Search observations

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Records are grouped in five different ways (see image below). Anyone of these groups can be displayed on your home screen or can be searched for through the menu. The table below shows differences between the groups. You can select which group to show on your home screen by going to Menu > Preferences > Personalisation > Starting the application. By default, you will see your own unsynchronised records.

Sets of observations to be displayed.

In the phone On the web Edit/Delete function My observations Others' observations Area displayed1
In the phone YES NO YES2 YES3 NO No limit
Mine NO YES YES4 YES5 NO No limit
Under verification NO YES YES4 YES5 NO No limit
Around me (near) NO YES YES YES4, 6 YES 4 km
Around me (rare) NO YES YES YES4, 6 YES 120 km

1 Area considered around your current position.
2 Only in the application.
3 Only if not synchronised.
4 Only on the web, if a local portal exists.
5 Only if synchronised.
6 Only yours.

On starting the application

Whenever you start the application, some records will show automatically on the main screen. By default, it will be the records “on the phone” (that is, your own unsynchronised records). To change which records you see at starting, go to Menu > Preferences > Personalisation > Starting the application and choose any of the five different options (consult table to see differences).

Through the menu

Go to Menu on the top left corner to see different records (see image).


In the phone

    Synchronising your data frequently keeps it safely stored in the system. If your device crash, you may permanently lose your data. When synchronised, it is always possible to recover it even if it is temporarily unavailable.

These are all your sightings recorded with NaturaList in the device you are currently using and pending synchronization. All the taxonomic groups you entered are shown without limit of time or location.

Browsing In the phone.

See wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols for correspondence of colours and symbols within the application.


Records already synchronised for the current user and therefore submitted to the local portal and safely stored in the portal or/and

Browsing Mine.

See wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols for correspondence of colours and symbols within the application.

Under verification

It is a list of all your records needing verification. A record needing verification is not a wrong record but an exceptional one, and therefore more information is required. If a local portal exists for the area your observations take place, automatic and manual filters will be applied to decide which records need to be verified. However, if your observations take place in an area not covered by any local portal, your records will not be verified.

Browsing Under verification.

See wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols for correspondence of colours and symbols within the application.

Around me (near)

Shows all public observations from all users of the device occurring during the last 15 days in a radius of 4km approximately (depending on where you are on the globe) from your last GPS position recorded.

Browsing Around me (near).

See wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols for correspondence of colours and symbols within the application.

Around me (rare)

This will show you rare public observations occurring during the last 5 days in a radius of 120 km approximately (depending on where you are on the globe) around your last GPS recorded position (see image).

See wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols for correspondence of colours and symbols within the application.