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Para acceder a la gestión de un protocolo necesitas tener '''[[User_administration#Admin_users|Derechos de gestión de protocolos]]'''. Sólo los administradores de la página local puede darte acceso bajo ciertas condiciones.<br/>
Para acceder a la gestión de un protocolo necesitas tener '''[[User_administration#Admin_users|Permisos de gestión de protocolos]]'''. Sólo los administradores de la página local puede darte acceso bajo ciertas condiciones.<br/>

Hay dos formas de acceder a la gestión de protocolos: <br/>
Hay dos formas de acceder a la gestión de protocolos: <br/>
* Desde el Manú principal > Administración <br/>
* Desde el Menú principal > Administración <br/>

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*Desde el Menú principal> Participar > Todos mis protocolos <br/>
*Desde el Menú principal > Participar > Todos mis protocolos <br/>

Ves al Menú principal > Participar > Todos mis protocolos. Se mostrarán todos los protocolos a los que tienes acceso, sea como administrador o usuario sin derechos especiales. Los usuarios sin derechos especiales también pueden acceder de esta manera pero no verán todas las acciones disponibles para ese protocolo.<br/>
Ves al Menú principal > Participar > Todos mis protocolos. Se mostrarán todos los protocolos a los que tienes acceso, sea como administrador o usuario sin permisos especiales. Los usuarios sin permisos especiales también pueden acceder de esta manera pero no verán todas las acciones disponibles para ese protocolo.<br/>

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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;border-bottom:0px solid white;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<p style="font-size:10px">
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;">
&nbsp; '''Contenidos'''
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">1 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]]</p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">2 [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">3 [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]</p>
1 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data|Acceder a protocolos]]
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">3.1 [[Protocol_management#Access_to_sites|Access to sites]]</p>
2 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data|Preparación y datos]] <br />              
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">3.2 [[Protocol_management#Administration_users_rights|Administration users rights]]</p>
3 [[Protocol_management#Sites|Localidades]]<br />
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">4 [[Protocol_management#Settings|Settings]]</p>
4 [[Protocol_management#User/Site|Usuario/Localidad]]<br />
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">4.1 [[Protocol_management#Species_list|Species list]]</p>
<ol>4.1 [[Protocol_management#Access_to_sites|Acceso a localidades]] <br/>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">4.2 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_describing_the_protocol|Parameters describing the protocol]]</p>
    4.2 [[Protocol_management#Administration_users_rights|Gestión de derechos de acceso]] <br/> </ol></ol>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">4.3 [[Protocol_management#Parameters|Parameters]]</p>
<ol> 5 [[Protocol_management#Settings|Configuración]] <br />
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">4.4 [[Protocol_management#Shortcuts_group|Shortcuts group]]</p>
<ol> 5.1 [[Protocol_management#Species_list|Lista de especies]]<br />
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">4.5 [[Protocol_management#Shortcuts|Shortcuts]]</p>
    5.2 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_describing_the_protocol|Parámetros para describir el protocolo]]<br />
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">5 [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]]</p>
    5.3 [[Protocol_management#Parameters|Parámetros]]<br />
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">6 [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]]</p>
    5.4 [[Protocol_management#Shortcuts_group|Grupo de atajos]]<br/>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">7 [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]]</p>
    5.5 [[Protocol_management#Shortcuts|Atajos]]<br/> </ol></ol>
<ol>6 [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Comprobar las observaciones]]<br /> 
7 [[Protocol_management#Report|Informe]]<br /> 
8 [[Protocol_management#Map|Mapa]]   </ol>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;border-top: 0px solid white;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;">
&nbsp; '''Protocolos'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
9 [[Waterbird_census_(Admin)|Censo de aves acuáticas]]<br/>
10 [[Private_territory_mapping_(Admin)|Mapeo de territorios]]<br/>
11 [[Point_count_(Admin)|Punto de censo]]<br/>
12 [[Woodpeckers_(Admin)|Protocolo para pícidos]]<br/>
13 [[Rock_Ptarmigans_protocol_(Admin)|Protocolo de lagópodo alpino]]<br/>
14 [[Black_Grouse_protocol_(Admin)|Protocolo de gallo lira]]<br/>
15 [[Woodcock_monitoring_(Admin)|Muestreo de becada]]
16 [[SOCC_(Admin)|SOCC]]
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8 [[Protocol_management#Waterbird_census|Waterbird census]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9 [[Protocol_management#Private_territory_mapping|Private territory mapping]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10 [[Protocol_management#Point_count|Point count]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11 [[Protocol_management#Woodpeckers|Woodpeckers]]</p>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=Acceder a protocolos=

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Accede a los protocolos a través del [[Media:Protocol panel.png|panel de protocolos]] o como si [[Media:Enter_data_as_if_subitting_records.png|Introdujeras observaciones]]. Visita la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > [[Protocols_web#Accessing_protocols|Acceder a protocolos]] para más información. <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Los administradores y los usuarios con los permisos necesarios pueden tener formas adicionales de acceder a algunas de las funciones de los protocolos: <br/>
==Preparation and data==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Modify_protocol"></span>
[[File:Protocols. Preparation and data..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Preparation and data.]]<br/>
====Cambiar el protocolo====  
Modifica el protocolo desde <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* '''Introducir observaciones''', como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > [[Protocols_web#Modify protocol|Cambiar el protocolo]].<br/>
Identical section to the one  of Waterbird Census Protocol, we took as an example, available to registered users with rights. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > 'Protocol name' > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
* '''Panel de protocolos > Preparación y datos''', como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > [[Protocols_web#Modify protocol|Cambiar el protocolo]].<br/>
* '''Panel de protocolos > Localidades'''. Sólo está disponible para administradores. Consulta la sección wiki Administración > Gestión de protocolos > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Localidades]] > Editar para más información. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Create_protocol"></span>
====Creación de protocolo====
Crear un nuevo protocolo desde <br/>
* '''Introducir observaciones''', como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > [[Protocols_web#Create protocol|Crear un protocolo]].<br/>
* '''Panel de protocolos > Localidades'''. Sólo está disponible para los administradores. Consulta la sección wiki Administración > Gestión de protocolos > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Localidades]] > +NUEVO para conocer cómo hacerlo. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
'''Acceso al panel de protocolos:''' <br/>
- A través del Menú > Participar > [[Media:Accessing protocols on the web (1).png|Todos mis protocolos]]. <br/>
1. Directly by <b>Transmit my sightings</b> map <br/>or <br/>trought Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > 'Protocol name' > [[Media:Admin WBC Sites.png|Sites]]> +NEW button <br />
- A través del Menú > Administración > Gestión de protocolos > [[Media:Protocol administration.png|Gestión de protocolos]]. <br/>
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Name of the protocol''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. Draw geometry (polygon, dot, transect) or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Enviar observaciones:''' <br/>
[[File:Protocols. Sites..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Sites.]]<br/>
- A través del [[Media:Protocol panel.png|Panel de protocolos]] > Preparación y datos > [[Media:2023-05-09 WBC Add observations.png|Añadir las  observaciones]].<br/>
- A través de [[Media:Add_data_to_protocol_scheme.png|Introducir observaciones]]. Ver la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > [[Protocols_web#|Enviar observaciones]] para más detalles. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Modificar el protocolo''' <br/>
List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry (here as an example the Waterbird census). Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
- A través del [[Media:Protocol panel.png|Panel de protocolos]] > Preparación y datos > [[Media:2023-05-09 WBC Modify the protocol.png|Cambiar el protocolo]], o [[Media:Protocol panel.png|Panel de protocolos]] > [[Media:Protocols. Sites..png|Localidades]] > Editar. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Creación de protocolos:''' <br/>
[[File:WBC list of sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Existing sites.]]
- A través del Panel de protocolos > [[Media:Protocols. Sites..png|Localidades]] > +NUEVO. <br/>
- A través de [[Media:Create a new protocoled census.png|Enviar observaciones]]. Consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > [[Protocols_web#Create protocol|Creación de protocolos]] para más información.<br/><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<p style="margin-left:200px">
'''Reference name:''' Official name given to the study site. This is given by an administrator or user with special rights.<br/>
<br />
'''Custom name:''' A different name under which the same place may be also known, or a name easier for the user. This can be set by the user allowed for that site himself.<br/>
'''Reference locality:''' Name of the location all observations from the protocol will be associated to. <br/>
'''Municipality:''' Municipality the locality belongs to.<br/>
'''Altitude:''' Altitude associated to the locality.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a site, Locality, Municipality , or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When a filter is applied and you want to desactivate it, click on
[[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']]. <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==Preparación y datos==
:'''2. Search''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
Click to see details of selected site.<br/>
[[File:Protocols. Preparation and data..png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Preparación y datos.'''  
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Click to edit details of selected site.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Sección idéntica a Censo de aves acuáticas que tomamos como ejemplo, disponible para usuarios registrados con derechos especiales. Permite imprimir mapas e introducir observaciones. Consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > 'Nombre del protocolo' > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data|Preparación y datos]] para más información. <br/>
:'''5. New site''' <br/>
Create a new site. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::1. Click '''+ NEW''' under the list. Select the site as if entering an observation (see wiki section Web interface > [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]] if necessary) and choose the new option: '''Create a protocoled census - 'Name of the Protocol'''' (here Waterbird census, see image below). <br/>
[[File:Draw waterbird polygon.png|700px|thumb|center|Creating a new site for Waterbird census protocol]]<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::2. Enter a name for the new site.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Name a new WBC site.png|700px|thumb|center|Naming a new Waterbird census site.]]
<table class="toc" width="700px">
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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<p style="margin-left:220px">
'''Name of reference locality:''' Location under which all observations of the protocol will be associated to. It is created by the administrator when creating a new protocol site and cannot be changed afterwards. <br/>
1. Directamente en el mapa<b>Enviar observaciones</b> <br/>o <br/>a través de Menú > Administración > Gestión de protocolos > 'Nombre del protocolo' > [[Media:Protocols. Sites..png|Localidades]] > +NUEVO <br />
'''Reference name:''' Type a name for the new site. It can be a real name or a code, and consist on letters, numbers or a combination of both.<br/>
2. Selecciona el nuevo lugar como para [[Submitting_records|Enviar observaciones]]<br/>
'''Custom name:''' Type an additional name to the site if known. This name can be changed afterwards by the end user allocated to that site.<br/>
3. Escoge [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Crear un protocolo -Nombre del protocolo''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Nombre del nuevo lugar]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor|Dibujar geometria]] (polígono, punto, transecto) o [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|importa un fichero shape]]<br/>
6. '''GUARDAR'''
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Protocols. Sites..png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Lugares.'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::3. Either: <br/>
::::*Draw polygon as explained in wiki section Web interface > [[Geometry_editor|Geometry editor]] or,<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Lista de todos los lugares que permiten introducir datos (aquí como ejemplo el Censo de aves acuáticas). Usa las flechas bajo los títulos para alternar entre orden ascendiente y descendiente (consulta [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|la imagen como ejemplo]]).<br/>
::::*Import shapefile:<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:WBC list of sites.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Lugares existentes.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Nombre de referencia:''' Nombre oficial asignado al lugar de estudio. El nombre se lo da un administrador o un usuario con derechos especiales. <br/>
[[File:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|700px|thumb|center|Importing a plygon shapefile.]]
'''Nombre personalizado:''' Nombre alternativo bajo el que también se conoce este lugar, o un nombre que sea más fácil para el usuario. Éste puede ser asignado por el usuario que tiene acceso a este sitio. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:200px">
'''Localidad de referencia:''' Nombre de la localidad bajo la que se asociarán todos los datos de este censo. <br/>
'''1.''' Choose datum and <br/>
'''Municipio:''' Municipio al que pertenece la localidad.<br/>
'''2.''' upload the file.<br/>
'''Altitud:''' Altitud asociada a la localidad.<br/>
'''3.''' When done, click '''IMPORT'''.<br/>
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::After a new polygon is created, it is possible to export it as a shapefile to use in the future or modify. Click on the file icon under the '''Polygon''' section (see image below, encircled). If necessary, modify it and '''IMPORT''' as explained above. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Save shapefile of new WBC site.png|700px|thumb|center|Saving the shapefile of a newly created site.]]<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Buscar''' <br/>
:::4. When the new site is ready you have three options: <br/>
Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre del lugar, la Localidad, el Municipio, o parte de ellos, y clica '''BUSCAR'''.
:::: '''SAVE AND STAY''' to save the site and continue making changes, or <br/>
:::: '''SAVE AND ADD A RECORD''' to save and start entering observations or
Si hay algún filtro y quieres desactivarlo, clica en [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''MOSTRAR TODO''']]. <br />
:::: '''DELETE SITE''' if needed. Note: That option is only available as long no data are linked to that site.<br />
:'''2. Buscar''' <br/>
Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. <br/>
:'''3. Detalles''' <br/>
Clica para ver los detalles de los lugares seleccionados. <br/>
:'''4. Editar''' <br/>
Clica para editar los detalles de los lugares seleccionados. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Lugar nuevo''' <br/>
:::The new site is now created and saved (indicated at the top of the page). You have now the option to delete the newly created site if necessary (see image [[Media:Capture 2023-03-14 WBC delete new site.png|Deleting a newly created site]]). Otherwise, go anywhere in the page or start the whole process to create other sites without loosing the new one. <br/>
Crea un nuevo lugar de estudio. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::1. Clica '''+ NUEVO''' bajo la lista. Selecciona el lugar como si introdujeras una observación (consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > [[Submitting_records|Enviar observaciones]] si fuera necesario) y selecciona la opción nueva: '''Crear un censo con protocolo -Nombre del protocol''' (aquí censo de aves acuáticas, ver imagen siguiente). <br/>
[[File:Draw waterbird polygon.png|700px|thumb|center|Crear un lugar de estudio nuevo para el protocolo Censo de aves acuáticas.]]<br/>
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Protocols. User-Site..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. User/Site.]]<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
From the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" menu, select '''User / Site''' to assign users to study sites. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Draw waterbird polygon.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Crear un lugar de estudio nuevo para el protocolo de aves acuáticas.'''  
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Access to sites===

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::2. Escribe el nombre del nuevo lugar.<br/>
List of observers allowed to conduct "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)"  and the site/s they are assigned to. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:Name a new WBC site.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Nombrar el nuevo lugar de estudio para el Censo de aves acuáticas.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Nombre de la localidad de referencia:''' Localidad bajo la que se asociarán todos los datos del protocolo. Lo crea el administrador al crear un nuevo lugar de estudio y no se puede modificar más tarde. <br/>
[[File:WBC Access to sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Access to sites.]]
'''Nombre de referencia:''' Escribe el nombre del nuevo lugar. Puede ser un nombre real o un código, y puede estar formado por letras, números o una combinación de ambos. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px;margin-right:180px">
'''Nombre personalizado:''' Escribe un nombre adicional para el lugar, si se requiere. Éste nombre lo puede cambiar más tarde el usuario asignado a este sitio.<br/>
'''User name:''' Name, email address and local site user number of observer.<br/>
'''Reference name:''' Reference name of the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)"  site (local official one).<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a site, user, or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::3. Escoge entre: <br/>
When a filter is applied and you want to desactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']] to see the full list.<br />
::::*Dibujar un polígono, punto o transecto como se explica en la sección wiki Interfaz web > [[Geometry_editor|Editor de geometría]] o,<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::::*Importar un fichero shape:<br/>
:'''2. Page and items''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page. Count indicate the total of items found for the search.<br/>
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Detail for choosing page, item/page]]
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
See details of observers and their assigned site.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Importar polígono en fichero shape.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''1.''' Escoge el datum y <br/>
[[File:2023-03-17 WBC User-site details.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. User/site Details.]]
'''2.''' carga el fichero.<br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px;margin-right:180px">
'''3.''' Al acabar, clica '''IMPORTAR'''.<br/>
'''User name:''' Observer name, email address and local site user number.<br/>
'''Reference name:''' Name of site the observer has right to survey for the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" . <br/>
'''Custom name:''' Additional name under which the site is also known.<br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go back to main list.<br/>
'''4. EDIT:''' See Edit subsection below.<br/>
'''5. DELETE:''' Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" . <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::Un polígono recién creado se puede exportar como fichero shape para usar en el futuro o se puede modificar. Clica en el icono de fichero bajo la sección de '''Polígono''' (ver la imagen siguiente, en el círculo). Si es necesario, modifícala e '''IMPORTA''' como se explica más arriba. <br/>
:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Modify the user assigned to this site, or the site assigned to this user. <br/>
[[File:Capture 2023-05-25 at 9.10.26.png|center|thumb|700x700px|Protocosl. Editing User/site.]]
<p style="margin-left:180px;margin-right:180px">
'''10.''' Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''11.''' Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''9. MODIFY:''' Save changes. </p><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" . <br/>
[[File:Save shapefile of new WBC site.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Guardando el fichero shape de un lugar acabado de crear.'''  
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''6. EXPORT''' <br/>
Export list as a .txt file. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::4. Cuando el nuevo lugar está creado, hay tres opciones: <br/>
:'''7. + NEW''' <br/>
:::: '''AÑADIR Y QUEDARSE EN ESTA PÁGINA''' para guardar el lugar y continuar haciendo cambios, o <br/>
Grant rights to observer to conduct "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" census on designated sites.<br/>
:::: '''AÑADIR Y GUARDAR EL TRANSECTO''' para guardar y comenzar a introducir observaciones o <br/>
::::' '''ELIMINAR LOCALIDAD''' si es necesario. Nota: esta opción solo está disponible si no hay observaciones asociadas a este sitio.<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::El lugar nuevo ya está creado y guardado (se indica en la parte superior de la página). Ahora se te da la opción de eliminarlo si fuera necesario  (ver la imagen [[Media:Capture 2023-03-14 WBC delete new site.png|Eliminar un lugar recién creado]]). En caso contrario, ves a cualquier punto de la página o repite todo el proceso para crear otros lugares sin perder el ya creado. <br/>
[[File:Capture 2023-03-22 .png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Adding new user to site.]]
<p style="margin-left:180px;margin-right:180px">
'''11.''' Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''12.''' Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''15. ADD:''' Save new addition. </p><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Administration users rights===

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
List of users and administrators with access to the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" . Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]). <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Protocols. User-Site..png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Usuario/Localidad.'''

