MF (Admin)
23 MF
(Monitoring of breeding birds in wetlands)
23.1 Preparation and data
23.2 Sites
23.3 User/Site
23.4 Settings
23.5 Import a shapefile
23.6 Check Data
23.7 Report
23.8 Map
MF Preparation and data
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Monitoring of breeding birds in wetlands. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Monitoring of breeding birds in wetlands > Preparation and data for more information.
[Top to Preparation and data]
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MF Sites
1. Directly by Transmit my sightings map
through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Breeding birds in wetlands > Sites> +NEW button
2. Select new site as if Submitting records
3. Choose Create a protocoled census -Breeding birds in wetlands
4. Name the new site
5. Draw a polygon or import shapefile
List of all existing sites allowing a MF (Breeding birds in wetlands) census.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Sites for more information.
[Top to Sites]
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MF User/Site
From the menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > User/Site for more information.
[Top to User/Site]
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MF Settings
Set protocol parameters.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Settings for details.
Parameters describing the protocol
There are no special parameters describing the protocol available for protocol Breeding birds in wetlands.
[Top to Settings]
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MF Import a shapefile
Import a shapefile with the study site and/or see all imports.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Settings > Import a shapefile.
[Top to Import a shapefile]
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MF Check data
Visualise a summary of survey data.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Check data for more information.
[Top to Check data]
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MF Report
Visualise pooled results from surveys.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Report for more information.
[Top to Report]
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MF Map
Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Map for more information.
[Top to Map]
[Top to Monitoring of breeding birds in wetlands]
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