all observations from the public. The observer an protocol administrators will always see them.

No species were seen
Allows the user to indicate if despite visiting the site and following the guidelines, there were no records.


Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Waterbird census protocol:

  • YES: Free area tool is active.
  • NO: Free area tool is inactive.

When active, it allows both users and administrators to see polygons that have not yet been assigned to an observer. Users can ask to be assigned to a site.

Waterbird census protocol. Free area tool.

1. Details

2023-03-27 Free area tool details.png

BACK: Go back to previous screen.
EDIT: Modify details. See subsection Edit below.

2. Edit

Waterbird census protocol. Editing free area tool.

Change status if necessary and click:

  • BACK to go to previous screen without saving changes, or
  • MODIFY to save changes.

Check data


Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Waterbird census protocol. Filtering results.

1. Filter dates

Select the starting and ending date using the expandable calendar on the right.

2. Temporal aggregation

Select aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are:

Day: Shows results per day. This is the default option.
Pentad: Shows results in groups of five days.
Week: Shows results per week.
Decade: Shows results in groups of ten years.
Month: Shows results per month.
Year: Shows results per year.

3. Spatial aggregation

Select aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are:

Country: Results are grouped per country.

4. Visualisation
SHOW: See results on screen, or
EXPORT: Download results on an excel file.


Statistics about the Waterbird census protocol.

Waterbird census protocol. Map.

1. Apply filters

Select from the expandable menus the area you would like to see data from.

1a. Select an area or all the territory covered by the local portal ('country').
1b. Select a study site.
1c. Select a study site.

2. Statistics for the displayed region

3. Map

Search the area included in the study