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Desde  "Nombre del menú del protocolo (aquí Censo de aves acuáticas)", selecciona '''Usuario / Localidad''' para asignar usuarios a los lugares de estudio. <br/>
[[File:2023-03-20 Administration user's rights protocols.png|700px|thumb|center|Users and administrators of Waterbird census protocol.]]<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Access_to_sites"></span>
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
===Acceso a las localidades===
Reduce list by typing the name of a right,  a user, or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Lista de observadores con permiso para realizar "Nombre del protocolo (en este ejemplo Censo de aves acuáticas)" y los lugares que se les han asignado. Utiliza las flechas en las columnas para alternar entre orden ascendente y descendente (ver [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|imagen como ejemplo]]).<br/>
When a filter is applied, to deactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''2. Search''' <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
[[File:WBC Access to sites.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Acceso a las localidades.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''Nombre de usuario:''' Nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y número de usuario.<br/>
'''Nombre de referencia:''' Nombre de referencia del lugar (nombre local oficial) de "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)".
:'''1. Buscar''' <br/>
Reducir la lista escribiendo el nombre del lugar, del usuario, o parte del nombre, y clica "BUSCAR".
Si se ha aplicado un filtro y quieres desactivarlo, clica en [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''MOSTRAR TODO''']] para ver la lista completa.<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''2. Página y entradas''' <br/>
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. El conteo indica el número de entradas que se han encontrado.<br/>
See the rights granted to the selected observer. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Detalles  para escoger página, entradas/página'''
:'''3. Detalles''' <br/>
Ver detalles de los observadores y sus lugares asignados.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-21 Sites-users, users rights, details.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Rights details.]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
[[File:2023-03-17 WBC User-site details.png|700px]]
'''Number:''' This is for internal Biolovision's use.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''User name:''' Name, e-mail and  local site user number of the user receiving the right. <br/>
'''Protocolos. Detalles de usuario/localidad.'''
'''Right granted:''' Right the selected user is granted to.<br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go back to main list.<br/>
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''9. EDIT:''' See Edit subsection below.<br/>
'''Nombre de usuario:''' Nombre y dirección de correo electrónico del observador, y número de usuario del sitio local.<br/>
'''10. DELETE:''' Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" . <br/>
'''Nombre de referencia:''' Nombre del lugar donde el observador tiene permiso para censar en el "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" . <br/>
'''Nombre personalizado:''' Nombre adicional bajo el que también se conoce el lugar.<br/>
'''8. ATRÁS:''' Volver a la lista principal.<br/>
'''4. EDITAR:''' Consulta la subsección Editar más abajo.<br/>
'''5. ELIMINAR:''' Revocar el permiso de este observador para censar en este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo ( en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" . <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Editar''' <br/>
:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Modificar el usuario asignado a este lugar, o el lugar asignado a este usuario. <br/>
Modify the rights granted to an observer.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-05-25 at 9.10.26.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Editar Usuario/localidad.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''10.''' Cambiar el observador asignado a este lugar. Comienza a escribir el nombre del nuevo observador (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).<br/>
[[File:2023-03-21 user rights edit.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Editing rights.]]
'''11.''' Cambiar el lugar asignado a un observador. Comienza a escribir el nombre del lugar nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).<br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
'''8. ATRÁS:''' Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.<br/>
'''11.''' Modify observer assigned to this right. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''9. MODIFICAR:''' Guardar los cambios.<br/>
'''12.''' Modify rights assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new right (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes. </p><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Eliminar''' <br/>
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
Revoca el permiso del usuario de censar en este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" . <br/>
Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" . <br/>
:'''6. EXPORTAR''' <br/>
Exportar la lista como fichero .txt. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''7. + NUEVO'' <br/>
:'''6. + NEW'''<br/>
Concede el permiso a un observador para censar en el lugar asignado en el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)".<br/>
Add a new right to an observer. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-03-22 .png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Añadir un usuario nuevo al lugar.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''11.''' Selecciona el observador al que se le va a conceder permiso para censar en un lugar determinado. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del observador nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).<br/>
'''12.''' Selecciona el lugar que se va a asignar al observador. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del lugar nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).<br/>
'''13. ATRÁS:''' Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.<br/>
'''15. AÑADIR:''' Guardar. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Administration_users_rights"></span>
[[File:2023-03-21 user-sites new right.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Adding new right.]]
===Gestión de los derechos de acceso===
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
'''11.''' Select observer to grant a right. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''12.''' Select right to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new right (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''15. ADD:''' Save new addition. </p><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Lista de usuarios y administradores con acceso a "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" . Utiliza las flechas en las columnas para alternar entre orden ascendente y descendente (ver [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|imagen como ejemplo]]). <br/>
:'''7. Protocol administrators'''<br/>
List of administrators of "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)"  and their email addresses.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
<br />
[[File:2023-03-20 Administration user's rights protocols.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Usuarios y administradores del protocolo (en el ejemplo, Censo de aves acuáticas).'''
:'''1. Buscar''' <br/>
Reducir la lista escribiendo el nombre de un derecho o de un usuario, o una parte del nombre, y clica '''BUSCAR''.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Si se ha aplicado un filtro y quieres desactivarlo, clica en [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''MOSTRAR TODO''']] para ver la lista completa.<br/>
[[File:Protocols. Settings..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Settings.]] <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''2. Buscar''' <br/>
Set protocol parameters. <br/>
Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Detalles''' <br/>
===Species list===
Ver los permisos concedidos al usuario seleccionado. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<table border="5" width="700px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-21 Sites-users, users rights, details.png|700px]]
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
<!-- GREEN BOX (Tips): hsl(157, 74%, 80%)
'''Protocolos. Detalles de permisos.'''
YELLOW BOX (Summaries): #ffffdb"
BLUE BOX (Information): hsl(201, 100%, 89%)
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
RED BOX (Warnings)hsl(0, 77%, 78%) -->
'''Número:''' Número para uso interno de Biolovision.<br/>
'''Nombre de usuario:''' Nombre, dirección de correo electrónica y número de usuario en el portal local del usuario que recibe el permiso. <br/>
'''Derecho concedido:''' Permiso que se le concede al usuario seleccionado.<br/>
'''8. ATRÁS:''' Volver a la lista principal.<br/>
'''9. EDITAR:''' Ver sub sección Editar más abajo.<br/>
'''10. ELIMINAR:''' Revocar el permiso del observador para censar este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso  Censo de aves acuáticas)" . <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Editar''' <br/>
Cambiar los permisos concedidos a un observador.<br/>
Parametring a species list helps users to report all species for the protocol without forgetting any. It is faster for the user to enter records in the field because they only have to fill the number of individuals for mandatory species. <br/>
Please take time as an administrator to fill this section before the fieldwork season starts. <br/>
An extended list is useful if you want to add interesting but not mandatory species to report.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-21 user rights edit.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Editar permisos.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''11.''' Cambia el observador con este permiso. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del observador nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b). <br/>
'''12.''' Cambia los permisos asignados a este observador. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del permiso nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).<br/>
'''13. ATRÁS:''' Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.<br/>
'''14. MODIFICAR:''' Guardar cambios. <br/>
<br />

:'''5. Eliminar''' <br/>
Revocar el permiso del usuario para censar en este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" . <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''6. + NUEVO'''<br/>
List of species designated as part of a basic or an extended list. If no species are designated as part of any list, the section appears empty but users are still asked to indicate which list they are using. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
Añade un permiso nuevo a un observador. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-21 user-sites new right.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Añadir un permiso nuevo.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''11.''' Selecciona el observador al que se le va a conceder el permiso. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del observador (a) y selecciona del menú desplegable (b).<br/>
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Species list.]]
'''12.''' Selecciona el permiso que se la va a conceder al observador. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del permiso (a) y selecciona del menú desplegable (b).<br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
'''13. ATRÁS:''' Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar. <br/>
'''Species:''' list of species selected to survey.<br/>
'''15. AÑADIR:''' Guardar. <br/>
'''Extended species list?:''' species belonging to an extended species list.<br/>
'''Order:''' order of appearance.<br/></p>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''7. Administradores del protocolo'''<br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
Lista de administradores del protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" y sus direcciones de correo electrónico.<br/>
<i> See [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Ending the list in NaturaList]] to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.</i></p><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a species, or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When a filter is applied, to deactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']] to see the full list.<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''2.''' '''Page and items''' <br />
Select page number and/or number of items per page. Count indicate the total of items found for the search.<br />
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Detail for choosing page, item/page]]
<br />
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
See name of species, their assigned order in the lis and to which type of list they belong.<br/>
[[File:Protocols. Settings..png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Configuración.'''  
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists details.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Details of Species list.]]

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Configura los parámetros del protocolo. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px">
<p style="margin-left:170px">
'''Species:''' specie selected for details display or editing.<br/>
'''Extended species list?:'''  Yes: specie belong to extended species list / No: specie belong to basic list.<br/>
<i> See [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Ending the list]] to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.</i><br/>
'''Order:''' order of appearance.<br/>
'''7. BACK:''' Go to previous screen.<br/>
'''8. EDIT:''' See edit subsection below. <br/>
'''9. DELETE:''' Delete specie from the list. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Lista de especies===
:'''4. Edit'''<br/>
Modify details for the selected specie.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC edit species list.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Editing species lists.]]
<table class="toc" width="700px">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<!-- GREEN BOX (Tips): hsl(157, 74%, 80%)
YELLOW BOX (Summaries): #ffffdb"
BLUE BOX (Information): hsl(201, 100%, 89%)
RED BOX (Warnings):  hsl(0, 77%, 78%) -->

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Crear una lista de especies para el protocolo ayuda a los usuarios a registrar todas las especies del protocolo sin olvidarse ninguna. También es más rápido para los usuarios entrar los datos ya que tan solo tienen que introducir un número para las especies obligatorias. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
Por favor, invierte tiempo como administrador a rellenar esta sección antes de la temporada de campo. <br/>
'''10. Species:''' Modify, if necessary, the name of the specie (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).<br/>
'''11. Extended species list?:''' Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).<br/>
'''12. Order:''' Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go back to previous screen without saving.<br/>
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes.<br/></p>
Una lista extensa es útil si quieres que se registren especies interesantes pero no obligatorias.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Delete'''<br/>
Delete the specie from the list.<br/>
<br />
Lista de especies asignada a una lista básica o extensa. Si no se ha asignado ninguna especie como parte de alguna lista, la sección se muestra vacía pero los usuarios igual tienen que indicar qué tipo de lista utilizan. Utiliza las flechas bajo los títulos para alternar entre orden ascendente y descendente (ver [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|imagen como ejemplo]]).<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Especies:''' lista de especies seleccionada para el censo.<br/>
'''¿Lista de especies extendida?:''' especies pertenecientes a una lista de especies extendida.<br/>
'''Orden:''' orden de aparición.<br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
<i> Ver [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Acabar la lista en NaturaList]] para conocer la diferencia entre las listas básica, extendida y completa.</i></p><br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Buscar''' <br/>
:'''6. NEW'''<br/>
Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre  de la especie, o parte de el, y clica '''BUSCAR'''.
Add a new species to the list.<br/>
Si se ha aplicado un filtro, para desactivarlo clica [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''MOSTRAR TODO''']] para ver la lista completa.<br />
:'''2.''' '''Página y entradas''' <br />
Selecciona el número de la página y/o el número de entradas por página.  El contador indica el número de entradas encontradas en la búsqueda. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Detalle al escoger página, entrada/página'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC add new species.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Adding a new species to the list.]]

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Detalles''' <br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
Muestra el nombre de la especie, su orden dentro de una lista y el tipo de lista al que pertenece.<br/>
'''10. Species:''' Start typing the name, or part of the name, of the specie (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).<br/>
'''11. Extended species list?:''' Choose if the specie will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).<br/>
'''12. Order:''' Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go back to previous screen without saving.<br/>
'''15. ADD:''' Add the list species to the list.<br/></p>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<table border="5" width="700px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists details.png|700px]]
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: hsl(157, 74%, 80%)">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
<!-- GREEN BOX (Tips): hsl(157, 74%, 80%)
'''Protocolos. Detalles de Lista de especies.'''
YELLOW BOX (Summaries): #ffffdb"
BLUE BOX (Information): hsl(201, 100%, 89%)
RED BOX (Warnings):  hsl(0, 77%, 78%) -->
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Especies:''' especie seleccionada para mostrar sus detalles o editarlos.<br/>
'''¿Lista de especies extendida?:'''  Si: la especie pertenece a la lista de especies extendida / No: la especie pertenece a la lista de especies básica.<br/>
<i> Consulta [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Acabar la lista]] para conocer la diferencia entre las listas básica, extendida y completa.</i><br/>
<b>NOTE:</b><br />
'''Orden:''' orden de aparición.<br/>
Even when no species are dessignated as a basic or an extended list (this section remains empty), users are still asked to indicate which list they follow. <br/>
'''7. ATRÁS:''' Ir a la página anterior.<br/>
We recommend to define these lists to avoid confusion and misunderstandings among users.
'''8. EDITAR:''' Ver la subsección editar más abajo. <br/>
'''9. ELIMINAR:''' Eliminar la especie de la lista. <br/>
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Editar'''<br/>
Modifica los detalles de la especie seleccionada.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC edit species list.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Editar la lista de especies.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''10. Especies:''' Modifica, si es necesario, el nombre de la especie (10a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (10b).<br/>
===Parameters describing the protocol===
'''11. ¿Lista de especies extendida?:''' Escoge si la especie formará parte de una lista extendida (SI) o de una lista básica (NO).<br/>
'''12. Orden:''' Escribe la posición en la lista en la que aparecerá la especie seleccionada.<br/>
'''13. ATRÁS:''' Ir a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.<br/>
'''14. MODIFICAR:''' Guardar cambios.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Parameters are protocol dependent. Please refer to each individual protocol for details.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Eliminar'''<br/>
<!--Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).
Eliminar la especie de la lista.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''6. NUEVO'''<br/>
Those parameters are protocol specific and are listed and described under each one separately.<br />
Añade una nueva especie a la lista.<br/>
<br />
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Waterbird census. Settings.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocol parameters. Settings.]] <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC add new species.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Añadir una nueva especie a la lista.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''10. Especies:''' Comienza a escribir el nombre, o parte del nombre, de la especie (10a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (10b).<br/>
:'''2. Active?''' <br/>
'''11. ¿Lista de especies extendida?:''' Indica si la especie formará parte de una lista extendida (SI) o básica (NO).<br/>
Indicates if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter. The question will appear when filling the protocol but is not blocking if the user leave it empty.<br/>
'''12. Orden:''' Escribe la posición en la que aparecerá la especie seleccionada en la lista. <br/>
'''13. ATRÁS:''' Ir a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.<br/>
'''15. AÑADIR:''' Añadir la especie a la lista.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Mandatory?''' <br/>
Indicates if it will be mandatory to provide information regarding this parameter. The question will appear when filling the protocol and have to be answered before going next step, a warning asking to fill it appears if not answered.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Order''' <br/>
<table class="toc" width="700px;">
Order in which the different parameters will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: hsl(157, 74%, 80%)">
<!-- GREEN BOX (Tips): hsl(157, 74%, 80%)
YELLOW BOX (Summaries): #ffffdb"
BLUE BOX (Information): hsl(201, 100%, 89%)
RED BOX (Warnings):  hsl(0, 77%, 78%) -->
<b>NOTA:</b><br />
Incluso si no se ha asignado ninguna especie a una lista básica o extendida (esta sección está vacía), los usuarios tendrán que indicar qué tipo de lista van a utilizar.<br/>
Recomendamos que se definan estas listas para evitar confusiones entre los usuarios.
<span id="Parameters_describing_the_protocol"></span>
Lista de todos los parámetros que describen el protocolo y su estado actual. Los parámetros dependen de cada protocolo. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Details''' <br/>
<!--Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
See details associated to the selected parameter. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-22 WBC settings details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Parameters display.]]
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
<b>BACK:</b> Go to previous screen.<br/>
<b>EDIT:</b> Edit. See corresponding sub-section below.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''6. Edit'''<br/>
Modify settings for the selected parameter. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:400px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Waterbird census. Settings.png|400px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:385px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocol parameters. Settings.'''  

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-22 WBC Settings edit.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbirds census protocol. Editing parameter settings.]]
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
<p style="margin-left:170px;margin-right:170px">
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
'''8.''' Select if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.<br/>
'''9.''' Select if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.<br/>
'''10.''' Type the order in which the parameter will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>
'''BACK:''' Go ack to the previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''MODIFY:''' Save changes to the parameter.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''7. Parameters'''<br/>
:'''2. Active?''' <br/>
List of all possible parameters admin set if those will be asked or not . List of parameters are protocol specific and listed under each specific wiki section for those protocols.<br/>
Indicates if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter. The question will appear when filling the protocol but is not blocking if the user leave it empty.<br/>
<br /><br />-->

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Mandatory?''' <br/>
Indicates if it will be mandatory to provide information regarding this parameter. The question will appear when filling the protocol and have to be answered before going to the next step, a warning asking to fill it appears if not answered.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Shows the status of the [[Free area tool]] parameter for the "Name of the protocol (here Waterbird Census Protocol)" :<br/>
:'''4. Order''' <br/>
* '''YES:''' [[Free area tool]] is active. <br/>
Order in which the different parameters will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>
* '''NO:''' [[Free area tool]] is inactive. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When active, it allows both users and administrators to see polygons that have not yet been assigned to an observer. Users can ask to be assigned to a site. See wiki section Web interace >  [[Free_area_tool|Free area tool]] for details.<br/>
:'''5. Details''' <br/>
See details associated to the selected parameter. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC free area tool.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Free area tool.]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-22 WBC settings details.png|700px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Waterbird census protocol. Parameters display.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<b>BACK:</b> Go to previous screen.<br/>
<b>EDIT:</b> Edit. See corresponding subsection below.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Details''' <br/>
:'''6. Edit'''<br/>
Modify settings for the selected parameter. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-27 Free area tool details.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Free area tool details.]]
<p style="margin-left:200px;margin-right:200px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
'''BACK:''' Go back to previous screen.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-22 WBC Settings edit.png|700px]]
'''EDIT:''' Modify details. See subsection Edit below.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Waterbirds census protocol. Editing parameter settings.'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''8.''' Select if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.<br/>
:'''2. Edit''' <br/>
'''9.''' Select if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.<br/>
'''10.''' Type the order in which the parameter will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>
'''BACK:''' Go back to the previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''MODIFY:''' Save changes to the parameter.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC edit free area tool.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Editing free area tool.]]<br/>
:'''7. Parameters'''<br/>
List of all possible parameters admin set if those will be asked or not. List of parameters are protocol specific and listed under each specific wiki section for those protocols.<br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Change status if necessary and click: <br/>
:::'''Comment''' <br />
* '''BACK''' to go to previous screen without saving changes, or<br/>
* '''MODIFY''' to save changes.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
When the [[Free area tool]] is active, administrators have few more options than regular users when accessing the [[Free area tool]] as a user:<br/>
::Allows user to enter a comment if necessary. <br />
* '''[[Media:Free area tool, assigned census.png|Assigned census/Sample area]]''': list of assigned areas. <br/>
<br />
* '''[[Media:Free area tool, statistics.png| Statistics on request]]''': list of messages sent by observers. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Shortcuts group===
:::'''Important changes''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
List of existing shortcut groups for this protocol. <br/>
::Allows indicating if there have been major changes since last visit.<br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
:::'''Additional observer''' <br />
Reduce list by typing the name of the Shortcut group, or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::Space to indicate if the observer has been accompanied by someone whose observations were also recorded.<br />
::'''Page and items'''  Select page number and/or number of items per page. Count indicate the total of items found for the search.[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Detail for choosing page, item/page]]
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Details'''<br/>
:::'''Ice''' <br/>
See details for the selected group.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Edit'''<br/>
::Indicates the percentage of water surface that is frozen. Options are:<br/>
Edit selected shortcut group.<br/>
:::: no ice <br/>
:::: 0 - 10 % <br/>
:::: 10 - 50 % <br/>
:::: 50 - 90 % <br/>
:::: 90 - 100 % <br/>
:::: 100 % <br/>
:::: Unknown

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
:::'''Snow coverage''' <br/>
Delete shortcut group. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''6. NEW'''<br/>
::Indicates the proportion of snow cover. Options are:<br/>
Create a new group.<br/>
:::: no snow <br/>
:::: partly covered <br/>
:::: completely covered <br/>
:::: Unknown

