MHB & BDM (Admin)
22 MHB & BDM
(Monitoring of common breeding birds
Monitoring of biodiversity in Switzerland)
22.1 Preparation and data
22.2 Sites
22.3 User/Site
22.4 Settings
22.5 Import a shapefile
22.6 Check Data
22.7 Report
22.8 Map
MHB_BDM Preparation and data
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to MHB & BDM protocols. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > MHB & BDM (Monitoring of common breeding birds & Monitoring of biodiversity in Switzerland)> Preparation and data for more information.
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1. Directly by Transmit my sightings map
through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > MHB & BDM (Monitoring of common breeding birds & Monitoring of biodiversity in Switzerland)> Sites> +NEW button
2. Select new site as if Submitting records
3. Choose Create a protocoled census -MHB & BDM (Monitoring of common breeding birds
Monitoring of biodiversity in Switzerland)
4. Name the new site
5. Draw a polygon or import shapefile
List of all existing sites allowing MHB & BDM protocols.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Sites for more information.
[Top to Sites]
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MHB_BDM User/Site
From the menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > User/Site for more information.
[Top to User/Site]
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MHB_BDM Settings
Set protocol parameters.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Settings for details.
Parameters describing the protocol
There are no special parameters describing the protocol available for MHB & BDM protocols (Monitoring of common breeding birds and monitoring of biodiversity in Switzerland).
[Top to Settings]
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MHB_BDM Import a shapefile
Import a shapefile with the study site and/or see all imports.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Settings > Import a shapefile.
[Top to Import a shapefile]
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MHB_BDM Check data
Visualise a summary of survey data.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Check data for more information.
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MHB_BDM Report
Visualise pooled results from surveys.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Report for more information.
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Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.
Visit wiki section Administration > Protocol management > Map for more information.
[Top to Map]
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