Waterbird census (NL)

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Open the menu as for Submitting records and choose Waterbird census (see image below).

WBC Menu.png

Waterbird census protocol.

Choose the site you want to count at as explained in wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data.

WATERBIRD Start of list

Enter general information before starting the protocol (see image). Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Fields available may differ from one country to another. Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Add observations > Starting the protocol for a list of all possible fields.

Start of list.png

Waterbird census. Start of list.


You may enter a comment if you find it appropriate.

Important changes

Indicate if there have been major changes since your last visit.

Additional observer

Indicate if you are accompanied by someone whose observations are also recorded.


Indicate the percentatge of water surface that is frozen.

Snow coverage

Indicate the proportion of snow cover.

Count type

Tick roost count if you are counting roosting birds, or during day otherwise.

Count method

Indicate if you are surveying from the ground, the air, the water, a different way, or if it is unknown.

Optical equipment

Indicate which equipment you are using for the survey, if any. Note you can only choose one option.


Indicate how much of the designated polygon is covered in the survey.

Water level

Indicate the water level.


Indicate the approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species.


Indicate how are the waves.

Conditions in general

Choose how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying conditions are not good.

Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions

If general conditions indicated above are noot good, click the yellow field to open an expandable menu and choose the reason (see image below). Only one option is possible: choose the one that better adjusts to reality.

Possible reasons for bad surveying conditions.

Count payed

Indicate if the count is payed for or not.

Number of persons on shore

Enter number.

Number of rowing boats

Enter number.

Number of motor boats

Enter number

Number of sailing boats

Enter number

Number of canoes/kayaks

Enter number.

Number of fishing boats

Enter number.

Number of sports divers

Enter number.

Number of surfers

Enter number.

Additional observers

Indicate the name of other observers participating in the data collection.

Important changes since last count?

Indicate if there has been any major change since your previous count, for example, some disturbance like noise or construction.

Record the trace

Check if you want NaturaList to record your track.
Visit wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Start of list for more information.

Hide all records from the public

Check if you want to keep your records privately.

No species were seen

Check if your survey did not provide any data. Surveys with no species are also important results!

Click Next when done.

WATERBIRD Entering records

Enter observations as if with a detailed list.


Place your observation within the study area.

See wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Entering observations > Place on how to interpret the map and place your observation.


Enter species 'by search' or using protocol shortcuts when available.

See wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Entering observations > Species on how to enter the species name.

See wiki section Mobile interface > Shortcuts to learn more about shortcuts and how to create them.

Number of individuals

Enter number of individuals and precision count. Using the counter function may easy collecting your data.

Visit Mobile interface > Entering records > Directly in the field > Number of individuals if necessary.


Enter additional information as if it where a with a detailed list.

See wiki section Mobile interface > Submitting records > With a detailed list > Step 4: Additional information on how to do it, if necessary.

When done, click Save. It will take you to the Place screen to continue entering observations.

WATERBIRD Ending the list

To finish the survey,

1. Stop recording,
2. Adjust time, if necessary,
3. Fill in/modify details, and
4. Choose type of list.

Which species list did you count?:
Restricted list: You counted only the species of interest to the protocol (i.e. ducks).
Extended list: You counted other water-related species besides those required by the protocol (i.e. ducks, herons and kingfishers).
All species where reported (=complete list): You counted all species seen within the polygon (i.e. ducks, herons, kingfishers and passerines).

Visit wiki section Mobile interface > Enter data > Ending the list for details, if necessary.

Remember to synchronise your data as soon as possible after entering to avoid loosing it.

WATERBIRD Editing records and/or protocols

To edit records within a protocol, or to edit the protocol's general parameters, visit wiki section Mobile interface > Editing records > Editing protocols.

WATERBIRD Deleting records and/or protocols

To delete records within a protocol, or to delete the whole protocol, visit wiki section Mobile interface > Editing records > Deleting protocols.

WATERBIRD Browsing records

See your protocoled records:

  • Before synchronisation
In the phone. See more details in wiki section Accessing records' details.

  • After synchronisation
In Mine. See more details in wiki section Accesssing records' details.
In Under verification (only if any data of the protocol needs more information)
In the local portal. Go to the corresponding local portal, Menu > Explore > All my observations.

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