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::'''Count type''' <br />
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 16.09.54.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Shortcuts in protocol administration  part]]
List of species for which a shortcut exists.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<p style="margin-right:220px; margin-left:220px">
::User should choose one the options:<br/>
'''Species:''' Name of species.<br/>
:::: roost count <br/>
'''Shortcuts group:''' Name of the shortcuts group.<br/>
:::: during day <br />
'''Color code:''' Colour associated to this species. User may [[Shortcuts|change it in NaturaList]] afterwards.<br/>
<br />
'''Order:''' Order this species shortcut will appear in relation to other species shortcuts in the same group.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
:::'''Count method''' <br />
Reduce list by typing the name of the group, or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::The user indicates how they conducted the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:<br/>
::'''Page and items'''  Select page number and/or number of items per page. Count indicate the total of items found for the search.[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Detail for choosing page, item/page]]
:::: at ground <br/>
:::: on airplane <br/>
:::: on ship <br/>
:::: other <br/>
:::: unknown <br />
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Details'''<br/>
:::'''Optical equipment''' <br />
See details for the selected group.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Edit'''<br/>
::The user should indicate the equipment used for the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are: <br />
Edit selected shortcut group.<br/>
:::: None <br/>
:::: Telescope <br/>
:::: Binoculars <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
:::'''Coverage''' <br />
Delete shortct group. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''6. NEW'''<br/>
::Serves to indicate how much of the designated polygon is covered in the survey. The user chooses between:<br/>
Create a new group.<br/>
:::: Partly <br/>
:::: Complete <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<p style="margin-right:220px;margin-let:220px">
:::'''Water level''' <br />
'''BACK:''' Go to previous sceen withot saving.<br/>
'''ADD:''' Add the new species to the list.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Species:''' Type the name, or part of the name, of the ew speies on the left hand field and select from the expandable menu on the right.<br/>
::Indicates the water level. Options are:<br />
:::: Dry / Empty <br/>
:::: Low <br/>
:::: Normal <br/>
:::: High <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Shortcuts group:''' Type the name fo the group, or part of it, on the righthand field, and select from the expandable menu on the left hand field.<br/>
:::'''Visibility''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Color code:''' Select a colour to associate to this shortcut. Users may [[Shortcuts|change it in NaturaList]] afterwards.<br/>
::Approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species. Options are:<br />
:::: 0-100 m <br/>
:::: 100-300 m <br/>
:::: 300-1000 m <br/>
:::: ≥ 1000 m <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Order:''' Type a number to indicate in which position this shortcut will appear in relation to other shortcuts in the same shortcuts group.<br/>
:::'''Waves''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==Check data==
::Provides information about the waves. Options are: <br/>
:::: None <br/>
:::: Small <br/>
:::: Moderate <br/>
:::: With crests <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Protocols. Check data..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Check data.]]<br/>
:::'''Conditions in general''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
::The user estimates how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying <br/>
::conditions are not good. Options are:<br />
:::: Good / Normal <br/>
:::: Moderate <br/>
:::: Bad / heavely influenced <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data general.png|center|thumb|700x700px|Protocols. Check data.]]<br/>
:::'''Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Graphs''' <br/>
::If general conditions indicated above were noot good, <br/>
::clicking the yellow field the user opens an expandable menu and chooses the reason. Only one option is possible:  <br />
:::: Fog <br/>
:::: Rain <br/>
:::: Wind <br/>
:::: Hunting <br/>
:::: Fishing <br/>
:::: Sport <br/>
:::: Mixed (weather) <br/>
:::: Mixed (human) <br/>
:::: Others <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Scroll down to see all graphs: <br/>
:::'''Count payed''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::'''Number of census''': number of census per year from last years to present.<br/>
::The user can indicate if the count is payed for or not. Only options are <br/>
:::'''Census duration''': total number of hours of survey per year, from last years to present. <br/>
:::: Yes <br/>
:::'''Average census time''': average number of minutes per survey. <br/>
:::: No <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''2. Site / Observer''' <br/>
:::'''Number of persons on shore''' <br/>
Select a site and/or an observer from the expandable menu. Type the name, or part of it, if nedeed to reduce the list of options. If only a site is observed, you will see surveys from all observers; if only an observer is selected, you will see all sites the observer has access to. See image below as an example of its results. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Check data by selecting site and/or observer.]] <br/>
::The user can type the number of persons on shore.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Place pointer on any coloured square to display date of survey and number of species recorded. Click on any date to display a [[Media:Capture 2023-03-30 WBC display sp.png|list of species recorded]] on a new window.
:::'''Number of rowing boats''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The color is linked to the number of species counted during the census.
::The user can type the number of rowing boats.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
White: = 0 specie
:::'''Number of motor boats''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Red : =1 specie
::The user can type the number of motor boats. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Orange to Yellow to Green: 11 level of colors according the number of species between 1 to 20.
:::'''Number of sailing boats''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Green: = or >20 species <br />
::The user can type the number of sailing boats. <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Period / Site''' <br/>
:::'''Number of canoes/kayaks''' <br/>
Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu to see surveys at the selected period and site. See image [[Media:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer]] as an example of results. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Sites without data''' <br/>
::The user can type the number of canoes/kayaks.<br/>
Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu. A list will show all sites without data for the selected period and observers assigned to each of the listed sites. Click on any observer's name to access their personal card. Check the '''e-mail''' cell (image below, A) to send a message to the observer/s at the site; or check '''check all''' on top (image below, B) to send a general message to all observers at all sites. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC send mail empty census.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. E-mail observers of empty census.]]<br/>
:::'''Number of fishing boats''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A message template is shown below the list, along with the email addresses receiving this message (see image below). Change recepients y selecting a new study site from the list above. Send it as it is or type a message on the designated area to personalise it. When done, click '''SEND THE REQUESTS''' to send the message. <br/>
::The user can type the number of fishing boats. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC emails.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Sending emails about empty sites.]]
:::'''Number of sports divers''' <br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px;margin-right:180px">
'''5.''' Type message to personalise email. <br/>
'''6.''' Message recipients.<br/> </p>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::The user can type the number of sports divers.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Protocols. Report..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Report.]]<br/>
:::'''Number of surfers''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
::The user can type the number of surfers.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC report, filters.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Filtering results.]]<br/>
:::'''Temperature''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''1. Filter dates''' <br/>
::Indicates the air temperature at the time of the count. Options are:<br/>
Select the starting and ending date using the expandable calendar on the right or typing directly in the corresponding field.<br/>
::::< 0°C <br/>
::::0-10°C <br/>
::::10-20°C <br/>
::::20-30°C <br/>
::::>30°C <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''2. Temporal aggregation''' <br/>
Select aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are: <br/>
::: '''Day:''' Shows results per day. This is the default option. <br/>
::: '''Pentad:''' Shows results in groups of five days. <br/>
::: '''Week:''' Shows results per week. <br/>
::: '''Decade:''' Shows results in groups of ten days. <br/>
::: '''Month:''' Shows results per month.<br/>
::: '''Year:''' Shows results per year.<br>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''3. Spatial aggregation''' <br/>
::Indicates the overall wind sensation. Options are:<br/>
Select spatial aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are: <br/>
::::Calm <br/>
::: '''Country:''' Results are grouped per area covered by the local portal. If the portal only covers part of the country, only this part is considered;  if the local portal covers the whole country, all the country is considered.<br/>
::::Breeze <br/>
::: '''Kanton:'''  Kantons are country-specific administrative defined areas. Their official name differs from country to country: Kreis, province, commarca, county, and so on.<br/>
::::Moderate <br/>
::: '''Municipality:''' Municipality, like kanton, is an area administratively defined and country specific.<br/>
::: '''Supersite:''' A supersite is a place that includes many other localities, and can only be used if it was previously created. <br/>
::: '''Place:''' A place is a group of Localities (see below) linked toghether within the protocol. It is either represented on the map by a yellow dot  or hidden. For example, in STOC EPS census, one may have different point counts in a square. Each of the points represents a Locality, but the square with all the points is a Place. Do the search accordingly. Note sometimes Place and Locality are the same. For example, in the Common breeding bird survey, a Locality represents a transect, and there is only one transect per square.
::: '''Locality:'''  A Locality is the exact location a survey takes place. It may represent a point, a transect or a polygon, depending on the study, and it is represented on the map as a dot.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''4. Visualisation''' <br/>
:::'''Cloud cover''' <br/>
::: '''SHOW: '''See results on screen, or <br/>
::: '''EXPORT: '''Download results on an excel file.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-04-03 WBC report results.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Report results.]]
::Indicates cloud cover during survey. Options are:<br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px; margin-right:180px">
::::Clear <br/>
'''2. Temporal aggregation:''' Show total numbers of individuals of the specie indicated under the first column (5) In this example, the aggregation is per week. Weeks with no data, remain empty. Use the horizontal bar at the bottom to scroll through all results. <br/>
::::Cloudy <br/>
'''3. Study site name:''' Results aggregated by place. In this example, by locality. All study sites at the selected locality appear separately. Use the vertical bar on the right to scroll through all results. <br/>
::::Very cloudy <br/>
'''5. List of species:''' List of species registered at each site. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::'''Rain''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:Protocols. Map..png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Map.]]Display the area map by polygon.<br/>
::Indicates if there was any rain. Options are: <br/>
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 16.45.45.png|center|thumb|900x900px|Map]]
::::None <br/>
<br />It displays the statistics and information  for the selected area:
::::Drizzle <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
1: Select area
:::'''Visibility''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
2: Point displayed
::Indicates the visibility. Options are:<br/>
::::Good <br/>
::::Regular <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
3: pink point = areas where polygons are
:::'''Counting mammals''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
4: statistics concerning the area displayed.
::Indicates if the user is counter mammals they encounter. Options are: <br/>
::::No <br/>
::::Yes, but there were no sightings <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Select the site and see details as explained in wiki section Web interface > Protocols >"Name of the protocol "(here Waterbird census protocol) > [[Protocols_web#Map|Map]].<br />
:::'''Neutralised time''' <br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Functions in section 4 of image "[[:File:2023-05-17 WBC Map links.png|Protocols. Links for administrators]]". are different from those of non-administrators. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-05-17 WBC Map links.png|700px|thumb|center]]<br/>
:::'''Additional observers'''<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Links for the polygon''' <br/>
::The user can indicate the name of other observers participating in the data collection. <br />
Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.00.49.png|left|thumb]]'''Add observations:''' Add further observations to this site or any other as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[Protocols_web#Add_observations|Add observations]].<br/>
:::'''Important changes since last count?''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.01.58.png|left|thumb]]'''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image below) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>
::The user can indicate if there has been any major change since their previous count, for example, some disturbance like noise or construction. <br />
<br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
[[File:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|700px|thumb|center|Protocols. Adding observations to a polygon.]]<br/>
:::'''Record the trace''' <br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.03.14.png|left|thumb]]'''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>
::By checking a cell, the user can have their track recorded. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Links for the square''' <br/>
:::'''Hide all records from the public''' <br/>
Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.04.48.png|left|thumb]]'''Modify the protocol:''' Modify the protocol as described in wiki section Web > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[/Protocols_web#Modify_the_protocol|Modify the protocol]].<br/> <br/>
::By checking the cell, the user hides all observations from the public. The observer an protocol administrators will always see them.<br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.01.58.png|left|thumb]]'''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image [[Media:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon]]) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>
:::'''No species were seen''' <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.03.14.png|left|thumb]]'''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>
::Allows the user to indicate if despite visiting the site and following the guidelines, there were no records. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.06.09.png|left|thumb]]'''Data visualisation:''' See all protocols associated to this site as in Web interface > Protocols > "Name of the protocol" (here Waterbird protocol) [[Protocols_web#Browse_observations| Browse observations]]. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.06.55.png|left|thumb]]'''Results:''' See results as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[Protocols_web#Results|Results]]'''. <br/>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Muestra el estatus del parámetro [[Herramienta de área libre]] para el "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" :<br/>
* '''SI:''' la [[Free area tool|Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas"]] está activa. <br/>
* '''NO:''' la [[Free area tool|Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas"]] está desactivada. <br/>

=Waterbird census=
Cuando está activa, permite tanto a los usuarios como a los administradores ver los polígonos que todavía no se han asignado a un observador. Los usuarios pueden pedir que se les asigne un sitio. Consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web >  [[Free_area_tool|Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas"]] para más información.<br/>

[[File:2023-05-09 WBC Admin Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Administration menu.]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC free area tool.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas".'''
:'''1. Detalles''' <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:500px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-27 Free area tool details.png|500px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:485px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Protocolos. Detalles de Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas".'''
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''ATRÁS:''' Volver a la pantalla anterior.<br/>
'''EDITAR:''' Modificar los detalles. Consulta la sub sección editar más abajo.<br/>
:'''2. Editar''' <br/>

<table style="border-style: solid; border-color: black">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:500px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
<td style="padding: 20px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #f0f0f0">
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC edit free area tool.png|500px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:485px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Editar Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas".'''

<p style="font-size:10px">
Cambia el estado si es necesario y clica: <br/>
* '''ATRÁS'''  para volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar los cambios, o<br/>
<p style="font-size:13px">8 Waterbird census
* '''MODIFICAR''' para guardar los cambios.<br/>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.1 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data_2|Preparation and data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.2 [[Protocol_management#Sites_2|Sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.3 [[Protocol_management#User/Site_2|User/Site]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">8.3.1 [[Protocol_management#Access_to_sites_2|Access to sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">8.3.2 [[Protocol_management#Administration_users_rights_2|Administration users rights]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.4 [[Protocol_management#Settings_2|Settings]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">8.4.1 [[Protocol_management#Species_list_2|Species list]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">8.4.2 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_describing_the_protocol_2|Parameters describing the protocol]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">8.4.3 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_2|Parameters]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.5 [[Protocol_management#Check_data_2|Check data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.6 [[Protocol_management#Report_2|Report]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">8.7 [[Protocol_management#Map_2|Map]]</p>

Cuando la [[Free area tool|Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas"]] está activa, los administradores ven más opciones que otros usuarios en acceder a la herramienta como usuarios:<br/>
* '''[[Media:Free area tool, assigned census.png|Censo asignado/Área de muestreo]]''': lista de áreas asignadas. <br/>
* '''[[Media:Free area tool, statistics.png| Petición de estadísticas]]''': lista de mensajes enviados por los observadores. <br/>

<br />

==Preparation and data==
===Grupo de atajos===

[[File:2023-05-09 WBC admin, prep and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Preparation and data.]]<br/>
Lista de grupos de atajo existentes para este protocolo. <br/>

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protools > Waterbird protocol > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
:'''1. Buscar''' <br/>
Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre del grupo de atajo, o una parte de éste, y clica '''BUSCAR''. <br/>

:'''2. Páginas y entradas''' <br/>
Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. La cuenta indica el número total de entradas que ha encontrado la búsqueda. <br/>

<table border="5" width="700px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|600px]]
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Detalle para escoger página, entradas/página'''

<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
:'''3. Detalles'''<br/>
Ver detalles del grupo seleccionado.<br/>
1. Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Waterbird census > [[Media:Admin WBC Sites.png|Sites]] <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Waterbird census''']]<br/>
:'''4. Editar'''<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
Editar el grupo de atajo seleccionado.<br/>
5. Draw polygon or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
:'''5. Eliminar''' <br/>
Eliminar el grupo de atajos. <br/>

[[File:Admin WBC Sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Sites.]]<br/>
:'''6. NUEVO'''<br/>
Crear un grupo nuevo.<br/>

List of all existing sites allowing a Waterbird census. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>

[[File:WBC list of sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Existing sites.]]
Lista de especies para la que existe un atajo. <br/>

<p style="margin-left:200px">
'''Reference name:''' Official name given to the study site.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
'''Custom name:''' A different name under which the same place may be also known.<br/>
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 16.09.54.png|700px]]
'''Reference locality:''' Name of the location all observations from the protocol will be associated to. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''Municipality:''' Municipality the locality belongs to.<br/>
'''Shortcuts in protocol administration part'''
'''Altitude:''' Altitude associated to the locality.<br/>
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''Especies:''' Nombre de la especie.<br/>
'''Grupo de atajos:''' Nombre del grupo de atajos al que pertenece.<br/>
'''Código de color:'' Color asociado a esta especie. El usuario puede [[Shortcuts|cambiarlo en NaturaList]] más adelante.<br/>
'''Orden:''' Orden en el que este atajo aparecerá en relación a los atajos de otras especies dentro del mismo grupo.<br/>

:'''1. Search''' <br/>
:'''1. Buscar''' <br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a site, locality, custom name, municipality or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.
Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre del grupo, o una parte de este, y clica '''BUSCAR'''. <br/>
When a filter is applied, to deactivate it, click on
[[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']]. <br />
:'''2. Search''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page.<br/>
:'''3. Detail'''<br/>
Click to see details of selected site.<br/>
:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Click to edit details of selected site.<br/>
:'''5. New site''' <br/>
Create a new site. <br/>
:::1. Click '''+ NEW''' under the list. Select the site as if entering an observation (see wiki section Web interface > [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]] if necessary) and choose the new option: '''Create a protocoled census - Waterbird census''' (see image below). <br/>
[[File:Draw waterbird polygon.png|700px|thumb|center|Creating a new site for Waterbird census protocol]]<br/>

:::2. Enter a name for the new site.<br/>
:'''2. Páginas y entradas''' <br/>
Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. La cuenta indica el número total de entradas que ha encontrado la búsqueda. <br/>

[[File:Name a new WBC site.png|700px|thumb|center|Naming a new Waterbird census site.]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Detalle para escoger página, entradas/página'''

<p style="margin-left:220px">
:'''3. Detalles'''<br/>
'''Name of reference locality:''' Location under which all observations of the protocol will be associated to. It is created by the administrator when creating a new protocol site and cannot be changed afterwards. <br/>
Ver detalles del grupo seleccionado.<br/>
'''Reference name:''' Type a name for the new site. It can be a real name or a code, and consist on letters, numbers or a combination of both.<br/>
'''Custom name:'''  Type an additional name to the site if known. This name can be changed afterwards by the end user.<br/>

:::3. Either: <br/>
:'''4. Editar'''<br/>
::::*Draw polygon as explained in [[Geometry_editor| Geometry editor tool]] or,<br/>
Editar el grupo de atajos seleccionado.<br/>

::::*Import shapefile:<br/>
:'''5. Eliminar''' <br/>
Eliminar el grupo de atajos. <br/>

[[File:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|700px|thumb|center|Importing a plygon shapefile.]]
:'''6. NUEVO'''<br/>
<p style="margin-left:200px">
Crear un grupo nuevo.<br/>
'''1.''' Choose datum and <br/>
'''2.''' upload the file.<br/>
'''3.''' When done, click '''IMPORT'''.<br/>

:::After a new polygon is created, it is possible to export it as a shapefile to use in the future or modify. Click on the file icon under the '''Polygon''' section (see image below, encircled). If necessary, modify it and '''IMPORT''' as explained above. <br/>
<p style="margin-right:220px;margin-let:220px">
'''ATRÁS:''' Ir a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.<br/>
'''AÑADIR:''' Añadir la especie nueva a la lista.<br/>
:'''Especies:''' Escribe el nombre, o parte del nombre, de la nueva especie en el campo de la izquierda y selecciona en el menú desplegable de la derecha.<br/>

[[File:Save shapefile of new WBC site.png|700px|thumb|center|Saving the shapefile of a newly created Waterbird census site]]<br/>
:'''Grupo de atajos:''' Escribe el nombre del grupo, o parte de éste, en el campo de la derecha y selecciona en el menú desplegable de la izquierda.<br/>

:::4. When the new site is ready, <br/>
:'''Código de color:''' Selecciona un color para asociar a este atajo. Los usuarios pueden [[Shortcuts|cambiarlo en NaturaList]] más tarde.<br/>
:::: '''SAVE AND STAY''' to save the site and continue making changes, or <br/>
:::: '''SAVE AND ADD A RECORD''' to save and start entering observations.
:::: '''DELETE SITE''' if needed. Note: That option is only available as long no data are linked to that site.<br /><br />

:::The new site is now created and saved (indicated at the top of the page). You have now the option to delete the newly created site if necessary (see image [[Media:Capture 2023-03-14 WBC delete new site.png|Deleting a newly created site]]). Otherwise, go anywhere in the page or start the whole process to create other sites without loosing the new one. <br/>
:'''Orden:''' Escribe un número para indicar en que posición aparecerá este atajo en relación a otros atajos del mismo grupo de atajos.<br/>

==Comprobar las observaciones==

[[File:WBC User Site.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. User/Site]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Protocols. Check data..png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Comprobar las observaciones.'''
Visualizar un resumen de los datos del censo.<br/>

From the Waterbird census menu, select '''User / Site''' to assign users to study sites. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data general.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Comprobar las observaciones.'''  

===Access to sites===
:'''1. Gráficos''' <br/>

List of observers allowed to conduct Waterbird census protocols and the site/s they are assigned to. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
Baja para ver todos los datos: <br/>

[[File:WBC Access to sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Access to sites.]]
:::'''Número de censos''': número de censos por año desde los últimos años hasta el presente.<br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px">
:::'''Duración del censo''': número total de horas censadas por año, desde los últimos años hasta el presente. <br/>
'''User name:''' Name and email address of observer.<br/>
:::'''Duración media del censo''': número medio de minutos por censo.<br/>
'''Reference name:''' Name of the Waterbird census site.<br/>

:'''1. Search''' <br/>
:'''2. Localidad / Observador''' <br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a user, reference name site or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.
Selecciona un lugar y/o un observador en el menú desplegable. Escribe el nombre, o parte del nombre, para reducir la lista de opciones. Si sólo se selecciona un lugar, aparecerán los censos de todos los observadores; si sólo se selecciona un observador, aparecerán todos los lugares a los que tiene acceso este observador. Ver la imagen siguiente como ejemplo de resultado.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Revisar datos seleccionando lugar y/u observador.'''  
Pasa la punta del ratón por algún cuadrado coloreado para ver la fecha del censo y el número de especies registradas. Clica en cualquier fecha para mostrar  [[Media:Capture 2023-03-30 WBC display sp.png|la lista de especies registrada]] en una nueva ventana.
El color está relacionado con el número de especies registradas durante el censo.
Blanco= 0 especies
Rojo= 1 especie

When a filter is applied and you want to desactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].<br />
Naranja a amarillo a verde= 11 niveles de color según el número de especies entre 1 y 20.

:'''2. Search''' <br/>
Verde= o >20 especies<br />
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
<br />  

:'''3. Details''' <br/>
:'''3. Período / Región''' <br/>
See details of observers and their assigned site.<br/>
Selecciona un período de conteo y una región en el menú desplegable para ver los censos en la región y período seleccionados. Ver imagen  [[Media:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png| Revisar datos seleccionando sitio y/u observador]] como ejemplo de resultados. <br/>

[[File:2023-03-17 WBC User-site details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. User/site Details.]]
:'''4. Localidades sin datos''' <br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px">
Selecciona un período de conteo y una región en el menú desplegable. La lista devuelve todos los lugares sin observaciones en el período seleccionado y los observadores asignados a cada lugar. Clica sobre el nombre de un observador para acceder a su ficha personal. Marca la casilla '''Correo''' (imagen siguiente, A) para enviar un mensaje al observador/es de este lugar; o marca '''Seleccionar todos'' en la parte superior (imagen siguiente, B) para enviar un mensaje general a todos los observadores de todos los lugares. <br/>
'''User name:''' Observer name and email address.<br/>
'''Reference name:''' Name of site the observer has right to survey for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
'''Custom name:''' Additional name under which the site is also known.<br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go back to main list.<br/>
'''9. EDIT:''' See Edit subsection below.<br/>
'''10. DELETE:''' Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>

:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Modify the user assigned to this site, or the site assigned to this user. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC send mail empty census.png|600px]]
[[File:WBC User Site edit (1).png|center|thumb|700x700px|Waterbird census protocol. Editing User/site.]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:180px">
'''Protocolos. E-mail de observadores con censos vacíos.'''  
'''11.''' Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''12.''' Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes. </p><br/>
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
:'''6. EXPORT''' <br/>
Export list as a .txt file. <br/>

:'''7. + NEW''' <br/>
Una plantilla con el mensaje se muestra bajo la lista, junto con las direcciones de correo electrónico que recibirian el mensaje (ver la imagen siguiente). Cambia los destinatarios seleccionando un nuevo lugar de muestreo en la lista superior. Envía el mensaje como se muestra o personalízalo escribiendo en la área designada. Cuando acabes, clica '''ENVIAR PETICIONES''' para enviar el mensaje. <br/>
Grant rights to observer to conduct Waterbird census on dessignated sites.<br/>

[[File:Capture 2023-03-22 .png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding new user to site.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:180px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
'''11.''' Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC emails.png|700px]]
'''12.''' Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''13. BACK:''' Go to preious screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''Protocolos. Enviar emails sobre sitios vacíos.'''
'''15. ADD:''' Save new addition. </p><br/>
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
<p style="margin-left:180px;margin-right:180px">
'''5.''' Escribe un mensaje para personalizarlo. <br/>
'''6.''' Destinatarios del mensaje.<br/>  

===Administration users rights===

List of users and administrators with acces to the Waterbird census protocol. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]). <br/>

[[File:2023-03-20 Administration user's rights protocols.png|700px|thumb|center|Users and administrators of Waterbird census protocol.]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Protocols. Report..png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Informe.'''

