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25 [[STOC EPS|STOC EPS]]<br/>
25 [[STOC EPS|STOC EPS]]<br/>
26 [[Bewick's Swan|Bewick's Swan]]<br/>
26 [[Bewick's Swan|Bewick's Swan]]<br/>
27 [[Cirl Bunting|Cirl Bunting]]<br/>

Revision as of 20:59, 16 September 2024

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Protocols are standardised ways of collecting data linked to a geometry (points, transects or polygons), taxonomic group and observation pressure.

The methodology to follow depends on the study's goal (see summary on the table below).

A country administrator will grant you access if you meet certain criteria.

Not all protocols are available in all countries.

Protocols summary table
Name Group Web
Points Transects Polygons Surveys/Year
Number Time/point Number Time/transect Number Time/polygon
Waterbird census protocol Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
Private Territory Mapping Birds NO YES
Point count Birds YES YES 1
Woodpeckers Birds YES YES 5
Rock Ptarmigans protocol Birds YES YES 1 n/a 1 ≥ 1h 2
Black Grouse protocol Birds YES YES 1 ≥ 1h n/a
Woodcock monitoring Birds YES YES 1 n/a
SOCC Seguiment s'ocells comuns a Catalunya Birds YES NO 1 4
Rook Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
Sand Martin Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
Corncrake Birds YES YES
Jackdaw Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
Grey Partridge Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
MHB & BDM Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
MF Monitoring of breeding birds in wetlands Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
VBS Monitoring of breeding birds on training military areas Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
CBBS in Protected areas Birds YES YES
other territory mapping Birds NO YES 1 n/a n/a
Woodpecker territory Birds YES YES
Cirl Bunting Birds YES YES many n/a n/a
Bewick's Swan Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
Birds of Prey Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
Bee-eater Birds YES YES 1 n/a n/a
CoBiMo Birds YES YES <1 n/a n/a
YES YES 10 (Birds) 5 9 (Mammals) n/a 3

Accessing protocols

Access protocols from

Menu > Take part > All my protocols for an easy access to all functions you are allowed access to.

The easier way to access all functions of a protocol is through the protocol panel. Go to Menu > Take part > All my protocol. It lists all protocols you have access to in this local portal (see image below). Depending on your rights you could also access the protocol panel through the Administration section: Menu > Administration > Protocol administration > Protocol administration. Options vary depending on your rights (administrators have access to more functions).

Accessing protocols on the web (1).png

Accessing protocols.

However, there are other ways that in certain conditions may give access to some of the functions (see following sections).

Entering data

Enter data to a protocol from the protocol panel (see above) or as if submitting records.

To enter data as if submitting records,

1. access the page STEP 1/3 : Approximate choice of a site either from main menu or from Submit button.

Enter data as if subitting records.png

Entering data on a protocol as if submitting records.

2. Choose between:

  • choosing from
Only available if you have already entered data on this protocol and study site.
Select a protocol, and a site (if there is more than one option for this protocol).

Enter data on protocol through choosing from.png

Entering data on a protocol choosing from.

1. Select a protocol from those you already entered data before into.
2. Select a study site from those available to you at the selected protocol.

  • by clicking on the map.
click anywhere within the polygon if you want to enter data on a protocol using polygons, or
click on the protocol dot if you want to enter data on a protocol using dots.

NOTE: Show / hide polygons clicking on the layers icon on the top left corner of the map, and check the cell polygons (see image below). Polygons will be shown in yellow.

Activate polygons on map.png

Showing polygons on the map.

1. Open layers menu.
2. Check Polygons cell to show polygons.

  • Other options (by typing text, by choosing a municipality).
Access to Step 2/3: Precise site choice. Scroll to your study site.

Step 2 3 add obervations to protocol.png

Step 2/3: Adding observations to a protocol.

3. Select Add observations on the new window (see image below).

Add observations by clicking on the map.png

Adding observations to a protocol.

Add data to protocol scheme.png

Pathway to enter data to protocols as if Submitting records.

Modify protocol

Modify protocols from

  • submitting records.

1. Access the page STEP 1/3 : Approximate choice of a site either from Main menu > Taking part or from Submit button (see image as an example).
2. Scroll down to choosing from if you have already entered data at the site you want to modify; or by clicking on the map to select the site from the map.
3. Click on the site to modify and select Modification of a protocoled census if you accessed from choosing from; or Modify the protocol if accessed from the map.
NOTE: If the protocol you want to modify works with polygons, activate polygons from the layers icon at the top left corner (see image Showing polygons on the map) before clicking on the study site.

