Submitting records

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In order to enter observations, first you need an account (see wiki section Web interface > Getting started > Registration). Once logged in (see wiki section Web interface > Getting strated > Logging in) click on Submit (see image Send records from homepage) or access through the left hand menu under Information > Transmit my sighting (see image Send records from left column). The process will follow three stages: approximate choice of a site, precise location and enter an observation.

Sending observations 1.png

Send records from homepage

Sending observations 2.png

Send records from left column

Step 1/3: Approximate choice of a site

    Good to know:
    We recommend to select a place By clicking on the map. All other options remains for your convenience.

There are different ways to locate your observation (see image Step 1/3: Approximate choice of a site).

Step 1 3 general.png

Step 1/3: Approximate choice of a site.

By typing text

Search for a place by typing its name. A panel will open with all the possibilities to choose from (see image Step 2/3: Precise site choice).

To know more about these options, go to wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 2/3: Precise site choice.

By geographic coordinates

Coordinates should follow the WGS 84 datum, either in degrees, minutes and second (example 2°17'23.36 E 42°28'13.82'N) or in decimal degrees (exemple E002.28982° N42.47051°). The system will automatically detect if you are using degrees, minutes and seconds or decimal degrees. Use negative coordinates for Western longitudes. You will be taken to wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting with the format as if you added a precise sighting (see wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 2/3: Precise site choice > Add a precise sighting). On next section, your location will be marked on a map and listed under the closest pre-determined site (see image Add a precise site on the map, the yellow line indicates under which re-determined location your sighting is listed)), but your coordinates will only be visible to you and to administrators.

By choosing a municipality

It is also possible to enter a municipality. Type the beginning of the municipality name and select from the panel. If clicking Display, you will go to a form asking for a more precise location (see wiki section Web inerface > Submitting records > Step 2/3: Precise site choice). If choosing Zoom on the municipality you can select from the map below a more precise location (see By clicking on the map below).

Choosing from

Choose from the proposed sites based on your previous records. You can see up to 5 of the most visited sites during the last 6 months. Click on any of these sites to access an expandable menu as in image Choose location by clicking on the map. In Choosing from you have the option to Attach to map. This will display in the map below the area you are looking for, and it is especially useful to approach a site you know is nearby.

By clicking on the map


    • Zoom in
    • Select a location (dot)
    • Select an option:
    Add sighting to this locality: Observations are associated to this location.
    Add a precise sighting: Enter exact position of the observation.
    Fill a daily form for this locality: Start a list at this location.
    (Fill a protocol or project for this location: only for observers with corresponding rights.)

One can also select from the map below. Locations are represented with a dot, visible when you zoom in enough. See wiki section Web interface > Navigating the map to know more about the map, and wiki section Various > Symbols cheatsheet to know what different dots mean. You can centre on your last location by clicking on go to my last sighting at the top left corner; or centre at your location by going to go towards home (see image Choose location by clicking on the map encircled). You can change your location at My account > Personal data > Address (see wiki section Web interface > My account > Personal data > Non-mandatory fields > Address).

    See how to navigate the map: Web interface > Navigating the map
    See meaning of different dots: Various > Symbols cheatsheet
    Change your location at: Web interface > My account > Personal data > Non-mandatory fields > Address

Click on the desired dot to see options for this location (see image Choose location by clicking on the map, and wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 2/3: Precise site choice). By clicking at any other point of the map, you can only add a precise sighting (see wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 2/3: Precise site choice > Add a precise sighting, and image Add a precise sighting without dot as an example).

Choosing by clickig on the map complete.png

Choose location by clicking on the map.

1 Options available for this location (concerned dot on the map becomes grey).
2 Use the cross to close.

Note users with special rights or those taking part in projects and/or protocols, will be given additional options when clicking on a dot or on any point on the map (click to see image as an example). Visit projects and Protocols to know more, and Administration to know more about users with special rights.

Add sightings to this locality

This option takes you to next step Transmit my sightings. Observations submitted do not show their exact position but get all associated to the selected location.

Add a precise sighting

A red marker appears on the map to represent the position of your observation. Move the marker to the exact position of the individual. The yellow line indicates the location to which your observation will be linked. In some portals, registered users will see the exact position of your observation, but otherwise only you and administrators will have access to it, and registered users will see your observation associated to the indicated location.
Fill in the fields below as in Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting and click Save when done. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory.