:'''1. Search''' <br/>
Visualiza los resultados de los censos agrupados.<br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a user, of a right or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.

When a filter is applied and you want to deactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].<br />
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC report, filters.png|600px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''Protocolos. Filtrar resultados.'''  

:'''2. Search''' <br/>
:'''1. Filtrar fechas''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
Selecciona las fechas de inicio y final en los calendarios desplegables de la derecha, o escribe la fecha directamente, en formato en el campo correspondiente.<br/>

:'''3. Details''' <br/>
:'''2. Agregación temporal''' <br/>
See the rights granted to the selected observer. <br/>
Selecciona el criterio de agregación en el menú desplegable de la derecha. Las opciones son: <br/>
::: '''Dia:''' Muestra los resultados por dia. Es la opción por defecto. <br/>
::: '''Péntada:''' Muestra los resultados en grupos de 5 dias. <br/>
::: '''Semana:''' Muestra los resultados por semanas. <br/>
::: '''Década:''' Muestra los resultados en grupos de 10 dias. <br/>
::: '''Mes:''' Muestra los resultados por mes.<br/>
::: '''Año:''' Muestra los resultados por año.<br>

[[File:2023-03-21 Sites-users, users rights, details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Rights details.]]
:'''3. Agregación espacial''' <br/>
<p style="margin-left:220px">
Selecciona el criterio de agregación espacial en el menú desplegable de la derecha. Las opciones son : <br/>
'''Number:''' File number.<br/>
::: '''País:''' Los resultados se muestran agrupados por área cubierta por el portal local. Si el portal sólo cubre parte del país, sólo se muestra esta parte; si cubre todo el país, se muestra el país completo.<br/>
'''User name:''' Name of the user receiving the right. <br/>
::: '''Comarca:''' Los cantones son áreas administrativas definidas por cada país. Su nombre oficial cambia de un país a otro: Kreis, província, comarca, etc.<br/>
'''Right granted:''' Right the selected user is granted.<br/>
::: '''Municipio:''' La municipalidad, como el cantón, es una area administrativa definida por cada país.<br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go back to main list.<br/>
::: '''Supersitio:''' Un supersitio es un lugar que engloba varias localidades, y sólo puede usarse si se ha creado previamente. <br/>
'''9. EDIT:''' See Edit subsection below.<br/>
::: '''Lugar:''' Un lugar es un grupo de localidades (ver más abajo) que se han unido para el protocolo. Se puede mostrar en el mapa como un punto amarillo, o no mostrar-se. Por ejemplo, en el censo STOC EPS, se pueden tener diferentes puntos de conteo en un cuadrado. Cada uno de los puntos representa una localidad, pero el cuadrado que los engloba es un Sitio. A veces el Lugar y la Localidad son lo mismo. Por ejemplo, en el censo de aves comunes reproductoras, la Localidad representa un transecto, y solo hay un transecto por cuadrado.<br/>
'''10. DELETE:''' Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
::: '''Localidad:''' Una localidad es el lugar exacto donde se lleva a cabo un censo. Puede representar un punto, un transecto, o un polígono, según el estudio, y se representa en el mapa con un punto.<br/>

:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
:'''4. Visualización''' <br/>
Modify the rights granted to an observer.<br/>
::: '''INDICAR: ''' Ver los resultados en pantalla, o <br/>
::: '''EXPORTAR: ''' Descargar los resultados en un fichero Excel.<br/>

[[File:2023-03-21 user rights edit.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Editing rights.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:220px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:700px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;">
'''11.''' Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
[[File:2023-04-03 WBC report results.png|700px]]
'''12.''' Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:685px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px;">
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''Protocols. Report results.'''
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes. </p><br/>
<p style="color:black;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;text-align:left;column-count:1;padding-right:5px;">
'''2. Agregación temporal:''' Muestra el número total de individuos de la especie indicada en la primera columna (5). En el ejemplo, la agregación temporal se hace por semanas. Las semanas que no tienen datos, se muestran vacias. Utiliza la barra horizontal de la parte inferior para ver todos los resultados. <br/>
'''3. Nombre del lugar de estudio:''' Resultados agrupados por sitio. En el ejemplo, por localidad. Todos los lugares de estudio de la localidad seleccionada se muestran por separado. Utiliza la barra vertical de la derecha para ver todos los resultados. <br/>
'''5. Lista de especies:''' Lista de especies registradas en cada lugar. <br/>

:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>

:'''6. + NEW'''<br/>
Add a new right to an observer. <br/>

[[File:2023-03-21 user-sites new right.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding new right.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:220px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
'''11.''' Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
[[File:Protocols. Map..png|300px]]
'''12.''' Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
'''13. BACK:''' Go to preious screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''Protocolos. Mapa.'''  
'''15. ADD:''' Save new addition. </p><br/>

:'''7. Protocol administrators'''<br/>
Muestra el mapa por lugares. <br/>
List of administrators of Waterbird census protocol and their email addresses.<br/>

<br />
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 16.45.45.png|600px]]
[[File:Waterbird census. Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Settings.]] <br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">

Set protocol parameters. <br/>
Muestra las estadísticas e información para el área seleccionada: <br/>

===Species list===
1: Área seleccionada
2: Punto mostrado
3: punto rosa = áreas donde están los polígonos

List of species designated as part of a basic or an extended list. If no species are designated as part of any list, the section appears empty but users are still asked to indicate which list they are using. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
4: estadísticas de la área mostrada.

[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Species list.]]
Selecciona el lugar y consulta los detalles como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > "Nombre del protocolo" (aquí Censo de aves acuáticas) > [[Protocols_web#Map|Mapa]].<br />
<p style="margin-left:210px">
<br />
'''Species:''' list of species to survey.<br/>
'''Extended species list?:''' species belonging to an extended species.<br/>
'''Order:''' order of appearance.<br/></p>

<p style="margin-left:210px">
Las funciones mostradas en la sección 4 de la imagen "[[:File:2023-05-17 WBC Map links.png|Protocolos. Enlaces para administradores]]" son diferentes de las que se muestran a los administradores.<br/>
<i> See [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Ending the list]] to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.</i></p><br/>

:'''1. Search''' <br/>Reduce list by typing the name of a specie or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''. When a filter is applied and you want to deactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:300px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
[[File:2023-05-17 WBC Map links.png|300px]]
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:285px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">

:'''2. Search''' <br/>
:'''Enlaces para el polígono''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
Coloca el puntero sobre los iconos para ver qué significan.<br/>

:'''3. Details''' <br/>
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.00.49.png|left|thumb]]'''Añadir observaciones:'' Añadir observaciones en este lugar, o cualquier otro, como se explica en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Preparación y datos > [[Protocols_web#Add_observations|Añadir las observaciones]].<br/>
See name of species, their assigned order in the lis and to which type of list they belong.<br/>

[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Details of Species list.]]
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.01.58.png|left|thumb]]'''Datos de todos los lugares:''' Ver todas las observaciones asociadas al lugar. Desde esta pantalla se puede acceder a otros datos como si fuera [[Media:Search engine example.png|la herramienta de Motor de búsqueda]].<br/>

<p style="margin-left:210px">
<p style="margin-left:210px">
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;background-color:#ffffff;width:600px;padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-bottom:8px;">
'''Species:''' list of species to survey.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|600px]]
'''Extended species list?:''' species belonging to an extended species.<br/>
<div class="toc" style="border-radius:5px;width:585px;padding-left:15px;text-align:left; font-size:12px">
<i> See [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Ending the list]] to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.</i><br/>
'''Protocolos. Añadir observaciones a un polígono.'''  
'''Order:''' order of appearance.<br/>
'''7. BACK:''' Go to previous screen.<br/>
'''8. EDIT:''' See edit subsection below. <br/>
'''9. DELETE:''' Delete species from the list. <br/>

:'''4. Edit'''<br/>
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.03.14.png|left|thumb]]'''Lista de observaciones para revisar:''' Muestra todas las entradas asociadas con el lugar que necesitan verificación. <br/>
Modify details for the selected species.<br/>

[[File:2023-03-26 WBC edit species list.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Editing species lists.]]
:'''Enlaces para el cuadrado''' <br/>
Coloca el puntero sobre los iconos para conocer el significado de cada uno.<br/>

<p style="margin-left:210px">
::: [[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.04.48.png|left|thumb]]'''Modificar el protocolo:''' Modificar el protocolo como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Preparación y datos > [[/Protocols_web#Modify_the_protocol|Cambiar el protocolo]].<br/> <br/>
'''10. Species:''' Modify, if necessary, the name of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).<br/>
'''11. Extended species list?:''' Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).<br/>
'''12. Order:''' Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go back to previous screen without saving.<br/>
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes.<br/></p>

:'''5. Delete'''<br/>
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.01.58.png|left|thumb]]'''Datos de todos los sitios:''' Ver todas las observaciones asociadas al lugar. Desde esta pantalla (ver imagen [[Media:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|Añadir observaciones a un polígono]]) se puede acceder a otros datos como en [[Media:Search engine example.png|la herramienta Motor de búsqueda]].<br/>
Delete the species from the list.<br/>
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.03.14.png|left|thumb]]'''Lista de observaciones para revisar:''' Ver todas las observaciones que necesitan verificación.<br/>

:'''6. NEW'''<br/>
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.06.09.png|left|thumb]]'''Visualización de datos:''' Muestra todos los protocolos asociados al lugar como se describe en Interfaz web > Protocolos > "Nombre del protocolo" (aquí Censo de aves acuáticas) [[Protocols_web#Browse_observations| Consultar observaciones]]. <br/>
Add a new species to the list.<br/>

[[File:2023-03-26 WBC add new species.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding a new species to the list.]]
:::[[File:Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.06.55.png|left|thumb]]'''Resultados:''' Muestra los resultados como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos  > Preparación y datos > [[Protocols_web#Results|Resultado de los censos]]'''. <br/>

<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''10. Species:''' Start typing the name, or part of the name, of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).<br/>
'''11. Extended species list?:''' Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).<br/>
'''12. Order:''' Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go back to previous screen without saving.<br/>
'''15. ADD:''' Add the list species to the list.<br/></p>

<table border="5" width="700px">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: hsl(157, 74%, 80%)">
<!-- GREEN BOX (Tips): hsl(157, 74%, 80%)
YELLOW BOX (Summaries): #ffffdb"
BLUE BOX (Information): hsl(201, 100%, 89%)
RED BOX (Warnings):  hsl(0, 77%, 78%) -->

<span id="Waterbird_census_admin"></span>
<b>NOTE:</b><br />
=Waterbird census=
Even when no species are dessignated as a basic or an extended list (this section remains empty), users are still asked to indicate which list they follow. <br/>
We recommend to define these lists to avoid confusion and misunderstandings among users.

===Parameters describing the protocol===
[[File:2023-05-09 WBC Admin Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Administration menu.]]<br/>
List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>

[[File:Waterbird census. Settings.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Settings.]] <br/>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''8 Waterbird census'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
8.1[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
8.2[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
8.3[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
<ol>8.3.1 [[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Access_to_sites|Access to sites]] <br/>
    8.3.2 [[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Administration_users_rights|Administration users rights]] <br/> </ol></ol>
<ol> 8.4[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Settings| Settings]] <br />
<ol> 8.4.1[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Species_list| Species list]]<br /> 
    8.4.2[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    8.4.3[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol>8.5[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
8.6[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Report| Report]]<br /> 
8.7[[Protocol_management#WATERBIRD Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>

:'''1. Search''' <br/>
==WATERBIRD Preparation and data==
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>

:'''2. Active?''' <br/>
[[File:2023-05-09 WBC admin, prep and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Preparation and data.]]<br/>
Indicates if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter. <br/>

:'''3. Mandatory?''' <br/>
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol > [[Protocols_web#WBC_Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
Indicates if it will be mandatory to provide information regarding this parameter. <br/>

:'''4. Order''' <br/>
Order in which the different parameters will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>

:'''5. Details''' <br/>
See details associated to the selected parameter. <br/>
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Waterbird census > [[Media:Admin WBC Sites.png|Sites]] <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Waterbird census''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_polygon|Draw polygon]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
[[File:Admin WBC Sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Sites.]]<br/>

[[File:2023-03-22 WBC settings details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Parameters display.]]
List of all existing sites allowing a Waterbird census. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:220px">
<b>BACK:</b> Go to previous screen.<br/>
<b>EDIT:</b> Edit. See corresponding sub-section below.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>

:'''6. Edit'''<br/>
==WATERBIRD User/Site==
Modify settings for the selected parameter. <br/>

[[File:2023-03-22 WBC Settings edit.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbirds census protocol. Editing parameter settings.]]
[[File:WBC User Site.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. User/Site]]<br/>
<p style="margin-left:220px">
'''8.''' Select if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.<br/>
'''9.''' Select if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.<br/>
'''10.''' Type the order in which the parameter will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>
'''BACK:''' Go ack to the previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''MODIFY:''' Save changes to the parameter.<br/>

:'''7. Parameters'''<br/>
From the Waterbird census menu, select '''User / Site''' to assign users to study sites. <br/>
List of all possible parameters in Waterbird census protocols.<br/>

:::'''Comment''' <br />
===WATERBIRD Access to sites===

::Allows user to enter a comment if necessary. <br />
List of observers allowed to conduct Waterbird census protocols and the site/s they are assigned to. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
<br />

:::'''Important changes''' <br />
[[File:WBC Access to sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Access to sites.]]
<p style="margin-left:180px">
'''User name:''' Name and email address of observer.<br/>
'''Reference name:''' Name of the Waterbird census site.<br/>

::Allows indicating if there have been major changes since last visit.<br/>
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
<br />
Reduce list by typing the name of a user, reference name site or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.

:::'''Additional observer''' <br />
When a filter is applied and you want to desactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].<br />

::Space to indicate if the observer has been accompanied by someone whose observations were also recorded.<br />
:'''2. Search''' <br/>
<br />
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>

:::'''Ice''' <br/>
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
See details of observers and their assigned site.<br/>

::Indicates the percentatge of water surface that is frozen. Options are:<br/>
[[File:2023-03-17 WBC User-site details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. User/site Details.]]
:::: no ice <br/>
<p style="margin-left:180px">
:::: 0 - 10 % <br/>
'''User name:''' Observer name and email address.<br/>
:::: 10 - 50 % <br/>
'''Reference name:''' Name of site the observer has right to survey for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
:::: 50 - 90 % <br/>
'''Custom name:''' Additional name under which the site is also known.<br/>
:::: 90 - 100 % <br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go back to main list.<br/>
:::: 100 % <br/>
'''9. EDIT:''' See Edit subsection below.<br/>
:::: Unknown
'''10. DELETE:''' Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>

:::'''Snow coverage''' <br/>
:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Modify the user assigned to this site, or the site assigned to this user. <br/>
::Indicates the proportion of snow cover. Options are:<br/>
:::: no snow <br/>
:::: partly covered <br/>
:::: completely covered <br/>
:::: Unknown
[[File:WBC User Site edit (1).png|center|thumb|700x700px|Waterbird census protocol. Editing User/site.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:180px">
'''11.''' Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''12.''' Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes. </p><br/>

:::'''Count type''' <br />
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
::User should choose one the options:<br/>
:::: roost count <br/>
:::: during day <br />
<br />

:::'''Count method''' <br />
:'''6. EXPORT''' <br/>
Export list as a .txt file. <br/>

::The user indicates how they conducted the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:<br/>
:'''7. + NEW''' <br/>
:::: at ground <br/>
Grant rights to observer to conduct Waterbird census on dessignated sites.<br/>
:::: on airplane <br/>
:::: on ship <br/>
:::: other <br/>
:::: unknown <br />
<br />

:::'''Optical equipment''' <br />
[[File:Capture 2023-03-22 .png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding new user to site.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:180px">
::The user should indicate the equipment used for the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are: <br />
'''11.''' Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
:::: None <br/>
'''12.''' Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
:::: Telescope <br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to preious screen without saving changes.<br/>
:::: Binoculars <br/>
'''15. ADD:''' Save new addition. </p><br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:::'''Coverage''' <br />
===WATERBIRD Administration users rights===

::Serves to indicate how much of the designated polygon is covered in the survey. The user chooses between:<br/>
List of users and administrators with acces to the Waterbird census protocol. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]). <br/>
:::: Partly <br/>
:::: Complete <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:::'''Water level''' <br />
[[File:2023-03-20 Administration user's rights protocols.png|700px|thumb|center|Users and administrators of Waterbird census protocol.]]<br/>

::Indicates the water level. Options are:<br />
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
:::: Dry / Empty <br/>
Reduce list by typing the name of a user, of a right or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''.
:::: Low <br/>
:::: Normal <br/>
:::: High <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:::'''Visibility''' <br />
When a filter is applied and you want to deactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].<br />

::Approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species. Options are:<br />
:'''2. Search''' <br/>
:::: 0-100 m <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>
:::: 100-300 m <br/>
:::: 300-1000 m <br/>
:::: ≥ 1000 m <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:::'''Waves''' <br />
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
See the rights granted to the selected observer. <br/>

::Provides information about the waves. Options are: <br/>
[[File:2023-03-21 Sites-users, users rights, details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Rights details.]]
:::: None <br/>
<p style="margin-left:220px">
:::: Small <br/>
'''Number:''' File number.<br/>
:::: Moderate <br/>
'''User name:''' Name of the user receiving the right. <br/>
:::: With crests <br/>
'''Right granted:''' Right the selected user is granted.<br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
'''8. BACK:''' Go back to main list.<br/>
<br />
'''9. EDIT:''' See Edit subsection below.<br/>
'''10. DELETE:''' Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>

:::'''Conditions in general''' <br />
:'''4. Edit''' <br/>
Modify the rights granted to an observer.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-21 user rights edit.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Editing rights.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:220px">
'''11.''' Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''12.''' Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''14. MODIFY:''' Save changes. </p><br/>

::The user estimates how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying <br/>
:'''5. Delete''' <br/>
::conditions are not good. Options are:<br />
Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
:::: Good / Normal <br/>
:::: Moderate <br/>
:::: Bad / heavely influenced <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:::'''Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions''' <br />
:'''6. + NEW'''<br/>
Add a new right to an observer. <br/>

::If general conditions indicated above were noot good, <br/>
[[File:2023-03-21 user-sites new right.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding new right.]]
::clicking the yellow field the user opens an expandable menu and chooses the reason. Only one option is possible:  <br />
<p style="margin-left:220px;margin-right:220px">
:::: Fog <br/>
'''11.''' Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
:::: Rain <br/>
'''12.''' Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).<br/>
:::: Wind <br/>
'''13. BACK:''' Go to preious screen without saving changes.<br/>
:::: Hunting <br/>
'''15. ADD:''' Save new addition. </p><br/>
:::: Fishing <br/>
:::: Sport <br/>
:::: Mixed (weather) <br/>
:::: Mixed (human) <br/>
:::: Others <br/>
<br />

:::'''Count payed''' <br/>
:'''7. Protocol administrators'''<br/>
List of administrators of Waterbird census protocol and their email addresses.<br/>
::The user can indicate if the count is payed for or not. Only options are <br/>
:::: Yes <br/>
:::: No <br/>

:::'''Number of persons on shore''' <br/>
==WATERBIRD Settings==
<br />

::The user can type the number of persons on shore.<br/>
[[File:Waterbird census. Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Settings.]] <br/>

:::'''Number of rowing boats''' <br/>
Set protocol parameters. <br/>

::The user can type the number of rowing boats.<br/>
===WATERBIRD Species list===

:::'''Number of motor boats''' <br/>
List of species designated as part of a basic or an extended list. If no species are designated as part of any list, the section appears empty but users are still asked to indicate which list they are using. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
::The user can type the number of motor boats. <br/>

:::'''Number of sailing boats''' <br/>
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Species list.]]
<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''Species:''' list of species to survey.<br/>
'''Extended species list?:''' species belonging to an extended species.<br/>
'''Order:''' order of appearance.<br/></p>

::The user can type the number of sailing boats. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:210px">
<i> See [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Ending the list]] to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.</i></p><br/>

:::'''Number of canoes/kayaks''' <br/>
:'''1. Search''' <br/>Reduce list by typing the name of a specie or part of it, and click '''SEARCH'''. When a filter is applied and you want to deactivate it, click on [[Media:2023-03-17 Diplay full list.png|'''DISPLAY ALL''']].
::The user can type the number of canoes/kayaks.<br/>

:::'''Number of fishing boats''' <br/>
:'''2. Search''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>

::The user can type the number of fishing boats. <br/>
:'''3. Details''' <br/>
See name of species, their assigned order in the lis and to which type of list they belong.<br/>

:::'''Number of sports divers''' <br/>
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC lists details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Details of Species list.]]