Create protocol

Create a new area to survey.

Not all users have access to this function. It depends on the protocol, your local portal and your rights. If you do, access the map as if entering observations and click anywhere on the map (except on a dot or polygon). Click on Create a protocoled census. If you are allowed to create a new study site in more than one protocol, all options will be listed (see image below).

Create a new protocoled census.png

Create a protocoled census.

Enter data

Modify protocol

Create a new protocol

Preparation and data

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Protocol. Preparation and data.

Click on Preparation and data lists all sites available to the current profile and allows access to the functions listed hereafter for each place:

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Protocol. Select site.

1. Change protocol by clicking on the active protocol name and selecting from the expandable menu.
2. Move to other sections within the protocol by selecting from the tabs above.
3. List of all sites you have access to under the selected protocol (number 1). When you do not have access to any site under the selected protocol, you will see a message "no count available".

Add observations

Click on Add observations (see image below) in the site you need to enter data to.

2023-05-09 WBC Add observations.png

Protocol. Add observations.

Starting the protocol

Before entering observations, it is required to enter general parameters regarding the protocol.

WBC protocol parameters.png

Starting the protocol.

1. Select site

If necessary, change site by selecting from the tabs. The active site is highlighted in yellow (see image above).

Choose date

Choose date.png

Choose date.

2. Enter date

Choose from the expandable menu the date the survey took place.

3. Enter starting time

Enter the time the census started selecting from the expandable fields.

4. Ending time

Enter the time the census ended selecting from the expandable fields.

5. Enter comments

Choose one option from the tabs on top (5a) and type a comment (5b). Note the number of tabs and the information required may differ from country to country:

  • Comment: if the comment will refer to a general observation,
  • Additional observer: if you name other observer/s participating in the census,
  • Important changes: to note important changes from your previous visit, like noise, pollution or construction work,
  • Impacts: record any impact taking place during the survey,
  • Incidents: report any incident that may have happened during the count.

6. Hide all records from the public

Check if you do not want other users to see your records.

Location and visits

Location and visits.png

Location and visits.

7. Count number

Some protocols have certain restrictions regarding the number or dates to conduct surveys. If the protocol requires it, select from the expandable menu which visit your data corresponds to. If the protocol does not require this field, you will only see Reference name and Reference locality.

8. Parameters

Parameters exemple.png

Parameters. Example.

Enter parameters required for your polygon. Note fields and the order in which they appear may differ from country to country. You may not encounter all possible fields described underneath. Expand the table below to see all possibilities.

Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Name Description
Additional observer Indicate if you are accompanied by someone whose observations are also recorded.
Census not done Press at the end of the page if the census did not take place. Leave a reason in Comments.
Cloud cover Indicate if there were clouds.
Comment You may enter a comment if you find it appropriate.
Conditions in general Choose how are surveying conditions overall regarding weather and disturbances, and may be asked to indicate on next section the reason if surveying conditions are not good.
Conditions (notes) Leave a note regarding conditions if necessary.
Count method Indicate if you are surveying from the ground, the air, the water, a different way, or if it is unknown.
Count paid Indicate if the count is paid for or not.
Count type Tick roost count if you are counting roosting birds, or during day otherwise.
Counting mammals? Indicate if besides the compulsory taxonomic group, you also counted mammals.
Coverage Indicate how much of the designated survey area is covered in the survey.
Coverage (notes) Leave any comment regarding the coverage.
Drone used Indicate if drones were used during the survey.
Ice Indicate the percentage of water surface that is frozen.
Important changes Indicate if there have been major changes since your last visit.
Intact nests Type number of intact nests.
This information will be asked when entering data.
Means of transport
Mowing/Harvest Indicate the surface that has been harvested or mown.
Neutralised time Time to be removed from the official census time (like a pause)
Nest location Select from the expandable menu the location of the nest.
Number of canoes/kayaks Enter number.
Number of fishing boats Enter number.
Number of motor boats Enter number.
Number of nests occupied by other species Type number of nests occupied by species other than the ones counted in the current protocol.
This information will be asked when entering data.
Number of persons on shore Enter number.
Number of rowing boats Enter number.
Number of sailing boats Enter number.
Number of sports divers Enter number.
Number of stand up paddlers Enter number.
Number of surfers Enter number.
Occupied nests Type number of occupied nests.
This information will be asked when entering data.
Optical equipment Indicate which equipment you are using for the survey, if any. Note you can only choose one option.
Playback Check the species names for which playback will be played during the survey.
Potential breeding pairs Type the number of breeding pairs.
This information will be asked when entering data.
Rain Indicate if there was any rain.
Reason(s) for moderate / bad conditions If general conditions indicated above are not good, open the expandable menu and choose the reason (see image below). Only one option is possible: choose the one that is closest to the reality.
Snow/Snow coverage Indicate the proportion of snow cover.
Sound played Indicate if you used playback to detect the species by sliding the mark on/off.
Suspected nests Type number of suspected nests.
This information will be asked when entering data.
Temperature Indicate approximate temperature.
Temporary shallow water bodies Indicate the frequency of water bodies.
Visibility Indicate the approximate distance within which it is possible to identify species, or an overall description.
Water level Indicate the water level.
Waves Indicate how the waves are.
Wind Indicate if there was any wind.