Capture 2023-01-25 at 1.06.15.png

Red marker for precise data

Fill a daily form for this locality

Allows you to enter a list associated to this location. Click on the option to start the list. See wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting > If accessed from a list (fill a daily form)

Step 2/3: Precise site choice

If accessed from By choosing a municipality > Display it returns a list with all possible sites for this municipality, and all options for each of them (see image Step 2/3: Precise site choice).

Please select your prefered option for the site your observation took place.

Step 2 3 by typing a municipality.png

Step 2/3: Precise site choice.

Add sightings on this locality

It will take you to wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting > If accessed from add sightings on location or Add precise location , image Step 3/3: Transmit my sightings. General.

Add a precise sighting

It still takes you to wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting but adds a section at the top in which to click the position of the individual (see image Add a precise site on the map. Note how your observation gets associated to a new precise location –yellow line on the map). The system associates this record automatically with the closest location and will show the observation linked to that site. If you want to change to which point it gets associated to, hold CTRL and click on the new predetermined site. Depending the portal, exact coordinates will only be visible for you and for the administrators. Adding a precise sighting is especially useful when you know the exact point of the observation but cannot work out to which predetermined location it belongs to; or for studies that require exact positions, for example when mapping nests or territories. The predetermined altitude for the new location is shown on the field at the top left corner. Change altitude of observation if necessary. Expand/Collapse the map using the arrow at the bottom.

Add a precise sighting complete (3).png

Add a precise site on the map.

    Both Add Sightings to this location and Add a precise sighting are most useful for partial lists and occasional recordings of some species. To make lists with more scientific value, see next subsection Fill a daily form for this locality.

Fill a daily form for this locality

It will take you to Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting > If accessed from a list (fill a daily form) .
This is the preferred option to record lists of observations. It requires more detailed information than if using add sightings on this location or add a precise sighting, but while it takes longer to submit, it also has more scientific value. You will be asked to enter date and time in addition of number of individuals for each specie you saw and other details you may want to add.

Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting

Here is where you can properly start entering your observations. The required information will depend on whether you chose to add sightings to the locality, add a precise sighting or record a daily list.




If accessed from add sightings on this locality or add precise location

The first part of the form is mandatory information (number 1, image below), while the second (number 2, image below) you can skip it. On the right hand column you can see your last 30 records under the predetermined site they are associated (number 3, image below), and have the option to delete or modify any of them (see wiki section Web interface > Editing records).

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Step 3/3: Transmit my sightings. General.

1. Mandatory fields

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Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. General.

Transmitting sightings mandatory fileds.png

Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. General.

Date and time

Type or select from the expandable calendar. By default you will be shown the current date. Add the time (optional) at the bottom of the panel when clicking on the calendar icon. For quick access there are few options on the right side (see image Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Date and Taxa).

Transmit my sightings, add a sighting, mandatory, date.png

Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Date and Taxa.


Reconfirm the approximate site selected previously and change altitude if necessary (for example when the slope is pronounced and two observations were seen on the same coordinate but at different altitudes). The altitude given by default is that of the predetermined site. At the bottom of the subsection there is the option to change the location; you will be taken back to wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 1/3: Approximate choice of a site.


Orange and yellow bar, taxa.png

Taxonomic groups.

There is a horizontal bar with different taxa silhouetted (see image Transmit sightings, mandatory fields. Taxa). Use the arrows on right and left to visualise all options. If necessary place the mouse over a silhouette to get the name of the taxa it represents. Click on the taxa your observation belongs to in order to access the list of species for this taxa (see Species below).

An orange bar on top of the silhouette indicates only specialist can see and introduce records on this taxa.
A yellow bar on top of the silhouette indicates everybody can see records of this taxa, but only specialists can submit them.


Start typing the name of the species in the selected language (see wiki section Web interface > Getting started > My account > Website customisation > Recording language), and choose from the expandable menu on the right (see image Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Species). The most likely record is highlighted in grey. The species are listed alphabetically or systematically, depending on your preferences. To change the order, go to wiki section Web interface > My account > Website customisation > Global parameters > Species order. Move through the species with the keyboard arrows, moving the right hand bar with your mouse or roll the mouse wheel.

Transmit my sightings, add a sighting, mandatory, species (1).png

Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Species.

    Get the name quickly typing only few letters. For example, if you search for common crane, enter "co cr" and it will be one of the species the system proposes to you; if you enter "c k " you will be proposed both Common Kestrel and Common Kingfisher. Note these abreviations are available in all supported languages in local portals, including German names of a single word -for example, type "s e" to find Samtente.