::The user can type the number of sports divers.<br/>
<p style="margin-left:210px">
<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''Species:''' list of species to survey.<br/>
'''Extended species list?:''' species belonging to an extended species.<br/>
<i> See [[Protocols#Ending_the_list| Ending the list]] to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.</i><br/>
'''Order:''' order of appearance.<br/>
'''7. BACK:''' Go to previous screen.<br/>
'''4. EDIT:''' See edit subsection below. <br/>
'''5. DELETE:''' Delete species from the list. <br/>

:::'''Number of surfers''' <br/>
:'''4. Edit'''<br/>
Modify details for the selected species.<br/>
::The user can type the number of surfers.<br/>

:::'''Additional observers'''<br />
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC edit species list.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Editing species lists.]]

::The user can indicate the name of other observers participating in the data collection. <br />
<p style="margin-left:210px">
<br />
'''8. Species:''' Modify, if necessary, the name of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).<br/>
'''9. Extended species list?:''' Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).<br/>
'''10. Order:''' Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.<br/>
'''7. BACK:''' Go back to previous screen without saving.<br/>
'''11. MODIFY:''' Save changes.<br/></p>

:::'''Important changes since last count?''' <br />
:'''5. Delete'''<br/>
Delete the species from the list.<br/>
::The user can indicate if there has been any major change since their previous count, for example, some disturbance like noise or construction. <br />
<br />
:::'''Record the trace''' <br />
::By checking a cell, the user can have their track recorded. <br/>

:::'''Hide all records from the public''' <br/>
:'''6. NEW'''<br/>
Add a new species to the list.<br/>
::By checking the cell, the user hides all observations from the public. The observer an protocol administrators will always see them.<br/>

:::'''No species were seen''' <br/>
[[File:2023-03-26 WBC add new species.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding a new species to the list.]]

::Allows the user to indicate if despite visiting the site and following the guidelines, there were no records. <br/>
<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''8. Species:''' Start typing the name, or part of the name, of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).<br/>
'''9. Extended species list?:''' Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).<br/>
'''10. Order:''' Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.<br/>
'''7. BACK:''' Go back to previous screen without saving.<br/>
'''12. ADD:''' Add the list species to the list.<br/></p>

<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: hsl(157, 74%, 80%)">
<!-- GREEN BOX (Tips): hsl(157, 74%, 80%)
YELLOW BOX (Summaries): #ffffdb"
BLUE BOX (Information): hsl(201, 100%, 89%)
RED BOX (Warnings):  hsl(0, 77%, 78%) -->
<b>NOTE:</b><br />
Even when no species are dessignated as a basic or an extended list (this section remains empty), users are still asked to indicate which list they follow. <br/>
We recommend to define these lists to avoid confusion and misunderstandings among users.
===WATERBIRD Parameters describing the protocol===

Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Waterbird census protocol:<br/>
List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see [[Media:2023-03-27 example arrows.png|image as an example]]).<br/>
* '''YES:''' Free area tool is active. <br/>
* '''NO:''' Free area tool is inactive. <br/>

When active, it allows both users and administrators to see polygons that have not yet been assigned to an observer. Users can ask to be assigned to a site. See wiki section Web interace >  [[Free_area_tool|Free area tool]] for details.<br/>
[[File:Waterbird census. Settings.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Settings.]] <br/>

[[File:2023-03-27 WBC free area tool.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Free area tool.]]<br/>
:'''1. Search''' <br/>
Select page number and/or number of items per page. <br/>

:'''1. Details''' <br/>
:'''2. Active?''' <br/>
Indicates if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter. <br/>

[[File:2023-03-27 Free area tool details.png|700px|thumb|center]]
:'''3. Mandatory?''' <br/>
<p style="margin-left:240px">
Indicates if it will be mandatory to provide information regarding this parameter. <br/>
'''BACK:''' Go back to previous screen.<br/>
'''EDIT:''' Modify details. See subsection Edit below.<br/>
:'''2. Edit''' <br/>

[[File:2023-03-27 WBC edit free area tool.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Editing free area tool.]]<br/>
:'''4. Order''' <br/>
Order in which the different parameters will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>

Change status if necessary and click: <br/>
:'''5. Details''' <br/>
* '''BACK''' to go to previous screen without saving changes, or<br/>
See details associated to the selected parameter. <br/>
* '''MODIFY''' to save changes.<br/>

==Check data==
[[File:2023-03-22 WBC settings details.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Parameters display.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px">
<b>BACK:</b> Go to previous screen.<br/>
<b>EDIT:</b> Edit. See corresponding sub-section below.<br/>

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Check data.]]<br/>
:'''6. Edit'''<br/>
Modify settings for the selected parameter. <br/>

From the Waterbird census menu, select '''Check data''' to visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-22 WBC Settings edit.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbirds census protocol. Editing parameter settings.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px">
'''8.''' Select if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data general.png|center|thumb|700x700px|Waterbird census protocol. Check data.]]<br/>
'''9.''' Select if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.<br/>
'''10.''' Type the order in which the parameter will appear at the beginning of the protocol. <br/>
'''BACK:''' Go ack to the previous screen without saving changes.<br/>
'''MODIFY:''' Save changes to the parameter.<br/>
:'''7. Parameters'''<br/>
List of all possible parameters in Waterbird census protocols.<br/>

:'''1. Graphs''' <br/>
:::'''Comment''' <br />

Scroll down to see all graphs: <br/>
::Allows user to enter a comment if necessary. <br />
<br />

:::'''Number of census''': number of census per year from 2012 to present.<br/>
:::'''Important changes''' <br />
:::'''Census duration''': total number of hours of survey per year, from 2010 to present. <br/>
:::'''Average census time''': average number of minutes per survey. <br/>

:'''2. Site / Observer''' <br/>
::Allows indicating if there have been major changes since last visit.<br/>
Select a site and/or an observer from the expandable menu. Type the name, or part of it, if nedeed to reduce the list of options. If only a site is observed, you will see surveys from all observers; if only an observer is selected, you will see all sites the observer has access to. See image below as an example of its results. <br/>
<br />

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer.]] <br/>
:::'''Additional observer''' <br />

Place pointer on any coloured square to display date of survey and number of species recorded. Click on any date to display a [[Media:Capture 2023-03-30 WBC display sp.png|list of species recorded]] on a new window. <br/>
::Space to indicate if the observer has been accompanied by someone whose observations were also recorded.<br />
<br />

:'''3. Period / Site''' <br/>
:::'''Ice''' <br/>
Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu to see surveys at the selected period and site. See image [[Media:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer]] as an example of results. <br/>

:'''4. Sites without data''' <br/>
::Indicates the percentage of water surface that is frozen. Options are:<br/>
Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu. A list will show all sites without data for the selected period and observers assigned to each of the listed sites. Click on any observer's name to access their personal card. Check the '''e-mail''' cell (image below, A) to send a message to the observer/s at the site; or check '''check all''' on top (image below, B) to send a general message to all observers at all sites. <br/>
:::: no ice <br/>
:::: 0 - 10 % <br/>
:::: 10 - 50 % <br/>
:::: 50 - 90 % <br/>
:::: 90 - 100 % <br/>
:::: 100 % <br/>
:::: Unknown

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC send mail empty census.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. E-mail observers of empty census.]]<br/>
:::'''Snow coverage''' <br/>

A message template is shown below the list, along with the email addresses receiving this message (see image below). Change recepients y selecting a new study site from the list above. Send it as it is or type a message on the designated area to personilse it. When done, click '''SEND THE REQUESTS''' to send the message. <br/>
::Indicates the proportion of snow cover. Options are:<br/>
:::: no snow <br/>
:::: partly covered <br/>
:::: completely covered <br/>
:::: Unknown

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC emails.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Sending emails about empty sites.]]
:::'''Count type''' <br />
<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''5.''' Type message to personalise email. <br/>
'''6.''' Message recipients.<br/> </p>

::User should choose one the options:<br/>
:::: roost count <br/>
:::: during day <br />
<br />
:::'''Count method''' <br />

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC Report.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Report.]]<br/>
::The user indicates how they conducted the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:<br/>
:::: at ground <br/>
:::: on airplane <br/>
:::: on ship <br/>
:::: other <br/>
:::: unknown <br />
<br />

From the Waterbird census menu, select '''Report''' to visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
:::'''Optical equipment''' <br />

[[File:2023-03-27 WBC report, filters.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Filtering results.]]<br/>
::The user should indicate the equipment used for the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are: <br />
:::: None <br/>
:::: Telescope <br/>
:::: Binoculars <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:'''1. Filter dates''' <br/>
:::'''Coverage''' <br />
Select the starting and ending date using the expandable calendar on the right.<br/>

:'''2. Temporal aggregation''' <br/>
::Serves to indicate how much of the designated polygon is covered in the survey. The user chooses between:<br/>
Select aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are: <br/>
:::: Partly <br/>
::: '''Day:''' Shows results per day. This is the default option. <br/>
:::: Complete <br/>
::: '''Pentad:''' Shows results in groups of five days. <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
::: '''Week:''' Shows results per week. <br/>
<br />
::: '''Decade:''' Shows results in groups of ten days. <br/>
::: '''Month:''' Shows results per month.<br/>
::: '''Year:''' Shows results per year.<br>

:'''3. Spatial aggregation''' <br/>
:::'''Water level''' <br />

::: Select spatial aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are:
::Indicates the water level. Options are:<br />
:::::: '''Country:''' Results are grouped per area covered by the local portal. If the portal only covers part of the country, only this part is considered; if the local portal covers the whole country, all the country is considered.
:::: Dry / Empty <br/>
:::::: '''Kanton:''' Kantons are country-specific administrative defined areas. Their official name differs from country to country: Kreis, province, commarca, county, and so on.
:::: Low <br/>
:::::: '''Municipality:''' Municipality, like kanton, is an area administratively defined and country specific.
:::: Normal <br/>
:::::: '''Supersite:''' A supersite is a place that includes many other localities, and can only be used if it was previously created.
:::: High <br/>
:::::: '''Place:''' A place is a group of Localities (see below) linked toghether within the protocol. It is either represented on the map by a yellow dot or hidden. For example, in STOC EPS census, one may have different point counts in a square. Each of the points represents a Locality, but the square with all the points is a Place. Do the search accordingly. Note sometimes Place and Locality are the same. For example, in the Common breeding bird survey, a Locality represents a transect, and there is only one transect per square.
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />
:::::: '''Locality:''' A Locality is the exact location a survey takes place. It may represent a point, a transect or a polygon, depending on the study, and it is represented on the map as a dot.  <br />

:'''4. Visualisation''' <br/>
:::'''Visibility''' <br />
::: '''SHOW: '''See results on screen, or <br/>
::: '''EXPORT: '''Download results on an excel file.<br/>

[[File:2023-04-03 WBC report results.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Report results.]]
::Approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species. Options are:<br />
<p style="margin-left:220px; margin-right:220px">
:::: 0-100 m <br/>
'''2. Temporal aggregation:''' Results aggregated by time. In this example, per week. Weeks with no data, remain empty. Use the horizontal bar at the bottom to scroll through all results. <br/>
:::: 100-300 m <br/>
'''3. Spatial aggregation:''' Results aggregated by place. In this example, by locality. All study sites at the selected locality appear separately. Use the vertical bar on the right to scroll through all results. <br/>
:::: 300-1000 m <br/>
'''5. List of species:''' List of species registered at each site. <br/>
:::: ≥ 1000 m <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

:::'''Waves''' <br />

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC Map main menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Map.]]<br/>
::Provides information about the waves. Options are: <br/>
:::: None <br/>
:::: Small <br/>
:::: Moderate <br/>
:::: With crests <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

Select the site and see details as explained in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird census protocol > [[Protocols_web#Map|Map]].<br/>
:::'''Conditions in general''' <br />

Functions in section 4 are different from those of non-administrators. <br/>
::The user estimates how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying <br/>
::conditions are not good. Options are:<br />
:::: Good / Normal <br/>
:::: Moderate <br/>
:::: Bad / heavely influenced <br/>
:::: Unknown <br/>
<br />

[[File:2023-05-17 WBC Map links.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Links for administrators.]]<br/>
:::'''Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions''' <br />

:'''Links for the polygon''' <br/>
::If general conditions indicated above were noot good, <br/>
Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>
::clicking the yellow field the user opens an expandable menu and chooses the reason. Only one option is possible:  <br />
:::: Fog <br/>
:::: Rain <br/>
:::: Wind <br/>
:::: Hunting <br/>
:::: Fishing <br/>
:::: Sport <br/>
:::: Mixed (weather) <br/>
:::: Mixed (human) <br/>
:::: Others <br/>
<br />

::: '''Add observations:''' Add further observations to this site or any other as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[Protocols_web#Add_observations|Add observations]].<br/>
:::'''Count payed''' <br/>

::: '''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image below) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>
::The user can indicate if the count is payed for or not. Only options are <br/>
:::: Yes <br/>
:::: No <br/>

[[File:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon.]]<br/>
:::'''Number of persons on shore''' <br/>

::: '''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>
::The user can type the number of persons on shore.<br/>

:'''Links for the square''' <br/>
:::'''Number of rowing boats''' <br/>
Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>

::: '''Modify the protocol:''' Modify the protocol as described in wiki section Web > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[/Protocols_web#Modify_the_protocol|Modify the protocol]].<br/> <br/>
::The user can type the number of rowing boats.<br/>

:::'''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image [[Media:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon]]) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>
:::'''Number of motor boats''' <br/>

:::'''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>
::The user can type the number of motor boats. <br/>

:::'''Data visualisation:''' See all protocols associated to this site as in Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol [[Protocols_web#Browse_observations| Browse observations]]. <br/>
:::'''Number of sailing boats''' <br/>

:::'''Results:''' See results as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[Protocols_web#Results|Results]]'''. <br/>
::The user can type the number of sailing boats. <br/>

:::'''Number of canoes/kayaks''' <br/>

::The user can type the number of canoes/kayaks.<br/>

<!--From the Waterbird census menu, select '''Map''' to  see statistics about the Waterbird census protocol. <br/>
:::'''Number of fishing boats''' <br/>

[[File:2023-03-27 WBC map.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Map.]]<br/>
::The user can type the number of fishing boats. <br/>

:'''1. Apply filters''' <br/>
:::'''Number of sports divers''' <br/>
Select from the expandable menus the area you would like to see data from. <br/>

::: '''1a.''' Select an area or all the territory covered by the local portal ('country'). <br/>
::The user can type the number of sports divers.<br/>
::: '''1b.''' Select a study site. <br/>
::: '''1c.''' Select a study site. <br/>

:'''2. Statistics for the displayed region''' <br/>
:::'''Number of surfers''' <br/>
Statistics shown in this section depend on the area selected in '1', and summarise census visits to the site/s -for example, number of sites, of observers, years surveyed and number of species.<br/>
::The user can type the number of surfers.<br/>

:'''3. Map''' <br/>
:::'''Additional observers'''<br />
Search the area included in the study.  If necessary, visit [[Navigating the map|wiki section to know how to navigate the map]]. Click on the desired polygon to see details (see image below). <br/>
[[File:2023-03-29 WBC Maps.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Maps.]]<br/>

:::'''4. Links for the polygon''' <br/>
::The user can indicate the name of other observers participating in the data collection. <br />
::Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>
<br />

:::: '''Add observations:''' Allows entering a new protocol visit to this site, or any other. Choose from the [[Media:2023-03-30 WBC select site.png|tabs on top]] the site to enter data to. Enter a protocol as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol > [[Protocols_web#Add_observations| Add observations]].<br/>
:::'''Important changes since last count?''' <br />

:::: '''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image below) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>
::The user can indicate if there has been any major change since their previous count, for example, some disturbance like noise or construction. <br />
<br />

[[File:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon.]]<br/>
:::'''Record the trace''' <br />

:::: '''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>
::By checking a cell, the user can have their track recorded. <br/>

:::'''5. Links for the square''' <br/>
:::'''Hide all records from the public''' <br/>
::Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>

:::: '''Modify the protocol:''' Modify the polygon, including limits and name, as in Administration > Protocol management > Waterbird census > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]]. <br/>
::By checking the cell, the user hides all observations from the public. The observer an protocol administrators will always see them.<br/>

::::'''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image [[Media:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon]]) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>
:::'''No species were seen''' <br/>

::::'''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>
::Allows the user to indicate if despite visiting the site and following the guidelines, there were no records. <br/>

::::'''Data visualisation:''' See all protocols associated to this site as in Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol [[Protocols_web#Browse_observations| Browse observations]]. <br/>
===WATERBIRD Parameters===

::::'''Results:''' See some statistics for the recorded species. They include frequency of ocurrence and donwloadable maps (see image below).<br/>
Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Waterbird census protocol:<br/>
* '''YES:''' Free area tool is active. <br/>
* '''NO:''' Free area tool is inactive. <br/>

[[File:2023-03-30 WBC data visualization.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Data visualisation.]]
When active, it allows both users and administrators to see polygons that have not yet been assigned to an observer. Users can ask to be assigned to a site. See wiki section Web interace >  [[Free_area_tool|Free area tool]] for details.<br/>
<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''1.''' Select surveys to visualise.<br/>
'''2.''' Summary of results. <br/>
'''3.''' Graphical representaion of results. <br/>

:::'''6. Export''' <br/>
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC free area tool.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Free area tool.]]<br/>
::Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>

[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
:'''1. Details''' <br/>
[[Protocol_management#Waterbird_census|[Top to Waterbird census]]]<br/>

=Private territory mapping=
[[File:2023-03-27 Free area tool details.png|700px|thumb|center]]
<p style="margin-left:240px">
'''BACK:''' Go back to previous screen.<br/>
'''EDIT:''' Modify details. See subsection Edit below.<br/>

Private territory mapping records breeding birds within a pre-determined polygon. Data can only be entered through NaturaList. <br/>
:'''2. Edit''' <br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM admin menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Admin menu.]]<br/>
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC edit free area tool.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Editing free area tool.]]<br/>

<table style="border-style: solid;  border-color: black">
Change status if necessary and click: <br/>
* '''BACK''' to go to previous screen without saving changes, or<br/>
<td style="padding: 20px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #f0f0f0">
* '''MODIFY''' to save changes.<br/>
<p style="font-size:10px">
<p style="font-size:13px">9 Private territory mapping
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.1 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data_3|Preparation and data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.2 [[Protocol_management#Sites_3|Sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.3 [[Protocol_management#User/Site_3|User/Site]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">9.3.1 [[Protocol_management#Access_to_sites_3|Access to sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">9.3.2 [[Protocol_management#Administration_users_rights_3|Administration users rights]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.4 [[Protocol_management#Settings_3|Settings]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">9.4.1 [[Protocol_management#Species_list_3|Species list]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">9.4.2 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_describing_the_protocol_3|Parameters describing the protocol]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">9.4.3 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_3|Parameters]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.5 [[Protocol_management#Check_data_3|Check data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.6 [[Protocol_management#Report_3|Report]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">9.7 [[Protocol_management#Map_3|Map]]</p>
<br />
==Preparation and data==

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Preparation and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Preparation anda data.]]<br/>
==WATERBIRD Check data==

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Private territory mapping. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Private territory mapping > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data_3|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Check data.]]<br/>

From the Waterbird census menu, select '''Check data''' to visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Sites.]]<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data general.png|center|thumb|700x700px|Waterbird census protocol. Check data.]]<br/>

List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry. <br/>
:'''1. Graphs''' <br/>
Scroll down to see all graphs: <br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
:::'''Number of census''': number of census per year from 2012 to present.<br/>
:::'''Census duration''': total number of hours of survey per year, from 2010 to present. <br/>
:::'''Average census time''': average number of minutes per survey. <br/>

:'''2. Site / Observer''' <br/>
Select a site and/or an observer from the expandable menu. Type the name, or part of it, if nedeed to reduce the list of options. If only a site is observed, you will see surveys from all observers; if only an observer is selected, you will see all sites the observer has access to. See image below as an example of its results. <br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM User Site.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. User/Site.]]<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer.]] <br/>

From the Private territory mapping menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>
Place pointer on any coloured square to display date of survey and number of species recorded. Click on any date to display a [[Media:Capture 2023-03-30 WBC display sp.png|list of species recorded]] on a new window. <br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>
:'''3. Period / Site''' <br/>
Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu to see surveys at the selected period and site. See image [[Media:2023-03-30 WBC check data site-observer.png|Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer]] as an example of results. <br/>

:'''4. Sites without data''' <br/>
Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu. A list will show all sites without data for the selected period and observers assigned to each of the listed sites. Click on any observer's name to access their personal card. Check the '''e-mail''' cell (image below, A) to send a message to the observer/s at the site; or check '''check all''' on top (image below, B) to send a general message to all observers at all sites. <br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Settings.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Settings.]]<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC send mail empty census.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. E-mail observers of empty census.]]<br/>

Set protocol parameters. Parameters and protocol dependent, see section [[  ]] below for parameters refering to Private territory mapping.<br/>
A message template is shown below the list, along with the email addresses receiving this message (see image below). Change recepients y selecting a new study site from the list above. Send it as it is or type a message on the designated area to personilse it. When done, click '''SEND THE REQUESTS''' to send the message. <br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Settings|Settings]] for general information. <br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC emails.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Sending emails about empty sites.]]
<p style="margin-left:210px">
'''5.''' Type message to personalise email. <br/>
'''6.''' Message recipients.<br/> </p>

===Species list===
==WATERBIRD Report==

Create a list of species to survey. This protocol only accepts a list.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC Report.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Report.]]<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > [[Protocol_management#Species_list|Species list]] on how to do it.<br/>
From the Waterbird census menu, select '''Report''' to visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>

===Parameters describing the protocol===
[[File:2023-03-27 WBC report, filters.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Filtering results.]]<br/>

List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Private territory mapping does not have any specific parameters; a surveyor will only be asked: <br/>
:'''1. Filter dates''' <br/>
Select the starting and ending date using the expandable calendar on the right.<br/>

*'''Comments''': Users may enter comment.<br/>
:'''2. Temporal aggregation''' <br/>
Select aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are: <br/>
::: '''Day:''' Shows results per day. This is the default option. <br/>
::: '''Pentad:''' Shows results in groups of five days. <br/>
::: '''Week:''' Shows results per week. <br/>
::: '''Decade:''' Shows results in groups of ten days. <br/>
::: '''Month:''' Shows results per month.<br/>
::: '''Year:''' Shows results per year.<br>

*'''Record the trace''': Users can choose to record the trace. See wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Start of list > record the trace for more information.<br/>
:'''3. Spatial aggregation''' <br/>

*'''Hide all records from the public''': Users may keep observations private. <br/>
::: Select spatial aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are:
:::::: '''Country:''' Results are grouped per area covered by the local portal. If the portal only covers part of the country, only this part is considered; if the local portal covers the whole country, all the country is considered.
:::::: '''Kanton:''' Kantons are country-specific administrative defined areas. Their official name differs from country to country: Kreis, province, commarca, county, and so on.
:::::: '''Municipality:''' Municipality, like kanton, is an area administratively defined and country specific.
:::::: '''Supersite:''' A supersite is a place that includes many other localities, and can only be used if it was previously created.
:::::: '''Place:''' A place is a group of Localities (see below) linked toghether within the protocol. It is either represented on the map by a yellow dot or hidden. For example, in STOC EPS census, one may have different point counts in a square. Each of the points represents a Locality, but the square with all the points is a Place. Do the search accordingly. Note sometimes Place and Locality are the same. For example, in the Common breeding bird survey, a Locality represents a transect, and there is only one transect per square.
:::::: '''Locality:''' A Locality is the exact location a survey takes place. It may represent a point, a transect or a polygon, depending on the study, and it is represented on the map as a dot. <br />

:'''4. Visualisation''' <br/>
::: '''SHOW: '''See results on screen, or <br/>
::: '''EXPORT: '''Download results on an excel file.<br/>

Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Private territory mapping protocol.<br/>
[[File:2023-04-03 WBC report results.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Report results.]]
<p style="margin-left:220px; margin-right:220px">
'''2. Temporal aggregation:''' Results aggregated by time. In this example, per week. Weeks with no data, remain empty. Use the horizontal bar at the bottom to scroll through all results. <br/>
'''3. Spatial aggregation:''' Results aggregated by place. In this example, by locality. All study sites at the selected locality appear separately. Use the vertical bar on the right to scroll through all results. <br/>
'''5. List of species:''' List of species registered at each site. <br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > [[Protocol_management#Parameters|Parameters]] to learn more about protocol parameters.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-30 WBC Map main menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census. Map.]]<br/>

==Check data==
Select the site and see details as explained in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird census protocol > [[Protocols_web#Map|Map]].<br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Check data.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Check data.]]<br/>
Functions in section 4 are different from those of non-administrators. <br/>

Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
[[File:2023-05-17 WBC Map links.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Links for administrators.]]<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
:'''Links for the polygon''' <br/>
Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>

::: '''Add observations:''' Add further observations to this site or any other as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[Protocols_web#Add_observations|Add observations]].<br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Report.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Report.]]<br/>
::: '''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image below) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>

Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
[[File:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|700px|thumb|center|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon.]]<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]] for more information.<br/>
::: '''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>

:'''Links for the square''' <br/>
Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.<br/>

[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Map.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Map.]]<br/>
::: '''Modify the protocol:''' Modify the protocol as described in wiki section Web > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[/Protocols_web#Modify_the_protocol|Modify the protocol]].<br/> <br/>

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics. <br/>
:::'''All site data:''' See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image [[Media:2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png|Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon]]) you can access other data as in the [[Media:Search engine example.png|Search engine tool]].<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]] for more information. <br/>
:::'''List of records to be checked:''' See all records associated to the site needing verification. <br/>

[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
:::'''Data visualisation:''' See all protocols associated to this site as in Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol [[Protocols_web#Browse_observations| Browse observations]]. <br/>
[[Protocol_management#Private_territory_mapping|[Top to Private territory mapping]]]<br/>

=Point count=
:::'''Results:''' See results as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > [[Protocols_web#Results|Results]]'''. <br/>

[[File:PC Admin Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Admin menu.]]<br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Waterbird_census|[Top to Waterbird census]]]<br/>

<table style="border-style: solid;  border-color: black">
=Private territory mapping=
<td style="padding: 20px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #f0f0f0">
<p style="font-size:10px">
<p style="font-size:13px">10 Point count
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.1 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data_4|Preparation and data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.2 [[Protocol_management#Sites_4|Sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.3 [[Protocol_management#User/Site_4|User/Site]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">10.3.1 [[Protocol_management#Access_to_sites_4|Access to sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">10.3.2 [[Protocol_management#Administration_users_rights_4|Administration users rights]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.4 [[Protocol_management#Settings_4|Settings]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">10.4.1 [[Protocol_management#Species_list_4|Species list]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">10.4.2 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_describing_the_protocol_4|Parameters describing the protocol]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">10.4.3 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_4|Parameters]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.5 [[Protocol_management#Check_data_4|Check data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.6 [[Protocol_management#Report_4|Report]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">10.7 [[Protocol_management#Map_4|Map]]</p>
<br />
==Preparation and data==

[[File:PC admin prep and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Preparation and data.]]<br/>
Private territory mapping records breeding birds within a pre-determined polygon. Data can only be entered through NaturaList. <br/>

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Private territory mapping. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Private territory mapping > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data_3|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM admin menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Admin menu.]]<br/>

<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''9 Private territory mapping'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
9.1[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
9.2[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
9.3[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
9.4[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Settings| Settings]] <br /> 
<ol> 9.4.1[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Species_list| Species list]]<br /> 
    9.4.2[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    9.4.3[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol> 9.5[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
9.6[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Report| Report]]<br /> 
9.7[[Protocol_management#OTHER_MAPPING Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>

[[File:PC admin sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Sites.]]<br/>
==OTHER MAPPING Preparation and data==

List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry. <br/>
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Preparation and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Preparation anda data.]]<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Private territory mapping. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Private territory mapping > [[Protocols_web#PTM_Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>


[[File:PC Admin User site.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. User/Site.]]
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Private territory mapping > [[Media:2023-05-22 PTM Sites.png|Sites]] <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Private territory mapping''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_transect|Draw transects]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Sites.]]<br/>
List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM User Site.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. User/Site.]]<br/>

From the Point count menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>
From the Private territory mapping menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>

Line 2,257: Line 2,472:

==OTHER MAPPING Settings==

Line 2,269: Line 2,484:

===Species list===
===OTHER MAPPING Species list===

Line 2,278: Line 2,493:

===Parameters describing the protocol===
===OTHER MAPPING Parameters describing the protocol===

Line 2,290: Line 2,505:

===OTHER MAPPING Parameters===

Line 2,299: Line 2,514:

==Check data==
==OTHER MAPPING Check data==

[[File:PC Admin Check data..png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Check data.]]
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Check data.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Check data.]]<br/>

Line 2,312: Line 2,526:


[[File:PC Admin. Report..png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Report.]]<br/>
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Report.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Report.]]<br/>

Line 2,324: Line 2,538:


[[File:PC Admin Map.png|600px|thumb|center|Point count. Map]]<br/>
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Map.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Map.]]<br/>

Line 2,337: Line 2,551:

[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Point_count|[Top to Point count]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Private_territory_mapping|[Top to Private territory mapping]]]<br/>

=Point count=
<table style="border-style: solid;  border-color: black">
<td style="padding: 20px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #f0f0f0">
<p style="font-size:10px">
<p style="font-size:13px">11 Woodpeckers
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.1 [[Protocol_management#Preparation_and_data_5|Preparation and data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.2 [[Protocol_management#Sites_5|Sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.3 [[Protocol_management#User/Site_5|User/Site]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">11.3.1 [[Protocol_management#Access_to_sites_5|Access to sites]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">11.3.2 [[Protocol_management#Administration_users_rights_5|Administration users rights]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.4 [[Protocol_management#Settings_5|Settings]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">11.4.1 [[Protocol_management#Species_list_5|Species list]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">11.4.2 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_describing_the_protocol_5|Parameters describing the protocol]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 55px;font-size:13px">11.4.3 [[Protocol_management#Parameters_5|Parameters]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.5 [[Protocol_management#Check_data_5|Check data]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.6 [[Protocol_management#Report_5|Report]]</p>
<p style="margin-left: 30px;font-size:13px">11.7 [[Protocol_management#Map_5|Map]]</p>
<br />
==Preparation and data==

[[File:PC Admin Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Admin menu.]]<br/>

List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry. <br/>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''10 Point count'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
10.1[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
10.2[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
10.3[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
10.4[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Settings| Settings]] <br /> 
<ol> 10.4.1[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Species_list| Species list]]<br /
    10.4.2[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    10.4.3[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol> 10.5[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
10.6[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Report| Report]]<br /> 
10.7[[Protocol_management#POINT_COUNT_Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
==POINT COUNT Preparation and data==

To create point counts at a new site: <br/>
[[File:PC admin prep and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Preparation and data.]]<br/>

[[File:2023-09-19 WP create site.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodpecker protocol. Creating a new site.]]<br/>
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Point count. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Point count > [[Protocols_web#PC_Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
:<b>1.</b> Start drawing the points to survey: click on the icon and on any point of the map to create a new survey point. Active point is shown in grey (a).<br/>
:<b>2.</b> Hide survey area around the point (b): Click on any point to hide survey area around it. <br/>

===Access to sites===

===Administration users rights===
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Directly by <b>Transmit my sightings</b> map <br/>or <br/>through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Point count > [[Media:PC admin sites.png|Sites]]> +NEW button <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Point count''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_point|Draw points]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
[[File:PC admin sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Sites.]]<br/>

From the Woodpecker menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>
List of all existing sites allowing a Point count. <br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>

==POINT COUNT User/Site==

===Species list===
[[File:PC Admin User site.png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. User/Site.]]

===Parameters describing the protocol===
From the Point count menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>

==Check data==
==POINT COUNT Settings==

Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
[[File:2023-05-22 PTM Settings.png|700px|thumb|center|Private territory mapping. Settings.]]<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
Set protocol parameters. Parameters and protocol dependent, see section [[   ]] below for parameters refering to Private territory mapping.<br/>

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Settings|Settings]] for general information. <br/>

===POINT COUNT Species list===

Create a list of species to survey. This protocol only accepts a list.<br/>

[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > [[Protocol_management#Species_list|Species list]] on how to do it.<br/>
===POINT COUNT Parameters describing the protocol===
List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Private territory mapping does not have any specific parameters; a surveyor will only be asked: <br/>
*'''Comments''': Users may enter comment.<br/>
*'''Record the trace''': Users can choose to record the trace. See wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Start of list > record the trace for more information.<br/>
*'''Hide all records from the public''': Users may keep observations private. <br/>
===POINT COUNT Parameters===
Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Private territory mapping protocol.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > [[Protocol_management#Parameters|Parameters]] to learn more about protocol parameters.<br/>
==POINT COUNT Check data==
[[File:PC Admin Check data..png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Check data.]]
Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
==POINT COUNT Report==
[[File:PC Admin. Report..png|700px|thumb|center|Point count. Report.]]<br/>
Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]] for more information.<br/>
[[File:PC Admin Map.png|600px|thumb|center|Point count. Map]]<br/>
Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]] for more information. <br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Point_count|[Top to Point count]]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''11 Woodpeckers'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
11.1[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
11.2[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
11.3[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
11.4[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Settings| Settings]] <br /> 
<ol> 11.4.1[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Species_list| Species list]]<br /> 
    11.4.2[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    11.4.3[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol> 11.5[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
11.6[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Report| Report]]<br /> 
11.7[[Protocol_management#WOODPECKER_Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>
==WOODPECKER Preparation and data==
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Directly by <b>Transmit my sightings</b> map <br/>or <br/>through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Woodpeckers > [[Media:Admin WBC Sites.png|Sites]]> +NEW button <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Woodpeckers''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_point|Draw points]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
List of all existing sites allowing Woodpeckers' studies. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
This protocol requires 5 points: <br/>
[[File:2023-10-14 WP final SIte admin.png|700px|thumb|center|Five study points in a Woodpecker protocol.]]
<p style="margin-right:270px;margin-left:270px">
'''1.''' Draw point <br/>
'''2.''' Edit point <br/>
'''3.''' Locality the study area will belong to <br/>
'''4.''' Active point, either newly created or ready to edit <br/>
'''5.''' Survey area around the point. Click on any point to hide its survey area. <br/>
==WOODPECKER User/Site ==
From the Woodpecker menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>
==WOODPECKER Settings==
===WOODPECKER Species list===
===WOODPECKER Parameters describing the protocol===
===WOODPECKER Parameters===
==WOODPECKER Check data==
Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]] for more information.<br/>
Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]] for more information. <br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Woodpeckers|[Top to Woodpeckers]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Woodpeckers|[Top to Woodpeckers]]]<br/>
=Rock Ptarmigans protocol=
[[File:2023-10-05 admin Ptarmigans menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. Admin menu.]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''12 Rock Ptarmigans protocol'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
12.1[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
12.2[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
12.3[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
12.4[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Settings| Settings]] <br /> 
<ol> 12.4.1[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Species_list| Species list]]<br /> 
    12.4.2[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    12.4.3[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol> 12.5[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
12.6[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Report| Report]]<br /> 
12.7[[Protocol_management#LAGOPUS_MOTA_Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>
==LAGOPUS MOTA Preparation and data==
[[File:2023-10-05 admin PP, prep + data.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. Preparation and data.]]<br/>
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Rock Ptarmigans protocol > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Directly by <b>Transmit my sightings</b> map <br/>or <br/>through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Rock Ptarmigans protocol > [[Media:2023-10-05 admin PP. Sites.png|Sites]] > +NEW button <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Rock Ptarmigans protocol''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_polygon|Draw a polygon]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
[[File:2023-10-05 admin PP. Sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. Sites.]]<br/>
List of all existing sites allowing a Rock Ptarmigan protocol. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
==LAGOPUS MOTA User/Site==
[[File:2023-10-05 admin PP. User-site.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. User / Site.]]<br/>
From the Rock Ptarmigan protocol menu, select '''User / Site''' to assign users to study sites. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>
==LAGOPUS MOTA Settings==
===LAGOPUS MOTA Species list===
===LAGOPUS MOTA Parameters describing the protocol===
===LAGOPUS MOTA Parameters===
==LAGOPUS MOTA Check data==
[[File:2023-10-05 Admin PP. Check data.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. User/Site.]]<br/>
Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
[[File:2023-10-05 Admin PP. Reports.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. Reports.]]<br/>
Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]] for more information.<br/>
[[File:2023-10-05 Admin PP.Map.png|700px|thumb|center|Ptarmigans Protocol. Map.]]<br/>
Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]] for more information. <br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Rock Ptarmigans protocol|[Top to Rock Ptarmigans protocol]]]<br/>
=Black Grouse protocol=
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP Admin menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. Admin Menu.]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''13 Black Grouse protocol'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
13.1[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
13.2[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
13.3[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
13.4[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Settings| Settings]] <br /> 
<ol> 13.4.1[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Species_list| Species list]]<br /> 
    13.4.2[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    13.4.3[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol> 13.5[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
13.6[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Report| Report]]<br /> 
13.7[[Protocol_management#TETRAO_TETRIX_Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>
==TETRAO TETRIX Preparation and data==
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP Preparation and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. Preparation and data.]]<br/>
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Black Grouse protocol > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Directly by <b>Transmit my sightings</b> map <br/>or <br/>through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Black Grouse protocol > [[Media:2023-10-09 BGP. Admin sites..png|Sites]]> +NEW button <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Black Grouse protocol''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_polygon|Draw polygon]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP. Admin sites..png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. Sites.]] <br/>
List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP. User Site.png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. User/Site.]]<br/>
From the Point count menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>
==TETRAO TETRIX Settings==
===TETRAO TETRIX Species list===
===TETRAO TETRIX Parameters describing the protocol===
===TETRAO TETRIX Parameters===
==TETRAO TETRIX Check data==
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP. Admin Check data..png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. Check data.]] <br/>
Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP. Report.png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. Report.]] <br/>
Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]] for more information.<br/>
[[File:2023-10-09 BGP. Map.png|700px|thumb|center|Black Grouse Protocol. Map.]] <br/>
Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]] for more information. <br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Black Grouse protocol|[Top to Black Grouse protocol]]]<br/>
=Woodcock monitoring=
[[File:2023-10-09 WC monitoring. Menu.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring. Menu.]]<br/>
<div class="toc" style="width:350px;"> <!-- La llargada s'ha de canviar aquí -->
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide"  style="width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;background-color:#f7f7f7;">
&nbsp; '''14 Woodcock monitoring'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="width:350px;background-color:#f7f7f7;"> <!-- I també cal canviar la llargada aquí -->
14.1[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Preparation_and_data| Preparation and data]] <br />               
14.2[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Sites| Sites]]<br /> 
14.3[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_User/Site| User/Site]]<br /> 
14.4[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Settings| Settings]] <br /> 
<ol> 14.4.1[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Species_list| Species list]]<br /> 
    14.4.2[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Parameters_describing_the_protocol| Parameters describing the protocol]]<br /> 
    14.4.3[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Parameters| Parameters]]<br />  </ol></ol>
<ol> 14.5[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Check_data| Check Data]]<br /> 
14.6[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Report| Report]]<br /> 
14.7[[Protocol_management#WOODCOCK_Map| Map]]<br />  </ol>
==WOODCOCK Preparation and data==
[[File:2023-10-09 WC Prep and data.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring. Preparation and data.]] <br/>
Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Woodcock monitoring > [[Protocols_web#Preparation_and_data|Preparation and data]] for more information. <br/>
==WOODCOCK Sites==
<table class="toc" width="700px" style="border:1px solid black;">
<td style="padding: 25px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; color: black; background-color: #ffffdb">
<p><b> CREATE A NEW SITE:</b><br />
1. Directly by <b>Transmit my sightings</b> map <br/>or <br/>through Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Woodcock monitoring > [[Media:2023-10-09 WC Sites.png|Sites]] > +NEW button <br />
2. Select new site as if [[Submitting_records|Submitting records]]<br/>
3. Choose [[Media:Draw waterbird polygon.png|'''Create a protocoled census -Woodcock monitoring''']]<br/>
4. [[Media:Name a new WBC site.png|Name the new site]]<br/>
5. [[Geometry_editor#Drawing_a_point|Draw points]] or [[Media:2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png|import shapefile]]<br/>
6. '''SAVE'''
[[File:2023-10-09 WC Sites.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring. Sites.]] <br/>
List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Sites|Sites]] for more information.<br/>
==WOODCOCK User/Site==
[[File:2023-10-09 WC. User Site.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring, User/Site.]] <br/>
From the Private territory mapping menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#User/Site|User/Site]]<br/>
==WOODCOCK Settings==
===WOODCOCK Species list===
===WOODCOCK Parameters describing the protocol===
===WOODCOCK Parameters===
==WOODCOCK Check data==
[[File:2023-10-09 WC Check data.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring. Check data.]] <br/>
Visualise a summary of survey data.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Check_data|Check data]] for more information. <br/>
==WOODCOCK Report==
[[File:2023-10-09 WC Report.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring. Report.]]<br/>
Visualise pooled results from surveys.<br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > [[Protocol_management#Report|Report]] for more information.<br/>
[[File:2023-10-09 WC Map.png|700px|thumb|center|Woodcock monitoring. Map.]] <br/>
Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics. <br/>
Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > [[Protocol_management#Map|Map]] for more information. <br/>
[[#top|[Top to Protocols]]]<br/>
[[Protocol_management#Woodcock monitoring|[Top to Woodcock monitoring]]]<br/>

Latest revision as of 19:35, 4 March 2024

Other languages:

Para acceder a la gestión de un protocolo necesitas tener Permisos de gestión de protocolos. Sólo los administradores de la página local puede darte acceso bajo ciertas condiciones.

Hay dos formas de acceder a la gestión de protocolos:

  • Desde el Menú principal > Administración

Si eres administrador, ves a la sección de administración en la columna de la izquierda (ver la imagen Administración), y ves a Gestión de protocolos. Abre el panel y selecciona Gestión de protocolos (ver imagen Gestión de protocolos).


Gestión de protocolos.

  • Desde el Menú principal > Participar > Todos mis protocolos

Ves al Menú principal > Participar > Todos mis protocolos. Se mostrarán todos los protocolos a los que tienes acceso, sea como administrador o usuario sin permisos especiales. Los usuarios sin permisos especiales también pueden acceder de esta manera pero no verán todas las acciones disponibles para ese protocolo.

Gestión de protocolos desde Todos mis protocolos.


Acceder a protocolos

Accede a los protocolos a través del panel de protocolos o como si Introdujeras observaciones. Visita la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos para más información.