Number of individuals

Choose count precision on the left hand field and enter number (see image Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Count). Options are exact number, approximate number, a minimum number or not counted (if not counted, leave the right hand field blank). Not counting number of individuals is often used for those species occurring very commonly. Note that an estimate or minimium if you can provide it even roughly, is allways better than a non counted.

Transmitting my sightings, mandatory. Count.png

Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Count.

Ending the observation entry

If you do not want to add any additional non-mandatory information, scroll to the end of the page and press Save (see image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory. Comments). You will be taken to image Transmitting sightings, mandatory fields. Count and your record will automatically appear in the list on the right hand column. Repeat the process if you wish to add any more records.

2. Additional information

The following information is not mandatory, but interesting if known.

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Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. General

Sex and age of individuals

Type the number of individuals per each sex, age and circumstances of recording. Options are shown on expandable menus per section. You can break the record per age, sex, or circumstances subgroup by clicking on add some more individuals (see example in image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Age and sex). Use the plus sign (+) next to the record to delete it. As you enter categories, a code is forming at the bottom right corner of subsection. Passing the mouse on top, you can read the correspondence. If you know it, you can type the code directly in the field "selection masque" where the resume of detail number of individuals  is shown.
Note the field Cicumstances is country-specific and may not be present in your local portal.

Transmitting observations non mandatory.png

Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Age and sex.

Other data/Information

Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory. Other information..png

Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Other information.

Hidden data (number 1 on image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Other information above)

Tick the field if you do not want the record to appear publicly on the web site, neither for registered nor anonymous users. This will hide the record and all details associated to it, including pictures and sounds you may have attached. You and the administrators will still have access to the data. This option is useful to protect certain species or nesting sites. Note that some of the species and sites are automatically hidden at least part of the year. Go to wiki section Web interface > Species partially hidden to see which species will be automatically hidden and for which part of the year. If you still consider any of the other species or sites sensitive and want to protect them, tick the option.

Second hand data

Tick the field when you are not the author of the observation. This may occur if someone comments an observation to you, or if you are browsing old records. Always seek permission from the author to publish the observation, even if shown as anonymous.

Atlas code (number 2 on image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Other information above)

Go to wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols or image Atlas codes to see correspondence. For some species, an atlas code is required at times. If not entered in that section, a new window prompting you to choose the code will appear after saving the record (see image Compulsory atlas code). You can click on the corresponding code, click on Previous to go back to image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Other information to enter the code, or Ignore and continue to next observation (see image Compulsory atlas code).

Mandatory atlas code.png

Compulsory atlas code.


Tick if the animal observed is dead or wounded. The mortality module will open before the record is saved. Please provide the details.


This section is country-specific and is not present in all portals. If existing, record the behaviour of the individual/s if known.

Project code

If asked, associate an existing project to the record or leave blank if the observation is not part of a project.

Picture (number 3 on image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Other information above)

Using the buttons at the end of the subsection, you can attach an image or a sound to the record. There is no size limit to the picture you can upload but it must be taken on the date the observation occurs. Sound files are limited to a maximum size of 16 MB. To attach more than one file, click again on the attach button. Pictures and sounds can also be added at a later stage (see wiki section Web interface > Editing records). Attach only those pictures or sound recordings you have taken yourself. To make the file private (only you can see it), tick the box on the right (see image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory fields. Other information, number 4). This will hide the picture or sound file, but not the observation or other details associated to it.


Finally, you can leave a comment. It may be public or private. By default, the system will make it public (tab comment). To make it private, go to the hidden comment tab –it is marked by a yellow key on its left (see image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory. Comments). Only you can see a hidden comment.

Transmitting sightings, non mandatory. comments.png

Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory. Comments.

Ending the observation entry

When done with the record, click Save at the end of the page (see image Transmitting sightings, non-mandatory. Comments, and image Starting a list). The new observation will appear at the top of the right column and you will be able to continue entering observations for this site and date. If you need to change the site, go to Change site on the mandatory Site section and you will be taken to wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 1/3: Approximate choice of a site. This may happen when covering a relatively wide area on the same day.

Note if you marked any individual observed as death or injured, the mortality module will open before the record is saved. Please fill in the form with the requested details.