Los administradores y los usuarios con los permisos necesarios pueden tener formas adicionales de acceder a algunas de las funciones de los protocolos:

Cambiar el protocolo

Modifica el protocolo desde

  • Introducir observaciones, como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > Cambiar el protocolo.
  • Panel de protocolos > Preparación y datos, como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > Cambiar el protocolo.
  • Panel de protocolos > Localidades. Sólo está disponible para administradores. Consulta la sección wiki Administración > Gestión de protocolos > Localidades > Editar para más información.

Creación de protocolo

Crear un nuevo protocolo desde

  • Introducir observaciones, como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Página local > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > Crear un protocolo.
  • Panel de protocolos > Localidades. Sólo está disponible para los administradores. Consulta la sección wiki Administración > Gestión de protocolos > Localidades > +NUEVO para conocer cómo hacerlo.

Acceso al panel de protocolos:
- A través del Menú > Participar > Todos mis protocolos.
- A través del Menú > Administración > Gestión de protocolos > Gestión de protocolos.

Enviar observaciones:
- A través del Panel de protocolos > Preparación y datos > Añadir las observaciones.
- A través de Introducir observaciones. Ver la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > Enviar observaciones para más detalles.

Modificar el protocolo
- A través del Panel de protocolos > Preparación y datos > Cambiar el protocolo, o Panel de protocolos > Localidades > Editar.
Creación de protocolos:
- A través del Panel de protocolos > Localidades > +NUEVO.
- A través de Enviar observaciones. Consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Acceder a protocolos > Creación de protocolos para más información.


Preparación y datos

Protocols. Preparation and data..png

Protocolos. Preparación y datos.

Sección idéntica a Censo de aves acuáticas que tomamos como ejemplo, disponible para usuarios registrados con derechos especiales. Permite imprimir mapas e introducir observaciones. Consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > 'Nombre del protocolo' > Preparación y datos para más información.




Protocols. Sites..png

Protocolos. Lugares.

Lista de todos los lugares que permiten introducir datos (aquí como ejemplo el Censo de aves acuáticas). Usa las flechas bajo los títulos para alternar entre orden ascendiente y descendiente (consulta la imagen como ejemplo).

WBC list of sites.png

Protocolos. Lugares existentes.

Nombre de referencia: Nombre oficial asignado al lugar de estudio. El nombre se lo da un administrador o un usuario con derechos especiales.
Nombre personalizado: Nombre alternativo bajo el que también se conoce este lugar, o un nombre que sea más fácil para el usuario. Éste puede ser asignado por el usuario que tiene acceso a este sitio.
Localidad de referencia: Nombre de la localidad bajo la que se asociarán todos los datos de este censo.
Municipio: Municipio al que pertenece la localidad.
Altitud: Altitud asociada a la localidad.


1. Buscar

Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre del lugar, la Localidad, el Municipio, o parte de ellos, y clica BUSCAR.

Si hay algún filtro y quieres desactivarlo, clica en MOSTRAR TODO.

2. Buscar

Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página.

3. Detalles

Clica para ver los detalles de los lugares seleccionados.

4. Editar

Clica para editar los detalles de los lugares seleccionados.

5. Lugar nuevo

Crea un nuevo lugar de estudio.

1. Clica + NUEVO bajo la lista. Selecciona el lugar como si introdujeras una observación (consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > Enviar observaciones si fuera necesario) y selecciona la opción nueva: Crear un censo con protocolo -Nombre del protocol (aquí censo de aves acuáticas, ver imagen siguiente).

Crear un lugar de estudio nuevo para el protocolo Censo de aves acuáticas.

Draw waterbird polygon.png

Crear un lugar de estudio nuevo para el protocolo de aves acuáticas.

2. Escribe el nombre del nuevo lugar.

Name a new WBC site.png

Nombrar el nuevo lugar de estudio para el Censo de aves acuáticas.

Nombre de la localidad de referencia: Localidad bajo la que se asociarán todos los datos del protocolo. Lo crea el administrador al crear un nuevo lugar de estudio y no se puede modificar más tarde.
Nombre de referencia: Escribe el nombre del nuevo lugar. Puede ser un nombre real o un código, y puede estar formado por letras, números o una combinación de ambos.
Nombre personalizado: Escribe un nombre adicional para el lugar, si se requiere. Éste nombre lo puede cambiar más tarde el usuario asignado a este sitio.


3. Escoge entre:
  • Dibujar un polígono, punto o transecto como se explica en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Editor de geometría o,
  • Importar un fichero shape:

2023-03-14 Importing a plygon shapefile.png

Importar polígono en fichero shape.

1. Escoge el datum y
2. carga el fichero.
3. Al acabar, clica IMPORTAR.

Un polígono recién creado se puede exportar como fichero shape para usar en el futuro o se puede modificar. Clica en el icono de fichero bajo la sección de Polígono (ver la imagen siguiente, en el círculo). Si es necesario, modifícala e IMPORTA como se explica más arriba.

Save shapefile of new WBC site.png

Guardando el fichero shape de un lugar acabado de crear.

4. Cuando el nuevo lugar está creado, hay tres opciones:
AÑADIR Y QUEDARSE EN ESTA PÁGINA para guardar el lugar y continuar haciendo cambios, o
AÑADIR Y GUARDAR EL TRANSECTO para guardar y comenzar a introducir observaciones o
' ELIMINAR LOCALIDAD si es necesario. Nota: esta opción solo está disponible si no hay observaciones asociadas a este sitio.

El lugar nuevo ya está creado y guardado (se indica en la parte superior de la página). Ahora se te da la opción de eliminarlo si fuera necesario (ver la imagen Eliminar un lugar recién creado). En caso contrario, ves a cualquier punto de la página o repite todo el proceso para crear otros lugares sin perder el ya creado.



Protocols. User-Site..png

Protocolos. Usuario/Localidad.

Desde "Nombre del menú del protocolo (aquí Censo de aves acuáticas)", selecciona Usuario / Localidad para asignar usuarios a los lugares de estudio.

Acceso a las localidades

Lista de observadores con permiso para realizar "Nombre del protocolo (en este ejemplo Censo de aves acuáticas)" y los lugares que se les han asignado. Utiliza las flechas en las columnas para alternar entre orden ascendente y descendente (ver imagen como ejemplo).

WBC Access to sites.png

Protocolos. Acceso a las localidades.

Nombre de usuario: Nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y número de usuario.
Nombre de referencia: Nombre de referencia del lugar (nombre local oficial) de "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)".

1. Buscar

Reducir la lista escribiendo el nombre del lugar, del usuario, o parte del nombre, y clica "BUSCAR".

Si se ha aplicado un filtro y quieres desactivarlo, clica en MOSTRAR TODO para ver la lista completa.

2. Página y entradas

Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. El conteo indica el número de entradas que se han encontrado.

Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png

Detalles para escoger página, entradas/página

3. Detalles

Ver detalles de los observadores y sus lugares asignados.

2023-03-17 WBC User-site details.png

Protocolos. Detalles de usuario/localidad.

Nombre de usuario: Nombre y dirección de correo electrónico del observador, y número de usuario del sitio local.
Nombre de referencia: Nombre del lugar donde el observador tiene permiso para censar en el "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" .
Nombre personalizado: Nombre adicional bajo el que también se conoce el lugar.
8. ATRÁS: Volver a la lista principal.
4. EDITAR: Consulta la subsección Editar más abajo.
5. ELIMINAR: Revocar el permiso de este observador para censar en este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo ( en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" .

4. Editar

Modificar el usuario asignado a este lugar, o el lugar asignado a este usuario.

Capture 2023-05-25 at 9.10.26.png

Protocolos. Editar Usuario/localidad.

10. Cambiar el observador asignado a este lugar. Comienza a escribir el nombre del nuevo observador (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).
11. Cambiar el lugar asignado a un observador. Comienza a escribir el nombre del lugar nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).
8. ATRÁS: Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
9. MODIFICAR: Guardar los cambios.

5. Eliminar

Revoca el permiso del usuario de censar en este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" .


Exportar la lista como fichero .txt.

'7. + NUEVO

Concede el permiso a un observador para censar en el lugar asignado en el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)".

Capture 2023-03-22 .png

Protocolos. Añadir un usuario nuevo al lugar.

11. Selecciona el observador al que se le va a conceder permiso para censar en un lugar determinado. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del observador nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).
12. Selecciona el lugar que se va a asignar al observador. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del lugar nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).
13. ATRÁS: Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
15. AÑADIR: Guardar.

Gestión de los derechos de acceso

Lista de usuarios y administradores con acceso a "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" . Utiliza las flechas en las columnas para alternar entre orden ascendente y descendente (ver imagen como ejemplo).

2023-03-20 Administration user's rights protocols.png

Usuarios y administradores del protocolo (en el ejemplo, Censo de aves acuáticas).

1. Buscar

Reducir la lista escribiendo el nombre de un derecho o de un usuario, o una parte del nombre, y clica 'BUSCAR.

Si se ha aplicado un filtro y quieres desactivarlo, clica en MOSTRAR TODO para ver la lista completa.

2. Buscar

Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página.

3. Detalles

Ver los permisos concedidos al usuario seleccionado.

2023-03-21 Sites-users, users rights, details.png

Protocolos. Detalles de permisos.

Número: Número para uso interno de Biolovision.
Nombre de usuario: Nombre, dirección de correo electrónica y número de usuario en el portal local del usuario que recibe el permiso.
Derecho concedido: Permiso que se le concede al usuario seleccionado.
8. ATRÁS: Volver a la lista principal.
9. EDITAR: Ver sub sección Editar más abajo.
10. ELIMINAR: Revocar el permiso del observador para censar este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" .

4. Editar

Cambiar los permisos concedidos a un observador.

2023-03-21 user rights edit.png

Protocolos. Editar permisos.

11. Cambia el observador con este permiso. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del observador nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).
12. Cambia los permisos asignados a este observador. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del permiso nuevo (a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (b).
13. ATRÁS: Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
14. MODIFICAR: Guardar cambios.

5. Eliminar

Revocar el permiso del usuario para censar en este lugar bajo el protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" .

6. + NUEVO

Añade un permiso nuevo a un observador.

2023-03-21 user-sites new right.png

Protocolos. Añadir un permiso nuevo.

11. Selecciona el observador al que se le va a conceder el permiso. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del observador (a) y selecciona del menú desplegable (b).
12. Selecciona el permiso que se la va a conceder al observador. Comienza escribiendo el nombre del permiso (a) y selecciona del menú desplegable (b).
13. ATRÁS: Volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
15. AÑADIR: Guardar.

7. Administradores del protocolo

Lista de administradores del protocolo "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" y sus direcciones de correo electrónico.



Protocols. Settings..png

Protocolos. Configuración.

Configura los parámetros del protocolo.

Lista de especies

Crear una lista de especies para el protocolo ayuda a los usuarios a registrar todas las especies del protocolo sin olvidarse ninguna. También es más rápido para los usuarios entrar los datos ya que tan solo tienen que introducir un número para las especies obligatorias.
Por favor, invierte tiempo como administrador a rellenar esta sección antes de la temporada de campo.

Una lista extensa es útil si quieres que se registren especies interesantes pero no obligatorias.

Lista de especies asignada a una lista básica o extensa. Si no se ha asignado ninguna especie como parte de alguna lista, la sección se muestra vacía pero los usuarios igual tienen que indicar qué tipo de lista utilizan. Utiliza las flechas bajo los títulos para alternar entre orden ascendente y descendente (ver imagen como ejemplo).

2023-03-26 WBC lists.png

Especies: lista de especies seleccionada para el censo.
¿Lista de especies extendida?: especies pertenecientes a una lista de especies extendida.
Orden: orden de aparición.

Ver Acabar la lista en NaturaList para conocer la diferencia entre las listas básica, extendida y completa.

1. Buscar

Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre de la especie, o parte de el, y clica BUSCAR.

Si se ha aplicado un filtro, para desactivarlo clica MOSTRAR TODO para ver la lista completa.

2. Página y entradas

Selecciona el número de la página y/o el número de entradas por página. El contador indica el número de entradas encontradas en la búsqueda.

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Detalle al escoger página, entrada/página

3. Detalles

Muestra el nombre de la especie, su orden dentro de una lista y el tipo de lista al que pertenece.

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Protocolos. Detalles de Lista de especies.

Especies: especie seleccionada para mostrar sus detalles o editarlos.
¿Lista de especies extendida?: Si: la especie pertenece a la lista de especies extendida / No: la especie pertenece a la lista de especies básica.
Consulta Acabar la lista para conocer la diferencia entre las listas básica, extendida y completa.
Orden: orden de aparición.
7. ATRÁS: Ir a la página anterior.
8. EDITAR: Ver la subsección editar más abajo.
9. ELIMINAR: Eliminar la especie de la lista.


4. Editar

Modifica los detalles de la especie seleccionada.

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Protocolos. Editar la lista de especies.

10. Especies: Modifica, si es necesario, el nombre de la especie (10a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (10b).
11. ¿Lista de especies extendida?: Escoge si la especie formará parte de una lista extendida (SI) o de una lista básica (NO).
12. Orden: Escribe la posición en la lista en la que aparecerá la especie seleccionada.
13. ATRÁS: Ir a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
14. MODIFICAR: Guardar cambios.

5. Eliminar

Eliminar la especie de la lista.


Añade una nueva especie a la lista.

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Protocolos. Añadir una nueva especie a la lista.

10. Especies: Comienza a escribir el nombre, o parte del nombre, de la especie (10a) y selecciona en el menú desplegable (10b).
11. ¿Lista de especies extendida?: Indica si la especie formará parte de una lista extendida (SI) o básica (NO).
12. Orden: Escribe la posición en la que aparecerá la especie seleccionada en la lista.
13. ATRÁS: Ir a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
15. AÑADIR: Añadir la especie a la lista.

    Incluso si no se ha asignado ninguna especie a una lista básica o extendida (esta sección está vacía), los usuarios tendrán que indicar qué tipo de lista van a utilizar.
    Recomendamos que se definan estas listas para evitar confusiones entre los usuarios.


Lista de todos los parámetros que describen el protocolo y su estado actual. Los parámetros dependen de cada protocolo.


Muestra el estatus del parámetro Herramienta de área libre para el "Nombre del protocolo (en este caso Censo de aves acuáticas)" :

Cuando está activa, permite tanto a los usuarios como a los administradores ver los polígonos que todavía no se han asignado a un observador. Los usuarios pueden pedir que se les asigne un sitio. Consulta la sección wiki Interfaz web > Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas" para más información.

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Protocolos. Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas".

1. Detalles

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Protocolos. Detalles de Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas".

ATRÁS: Volver a la pantalla anterior.
EDITAR: Modificar los detalles. Consulta la sub sección editar más abajo.

2. Editar

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Protocolos. Editar Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas".

Cambia el estado si es necesario y clica:

  • ATRÁS para volver a la pantalla anterior sin guardar los cambios, o
  • MODIFICAR para guardar los cambios.

Cuando la Herramienta de "zonas no asignadas" está activa, los administradores ven más opciones que otros usuarios en acceder a la herramienta como usuarios:


Grupo de atajos

Lista de grupos de atajo existentes para este protocolo.

1. Buscar

Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre del grupo de atajo, o una parte de éste, y clica 'BUSCAR.

2. Páginas y entradas

Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. La cuenta indica el número total de entradas que ha encontrado la búsqueda.

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Detalle para escoger página, entradas/página

3. Detalles

Ver detalles del grupo seleccionado.

4. Editar

Editar el grupo de atajo seleccionado.

5. Eliminar

Eliminar el grupo de atajos.


Crear un grupo nuevo.



Lista de especies para la que existe un atajo.

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Shortcuts in protocol administration part

Especies: Nombre de la especie.
Grupo de atajos: Nombre del grupo de atajos al que pertenece.
'Código de color: Color asociado a esta especie. El usuario puede cambiarlo en NaturaList más adelante.
Orden: Orden en el que este atajo aparecerá en relación a los atajos de otras especies dentro del mismo grupo.

1. Buscar

Reduce la lista escribiendo el nombre del grupo, o una parte de este, y clica BUSCAR.

2. Páginas y entradas

Selecciona el número de página y/o el número de entradas por página. La cuenta indica el número total de entradas que ha encontrado la búsqueda.

Capture 2023-09-14 at 15.50.31.png

Detalle para escoger página, entradas/página

3. Detalles

Ver detalles del grupo seleccionado.

4. Editar

Editar el grupo de atajos seleccionado.

5. Eliminar

Eliminar el grupo de atajos.


Crear un grupo nuevo.

ATRÁS: Ir a la pantalla anterior sin guardar.
AÑADIR: Añadir la especie nueva a la lista.

Especies: Escribe el nombre, o parte del nombre, de la nueva especie en el campo de la izquierda y selecciona en el menú desplegable de la derecha.

Grupo de atajos: Escribe el nombre del grupo, o parte de éste, en el campo de la derecha y selecciona en el menú desplegable de la izquierda.

Código de color: Selecciona un color para asociar a este atajo. Los usuarios pueden cambiarlo en NaturaList más tarde.

Orden: Escribe un número para indicar en que posición aparecerá este atajo en relación a otros atajos del mismo grupo de atajos.


Comprobar las observaciones

Protocols. Check data..png

Protocolos. Comprobar las observaciones.

Visualizar un resumen de los datos del censo.

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Protocolos. Comprobar las observaciones.

1. Gráficos

Baja para ver todos los datos:

Número de censos: número de censos por año desde los últimos años hasta el presente.
Duración del censo: número total de horas censadas por año, desde los últimos años hasta el presente.
Duración media del censo: número medio de minutos por censo.

2. Localidad / Observador

Selecciona un lugar y/o un observador en el menú desplegable. Escribe el nombre, o parte del nombre, para reducir la lista de opciones. Si sólo se selecciona un lugar, aparecerán los censos de todos los observadores; si sólo se selecciona un observador, aparecerán todos los lugares a los que tiene acceso este observador. Ver la imagen siguiente como ejemplo de resultado.

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Protocolos. Revisar datos seleccionando lugar y/u observador.

Pasa la punta del ratón por algún cuadrado coloreado para ver la fecha del censo y el número de especies registradas. Clica en cualquier fecha para mostrar la lista de especies registrada en una nueva ventana.

El color está relacionado con el número de especies registradas durante el censo.

Blanco= 0 especies

Rojo= 1 especie

Naranja a amarillo a verde= 11 niveles de color según el número de especies entre 1 y 20.

Verde= o >20 especies

3. Período / Región

Selecciona un período de conteo y una región en el menú desplegable para ver los censos en la región y período seleccionados. Ver imagen Revisar datos seleccionando sitio y/u observador como ejemplo de resultados.

4. Localidades sin datos

Selecciona un período de conteo y una región en el menú desplegable. La lista devuelve todos los lugares sin observaciones en el período seleccionado y los observadores asignados a cada lugar. Clica sobre el nombre de un observador para acceder a su ficha personal. Marca la casilla Correo' (imagen siguiente, A) para enviar un mensaje al observador/es de este lugar; o marca Seleccionar todos en la parte superior (imagen siguiente, B) para enviar un mensaje general a todos los observadores de todos los lugares.

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Protocolos. E-mail de observadores con censos vacíos.

Una plantilla con el mensaje se muestra bajo la lista, junto con las direcciones de correo electrónico que recibirian el mensaje (ver la imagen siguiente). Cambia los destinatarios seleccionando un nuevo lugar de muestreo en la lista superior. Envía el mensaje como se muestra o personalízalo escribiendo en la área designada. Cuando acabes, clica ENVIAR PETICIONES para enviar el mensaje.

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Protocolos. Enviar emails sobre sitios vacíos.

5. Escribe un mensaje para personalizarlo.
6. Destinatarios del mensaje.



Protocols. Report..png

Protocolos. Informe.

Visualiza los resultados de los censos agrupados.

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Protocolos. Filtrar resultados.

1. Filtrar fechas

Selecciona las fechas de inicio y final en los calendarios desplegables de la derecha, o escribe la fecha directamente, en formato en el campo correspondiente.

2. Agregación temporal

Selecciona el criterio de agregación en el menú desplegable de la derecha. Las opciones son:

Dia: Muestra los resultados por dia. Es la opción por defecto.
Péntada: Muestra los resultados en grupos de 5 dias.
Semana: Muestra los resultados por semanas.
Década: Muestra los resultados en grupos de 10 dias.
Mes: Muestra los resultados por mes.
Año: Muestra los resultados por año.

3. Agregación espacial

Selecciona el criterio de agregación espacial en el menú desplegable de la derecha. Las opciones son :

País: Los resultados se muestran agrupados por área cubierta por el portal local. Si el portal sólo cubre parte del país, sólo se muestra esta parte; si cubre todo el país, se muestra el país completo.
Comarca: Los cantones son áreas administrativas definidas por cada país. Su nombre oficial cambia de un país a otro: Kreis, província, comarca, etc.
Municipio: La municipalidad, como el cantón, es una area administrativa definida por cada país.
Supersitio: Un supersitio es un lugar que engloba varias localidades, y sólo puede usarse si se ha creado previamente.
Lugar: Un lugar es un grupo de localidades (ver más abajo) que se han unido para el protocolo. Se puede mostrar en el mapa como un punto amarillo, o no mostrar-se. Por ejemplo, en el censo STOC EPS, se pueden tener diferentes puntos de conteo en un cuadrado. Cada uno de los puntos representa una localidad, pero el cuadrado que los engloba es un Sitio. A veces el Lugar y la Localidad son lo mismo. Por ejemplo, en el censo de aves comunes reproductoras, la Localidad representa un transecto, y solo hay un transecto por cuadrado.
Localidad: Una localidad es el lugar exacto donde se lleva a cabo un censo. Puede representar un punto, un transecto, o un polígono, según el estudio, y se representa en el mapa con un punto.
4. Visualización
INDICAR: Ver los resultados en pantalla, o
EXPORTAR: Descargar los resultados en un fichero Excel.

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Protocols. Report results.

2. Agregación temporal: Muestra el número total de individuos de la especie indicada en la primera columna (5). En el ejemplo, la agregación temporal se hace por semanas. Las semanas que no tienen datos, se muestran vacias. Utiliza la barra horizontal de la parte inferior para ver todos los resultados.
3. Nombre del lugar de estudio: Resultados agrupados por sitio. En el ejemplo, por localidad. Todos los lugares de estudio de la localidad seleccionada se muestran por separado. Utiliza la barra vertical de la derecha para ver todos los resultados.
5. Lista de especies: Lista de especies registradas en cada lugar.



Protocols. Map..png

Protocolos. Mapa.

Muestra el mapa por lugares.

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Muestra las estadísticas e información para el área seleccionada:

1: Área seleccionada

2: Punto mostrado

3: punto rosa = áreas donde están los polígonos

4: estadísticas de la área mostrada.

Selecciona el lugar y consulta los detalles como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > "Nombre del protocolo" (aquí Censo de aves acuáticas) > Mapa.

Las funciones mostradas en la sección 4 de la imagen "Protocolos. Enlaces para administradores" son diferentes de las que se muestran a los administradores.

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Enlaces para el polígono

Coloca el puntero sobre los iconos para ver qué significan.

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'Añadir observaciones: Añadir observaciones en este lugar, o cualquier otro, como se explica en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Preparación y datos > Añadir las observaciones.

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Datos de todos los lugares: Ver todas las observaciones asociadas al lugar. Desde esta pantalla se puede acceder a otros datos como si fuera la herramienta de Motor de búsqueda.

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Protocolos. Añadir observaciones a un polígono.

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Lista de observaciones para revisar: Muestra todas las entradas asociadas con el lugar que necesitan verificación.

Enlaces para el cuadrado

Coloca el puntero sobre los iconos para conocer el significado de cada uno.

Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.04.48.png
Modificar el protocolo: Modificar el protocolo como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Preparación y datos > Cambiar el protocolo.

Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.01.58.png
Datos de todos los sitios: Ver todas las observaciones asociadas al lugar. Desde esta pantalla (ver imagen Añadir observaciones a un polígono) se puede acceder a otros datos como en la herramienta Motor de búsqueda.
Capture 2023-09-14 at 17.03.14.png
Lista de observaciones para revisar: Ver todas las observaciones que necesitan verificación.

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Visualización de datos: Muestra todos los protocolos asociados al lugar como se describe en Interfaz web > Protocolos > "Nombre del protocolo" (aquí Censo de aves acuáticas) Consultar observaciones.

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Resultados: Muestra los resultados como se describe en la sección wiki Interfaz web > Protocolos > Preparación y datos > Resultado de los censos.


Waterbird census


Waterbird census protocol. Administration menu.

WATERBIRD Preparation and data

Waterbird census protocol. Preparation and data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol > Preparation and data for more information.



Waterbird census. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a Waterbird census.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.


Waterbird census. User/Site

From the Waterbird census menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

WATERBIRD Access to sites

List of observers allowed to conduct Waterbird census protocols and the site/s they are assigned to. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census protocol. Access to sites.

User name: Name and email address of observer.
Reference name: Name of the Waterbird census site.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing the name of a user, reference name site or part of it, and click SEARCH.

When a filter is applied and you want to desactivate it, click on DISPLAY ALL.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See details of observers and their assigned site.

Waterbird census protocol. User/site Details.

User name: Observer name and email address.
Reference name: Name of site the observer has right to survey for the Waterbird census protocol.
Custom name: Additional name under which the site is also known.
8. BACK: Go back to main list.
9. EDIT: See Edit subsection below.
10. DELETE: Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.

4. Edit

Modify the user assigned to this site, or the site assigned to this user.

Waterbird census protocol. Editing User/site.

11. Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
12. Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to previous screen without saving changes.
14. MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.


Export list as a .txt file.

7. + NEW

Grant rights to observer to conduct Waterbird census on dessignated sites.

Waterbird census protocol. Adding new user to site.

11. Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
12. Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to preious screen without saving changes.
15. ADD: Save new addition.

WATERBIRD Administration users rights

List of users and administrators with acces to the Waterbird census protocol. Use arrows on columns to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Users and administrators of Waterbird census protocol.

1. Search

Reduce list by typing the name of a user, of a right or part of it, and click SEARCH.

When a filter is applied and you want to deactivate it, click on DISPLAY ALL.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See the rights granted to the selected observer.

Waterbird census protocol. Rights details.

Number: File number.
User name: Name of the user receiving the right.
Right granted: Right the selected user is granted.
8. BACK: Go back to main list.
9. EDIT: See Edit subsection below.
10. DELETE: Revoque observer's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.

4. Edit

Modify the rights granted to an observer.

Waterbird census protocol. Editing rights.

11. Modify observer assigned to this site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
12. Modify site assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to previous screen without saving changes.
14. MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Revoque the user's right to survey this site for the Waterbird census protocol.

6. + NEW

Add a new right to an observer.

Waterbird census protocol. Adding new right.

11. Select observer to grant access to a certain site. Start typing the name of the new observer (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
12. Select site to be assigned to the observer. Start typing the name of the new site (a) and choose from the expandable panel (b).
13. BACK: Go to preious screen without saving changes.
15. ADD: Save new addition.

7. Protocol administrators

List of administrators of Waterbird census protocol and their email addresses.


Waterbird census. Settings.

Set protocol parameters.

WATERBIRD Species list

List of species designated as part of a basic or an extended list. If no species are designated as part of any list, the section appears empty but users are still asked to indicate which list they are using. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census protocol. Species list.

Species: list of species to survey.
Extended species list?: species belonging to an extended species.
Order: order of appearance.

See Ending the list to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.

1. Search
Reduce list by typing the name of a specie or part of it, and click SEARCH. When a filter is applied and you want to deactivate it, click on DISPLAY ALL.

2. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

3. Details

See name of species, their assigned order in the lis and to which type of list they belong.

Waterbird census protocol. Details of Species list.

Species: list of species to survey.
Extended species list?: species belonging to an extended species.
See Ending the list to know the difference between a basic, an extended and a complete list.
Order: order of appearance.
7. BACK: Go to previous screen.
4. EDIT: See edit subsection below.
5. DELETE: Delete species from the list.

4. Edit

Modify details for the selected species.

Waterbird census protocol. Editing species lists.

8. Species: Modify, if necessary, the name of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).
9. Extended species list?: Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).
10. Order: Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.
7. BACK: Go back to previous screen without saving.
11. MODIFY: Save changes.

5. Delete

Delete the species from the list.

6. NEW

Add a new species to the list.

Waterbird census protocol. Adding a new species to the list.

8. Species: Start typing the name, or part of the name, of the species (10a) and select from the expandable menu (10b).
9. Extended species list?: Choose if the species will be part of an extended list (YES) or a basic list (NO).
10. Order: Type the order in which the selected species will appear in the list.
7. BACK: Go back to previous screen without saving.
12. ADD: Add the list species to the list.

    Even when no species are dessignated as a basic or an extended list (this section remains empty), users are still asked to indicate which list they follow.
    We recommend to define these lists to avoid confusion and misunderstandings among users.

WATERBIRD Parameters describing the protocol

List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example).

Waterbird census protocol. Settings.

1. Search

Select page number and/or number of items per page.

2. Active?

Indicates if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.

3. Mandatory?

Indicates if it will be mandatory to provide information regarding this parameter.

4. Order

Order in which the different parameters will appear at the beginning of the protocol.

5. Details

See details associated to the selected parameter.

Waterbird census protocol. Parameters display.

BACK: Go to previous screen.
EDIT: Edit. See corresponding sub-section below.

6. Edit

Modify settings for the selected parameter.

Waterbirds census protocol. Editing parameter settings.

8. Select if the user will be asked to provide information about the corresponding parameter.
9. Select if it will be manatory to provide information regarding this parameter.
10. Type the order in which the parameter will appear at the beginning of the protocol.
BACK: Go ack to the previous screen without saving changes.
MODIFY: Save changes to the parameter.

7. Parameters

List of all possible parameters in Waterbird census protocols.

Allows user to enter a comment if necessary.

Important changes
Allows indicating if there have been major changes since last visit.

Additional observer
Space to indicate if the observer has been accompanied by someone whose observations were also recorded.

Indicates the percentage of water surface that is frozen. Options are:
no ice
0 - 10 %
10 - 50 %
50 - 90 %
90 - 100 %
100 %

Snow coverage
Indicates the proportion of snow cover. Options are:
no snow
partly covered
completely covered

Count type
User should choose one the options:
roost count
during day

Count method
The user indicates how they conducted the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:
at ground
on airplane
on ship

Optical equipment
The user should indicate the equipment used for the survey. Only one option is possible. Options are:

Serves to indicate how much of the designated polygon is covered in the survey. The user chooses between:

Water level
Indicates the water level. Options are:
Dry / Empty

Approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species. Options are:
0-100 m
100-300 m
300-1000 m
≥ 1000 m

Provides information about the waves. Options are:
With crests

Conditions in general
The user estimates how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and indicate on next section the reason if surveying
conditions are not good. Options are:
Good / Normal
Bad / heavely influenced

Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions
If general conditions indicated above were noot good,
clicking the yellow field the user opens an expandable menu and chooses the reason. Only one option is possible:
Mixed (weather)
Mixed (human)

Count payed
The user can indicate if the count is payed for or not. Only options are

Number of persons on shore
The user can type the number of persons on shore.

Number of rowing boats
The user can type the number of rowing boats.

Number of motor boats
The user can type the number of motor boats.

Number of sailing boats
The user can type the number of sailing boats.

Number of canoes/kayaks
The user can type the number of canoes/kayaks.

Number of fishing boats
The user can type the number of fishing boats.

Number of sports divers
The user can type the number of sports divers.

Number of surfers
The user can type the number of surfers.

Additional observers
The user can indicate the name of other observers participating in the data collection.

Important changes since last count?
The user can indicate if there has been any major change since their previous count, for example, some disturbance like noise or construction.

Record the trace
By checking a cell, the user can have their track recorded.

Hide all records from the public
By checking the cell, the user hides all observations from the public. The observer an protocol administrators will always see them.

No species were seen
Allows the user to indicate if despite visiting the site and following the guidelines, there were no records.

WATERBIRD Parameters

Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Waterbird census protocol:

  • YES: Free area tool is active.
  • NO: Free area tool is inactive.

When active, it allows both users and administrators to see polygons that have not yet been assigned to an observer. Users can ask to be assigned to a site. See wiki section Web interace > Free area tool for details.

Waterbird census protocol. Free area tool.

1. Details

2023-03-27 Free area tool details.png

BACK: Go back to previous screen.
EDIT: Modify details. See subsection Edit below.

2. Edit

Waterbird census protocol. Editing free area tool.

Change status if necessary and click:

  • BACK to go to previous screen without saving changes, or
  • MODIFY to save changes.

WATERBIRD Check data

Waterbird census. Check data.

From the Waterbird census menu, select Check data to visualise a summary of survey data.

Waterbird census protocol. Check data.

1. Graphs

Scroll down to see all graphs:

Number of census: number of census per year from 2012 to present.
Census duration: total number of hours of survey per year, from 2010 to present.
Average census time: average number of minutes per survey.

2. Site / Observer

Select a site and/or an observer from the expandable menu. Type the name, or part of it, if nedeed to reduce the list of options. If only a site is observed, you will see surveys from all observers; if only an observer is selected, you will see all sites the observer has access to. See image below as an example of its results.

Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer.

Place pointer on any coloured square to display date of survey and number of species recorded. Click on any date to display a list of species recorded on a new window.

3. Period / Site

Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu to see surveys at the selected period and site. See image Waterbird census protocol. Check data by selecting site and/or observer as an example of results.

4. Sites without data

Select a count period and a region from the expandable menu. A list will show all sites without data for the selected period and observers assigned to each of the listed sites. Click on any observer's name to access their personal card. Check the e-mail cell (image below, A) to send a message to the observer/s at the site; or check check all on top (image below, B) to send a general message to all observers at all sites.

Waterbird census protocol. E-mail observers of empty census.

A message template is shown below the list, along with the email addresses receiving this message (see image below). Change recepients y selecting a new study site from the list above. Send it as it is or type a message on the designated area to personilse it. When done, click SEND THE REQUESTS to send the message.

Waterbird census protocol. Sending emails about empty sites.

5. Type message to personalise email.
6. Message recipients.


Waterbird census. Report.

From the Waterbird census menu, select Report to visualise pooled results from surveys.

Waterbird census protocol. Filtering results.

1. Filter dates

Select the starting and ending date using the expandable calendar on the right.

2. Temporal aggregation

Select aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are:

Day: Shows results per day. This is the default option.
Pentad: Shows results in groups of five days.
Week: Shows results per week.
Decade: Shows results in groups of ten days.
Month: Shows results per month.
Year: Shows results per year.

3. Spatial aggregation
Select spatial aggregating criteria from the expandable menu on the right. Options are:
Country: Results are grouped per area covered by the local portal. If the portal only covers part of the country, only this part is considered; if the local portal covers the whole country, all the country is considered.
Kanton: Kantons are country-specific administrative defined areas. Their official name differs from country to country: Kreis, province, commarca, county, and so on.
Municipality: Municipality, like kanton, is an area administratively defined and country specific.
Supersite: A supersite is a place that includes many other localities, and can only be used if it was previously created.
Place: A place is a group of Localities (see below) linked toghether within the protocol. It is either represented on the map by a yellow dot or hidden. For example, in STOC EPS census, one may have different point counts in a square. Each of the points represents a Locality, but the square with all the points is a Place. Do the search accordingly. Note sometimes Place and Locality are the same. For example, in the Common breeding bird survey, a Locality represents a transect, and there is only one transect per square.
Locality: A Locality is the exact location a survey takes place. It may represent a point, a transect or a polygon, depending on the study, and it is represented on the map as a dot.

4. Visualisation
SHOW: See results on screen, or
EXPORT: Download results on an excel file.

Waterbird census protocol. Report results.

2. Temporal aggregation: Results aggregated by time. In this example, per week. Weeks with no data, remain empty. Use the horizontal bar at the bottom to scroll through all results.
3. Spatial aggregation: Results aggregated by place. In this example, by locality. All study sites at the selected locality appear separately. Use the vertical bar on the right to scroll through all results.
5. List of species: List of species registered at each site.


Waterbird census. Map.

Select the site and see details as explained in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird census protocol > Map.

Functions in section 4 are different from those of non-administrators.

Waterbird census protocol. Links for administrators.

Links for the polygon

Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.

Add observations: Add further observations to this site or any other as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Add observations.

All site data: See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image below) you can access other data as in the Search engine tool.

Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon.

List of records to be checked: See all records associated to the site needing verification.

Links for the square

Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.

Modify the protocol: Modify the protocol as described in wiki section Web > Protocols > Preparation and data > Modify the protocol.

All site data: See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image Waterbird census protocol. Adding observations to a polygon) you can access other data as in the Search engine tool.

List of records to be checked: See all records associated to the site needing verification.

Data visualisation: See all protocols associated to this site as in Web interface > Protocols > Waterbird protocol Browse observations.

Results: See results as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Results.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Waterbird census]

Private territory mapping


Private territory mapping records breeding birds within a pre-determined polygon. Data can only be entered through NaturaList.

Private territory mapping. Admin menu.

OTHER MAPPING Preparation and data

Private territory mapping. Preparation anda data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Private territory mapping. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Private territory mapping > Preparation and data for more information.



Private territory mapping. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.


Private territory mapping. User/Site.

From the Private territory mapping menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > User/Site


Private territory mapping. Settings.

Set protocol parameters. Parameters and protocol dependent, see section [[ ]] below for parameters refering to Private territory mapping.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings for general information.

OTHER MAPPING Species list

Create a list of species to survey. This protocol only accepts a list.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > Species list on how to do it.

OTHER MAPPING Parameters describing the protocol

List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Private territory mapping does not have any specific parameters; a surveyor will only be asked:

  • Comments: Users may enter comment.
  • Record the trace: Users can choose to record the trace. See wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Start of list > record the trace for more information.
  • Hide all records from the public: Users may keep observations private.


Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Private territory mapping protocol.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > Parameters to learn more about protocol parameters.


Private territory mapping. Check data.

Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Check data for more information.


Private territory mapping. Report.

Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Report for more information.


Private territory mapping. Map.

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > Map for more information.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Private territory mapping]

Point count


Point count. Admin menu.

POINT COUNT Preparation and data

Point count. Preparation and data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Point count. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Point count > Preparation and data for more information.



Point count. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a Point count.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.


Point count. User/Site.

From the Point count menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > User/Site


Private territory mapping. Settings.

Set protocol parameters. Parameters and protocol dependent, see section [[ ]] below for parameters refering to Private territory mapping.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings for general information.

POINT COUNT Species list

Create a list of species to survey. This protocol only accepts a list.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > Species list on how to do it.

POINT COUNT Parameters describing the protocol

List of all parameters describing the protocol and their current status. Private territory mapping does not have any specific parameters; a surveyor will only be asked:

  • Comments: Users may enter comment.
  • Record the trace: Users can choose to record the trace. See wiki section Mobile interface > Protocols > Enter data > Start of list > record the trace for more information.
  • Hide all records from the public: Users may keep observations private.

POINT COUNT Parameters

Shows the status of the Free area tool parameter for the Private territory mapping protocol.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Settings > Parameters to learn more about protocol parameters.

POINT COUNT Check data

Point count. Check data.

Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Check data for more information.


Point count. Report.

Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Report for more information.


Point count. Map

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > Map for more information.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Point count]



WOODPECKER Preparation and data



List of all existing sites allowing Woodpeckers' studies.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.

This protocol requires 5 points:

Five study points in a Woodpecker protocol.

1. Draw point
2. Edit point
3. Locality the study area will belong to
4. Active point, either newly created or ready to edit
5. Survey area around the point. Click on any point to hide its survey area.


From the Woodpecker menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > User/Site


WOODPECKER Species list

WOODPECKER Parameters describing the protocol



Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Check data for more information.


Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Report for more information.


Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > Map for more information.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Woodpeckers]

Rock Ptarmigans protocol


Ptarmigans Protocol. Admin menu.

  12 Rock Ptarmigans protocol

LAGOPUS MOTA Preparation and data

Ptarmigans Protocol. Preparation and data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Rock Ptarmigans protocol > Preparation and data for more information.



Ptarmigans Protocol. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a Rock Ptarmigan protocol.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.


Ptarmigans Protocol. User / Site.

From the Rock Ptarmigan protocol menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > User/Site


LAGOPUS MOTA Species list

LAGOPUS MOTA Parameters describing the protocol



Ptarmigans Protocol. User/Site.

Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Check data for more information.


Ptarmigans Protocol. Reports.

Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Report for more information.


Ptarmigans Protocol. Map.

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > Map for more information.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Rock Ptarmigans protocol]

Black Grouse protocol


Black Grouse Protocol. Admin Menu.

  13 Black Grouse protocol

TETRAO TETRIX Preparation and data

Black Grouse Protocol. Preparation and data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Black Grouse protocol > Preparation and data for more information.



Black Grouse Protocol. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.


Black Grouse Protocol. User/Site.

From the Point count menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > User/Site


TETRAO TETRIX Species list

TETRAO TETRIX Parameters describing the protocol



Black Grouse Protocol. Check data.

Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Check data for more information.


Black Grouse Protocol. Report.

Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Report for more information.


Black Grouse Protocol. Map.

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > Map for more information.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Black Grouse protocol]

Woodcock monitoring


Woodcock monitoring. Menu.

WOODCOCK Preparation and data

Woodcock monitoring. Preparation and data.

Identical section to the one available to registered users with rights to the Waterbird Census Protocol. It allows printing maps and entering observations. See wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Woodcock monitoring > Preparation and data for more information.



Woodcock monitoring. Sites.

List of all existing sites allowing a protocoled data entry.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Sites for more information.


Woodcock monitoring, User/Site.

From the Private territory mapping menu, select User / Site to assign users to study sites.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > User/Site


WOODCOCK Species list

WOODCOCK Parameters describing the protocol

WOODCOCK Parameters

WOODCOCK Check data

Woodcock monitoring. Check data.

Visualise a summary of survey data.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Check data for more information.


Woodcock monitoring. Report.

Visualise pooled results from surveys.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Report for more information.


Woodcock monitoring. Map.

Display the area map by polygon, and see its statistics.

Visit wiki section Web interface > Protocol > Map for more information.

[Top to Protocols]
[Top to Woodcock monitoring]