If accessed from a list (fill a daily form)

If you want to enter several observations that took place the same day at the same place and during a short interval of time, consider entering your data as a list. To do so, select location as in Step 1/3: Approximate choice of a site and in Step 2/3: Precise site choice and select Fill a daily form for this locality. Location will be pre-selected in next step.

List enter date and time.png

Starting a list.

Date and time section

Indicate date and time, and the project your observation belongs to if asked. You may leave a comment if necessary. Tick the Hide all records from the public to hide your list to other users. Note administrators will still see your records.


Site is pre-selected from previous step and can be changed later if necessary.

Date and time

Enter date and time as accurately as possible.


If asked, choose from an expandable menu if observations you are submitting are part of a bigger study. Leave blank if your list is not part of an established project.

Comments and public records

Optionally, add any comment and decide if records will be public. If the option is ticked, records will not be displayed on the website but will still be seen by administrators and used for data analyses (see image Starting a list).

Continue to next step

Move to next section by choosing between

Continue with a complete daily form (all species seen are reported) or
Blank daily form (no species were seen).

Or click NEXT.

All options take you to the following section: List section (see image Starting a list).

List section

At the top it shows the site, date and time you selected. Click Change site, for site, or Previous, for date and time, if you need to make any changes.
To enter records choose a species from the list or start typing the name on the left field and choose from the expandable list (see image Creating a list. Select species). To move through the list use the arrows on your keyboard, the wheel on the mouse, or move the line on the right with your mouse. To change the order in which you see the species, and the language of the species, see section Web interface > My account > Website customisation > Global parameters > Species order or Recording language, respectively. To see colour correspondence, see Various > Symbols cheatsheet.

When done, add that species to the list (see image Transmitting sightings, list. Entering species). The new species will show on top of the species selection fields (see image Transmitting sightings, list. Entering count).

Trasnsmitting sightings, list. Enter species.png

Transmitting sightings, list. Entering species.

After entering the species name, enter the number of individuals and count precision in the field right from the species name (see image Trasmitting sightings, list. Entering count). Options are approximate number (~), minimum number (≥) or not counted (x). If you enter an exact count, do not choose count precision. If you did not count individuals, do not enter any number. Finally enter an atlas code, if required. To see correspondence of codes, go to Web interface > Codes and symbols. If unknown, you can choose “none” on the atlas code field. When the record is correctly entered, the name appears in yellow. You can enter additional information to the record now, or any time later, by clicking on the plus (+) sign next to the species name (see image Transmitting sightings, list. Entering count).

Transmitting sightings, list. Enter count..png

Transmitting sightings, list. Entering count.

Enter a new species and repeat the process.

Additional information

By clicking on the plus sign (+) at the left of the species name (see image Transmitting sightings, list. Entering count), the section for additional information will expand.

Additional information in a list.png

Entering additional information in a list.

Detail tab: allows entering more details.
1. Comment: enter a comment under Comment if public, or under Hidden comment if it is private.
2. Time: enter an exact time if necessary, by choosing time and minutes from the expandable menus.
3. Number/Sex/Age/Circumstances: indicate the age, sex or behaviour of any individuals if known. Enter the number of individuals the following information applies to and choose parameters from the expandable menus. Delete an entry by clicking the cross on the left (number 5 in image above) and click on add some more individuals to create another subgroup (number 6 in image above).
4. Other data/informations: check the corresponding cell if you want to hide your observation from other users (number 7 in image above), or if the individual/s is/are wounded or dead (number 8 in image above). Note even if your observation is hidden, administrators will still see it. Checking the dead or wounded cell will open the mortality module at the end of the list before your records are saved. Finally, enter the atlas code if necessary by selecting from the expandable menu (number 9 in image above).

10. Map tab: modify the position of yor observation if necessary. To know how to navigate the map, see wiki section Web interface > Navigating the map.

11. Duplicate the species: creates a new entry for the same species. May be useful when teh additional information or the exact position on the map do not apply for all individiuals of the same species seen while recording the list.

Ending the list entry

When all species are entered, indicate at the bottom of the page if it is a complete or a partial list.

1. Complete list: click on I recorded all species if you identified and recorded all species seen or heard.
2. Partial list: click on I recorded only a selection of the species if not all species seen or heard were identified or recorded.

If you marked any of the observations as dead or injured, the mortality module will open before saving the list. Please provide details for the relevant individuals.

Note: images and examples are drawn from the French portal Faune-France. The design and position of some tools may vary slightly from portal to portal. To see a list of portals go to wiki section Local portals and partners.