9. Start entering data

Choosing list.png

Choosing list. Example..

Options may differ from protocol to protocol but can be summarised as:

NEXT: Continue entering data normally.

CHOOSE A LIST TO ENTER DATA: Some protocols make a distinction between a Basic and an Extended list (see image Continue to enter data as an example).

BASIC LIST: Select to load a pre configured species list strictly related to the protocol (ie. waterbirds). It will facilitate entering data. See an example of how it may look like in image Example of a basic list compared to an Example of extended list. Which species belong to a basic list is determined by each local portal and may differ from one to another.

EXTENDED LIST: Select to load a pre configured species list strictly related to the protocol (ie. waterbirds) along with other related ones (ie. reed-living species). It will facilitate entering data. See an example of how it may look like in image Example of extended list. Species included in a basic list and an extended list are determined by each local portal and may differ from country to country.

If the administrator of the protocol did not prepare any pre configured list for this protocol, you will not be given any list of species to enter from; but you will still have to choose a list option in this section.

NO SPECIES / INDIVIDUALS WERE SEEN: Indicate if your survey did not provide any data. You will be taken to directly to end the protocol. Surveys with no species are also important results! It means you followed the established methodology, and therefore your survey is valid, but no birds were present. They can indicate major population changes and are of extreme importance for conservation purposes.

    "My survey did not provide any data"
    Surveys with no species are also important results! Please submit them.
    It means you followed the established methodology but no birds were present. It can be due to methodology, disturbance, pollution or other major population changes and may be of extreme importance for conservation purposes.

Entering observations

Enter observations as if entering a list. See wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Transmit my sighting > If accessed from a list> List section if further information is needed.

If your portal provided you with a basic or extended pre configured species list, use it to facilitate entering observations.

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Example of extended list.

Change site: change site to enter observations at. You will have to re-enter all parameters again.
Previous: return to previous page without saving.

10. Count precision

Choose from the expandable menu count precision. By default, no sign is displayed and the number entered is assumed to be accurate ( = precise number). See correspondence of symbols at Web interface > Codes and symbols.

11. Number of individuals

Type number of individuals.

12. Atlas code

When available, select from the expandable menu the corresponding atlas code.

13. Additional information

Click on the + sign to open the additional information form, and fill as described in wiki section Web interface > Take part: Submitting records > Step 3/3:Transmit my sighting > If accessed from a list (fill a daily form) > Additional information.

14. Other species

If you want to report a species not in the list, enter as usual: type the name of the species, or part of it, in the left hand field, select from the expandable menu on its right and click on add that species to the list to save the record. When in the list, indicate number of individuals, atlas code and additional information as previously described.

Ending the protocol

Ending list on WBC.png

Ending list. Example.

When all species are recorded, indicate

1. I recorded all species of the program if you identified and recorded all species seen or heard that are of interest to the protocol, or
2. I recorded all species (=full observation list) if besides all species of interest to the protocol, you also identified and recorded all other species seen or heard. Note you can only record in this list species identified within the designated study area. Any species recorded outside of the study area should be submitted as an individual record.

Then, you will be taken to set parameters to start a new protocol.


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Protocol. Results.

See some general statistics about your surveys results on a page by graphs, list and list plus percent of frequency occurrence .

To see specific counts results go to Census results or Display on map.

Graphs Number of species and Total number :

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Protocol. Graphs.

Number of species

Represents the number of species recorded during each visit.

In the example in the image above, the user recorded 7 species during the first visit of 2021, 4 on the second visit, and 5 on each of the last two. Equally, no species were recorded in any of the 4 visits of 2023.

Click on the download icon (encircled in picture) to download the data as a .CVS file, that can be uploaded into R software.

Total number

Represents the number of individuals recorded in each visit, pulling all species together.

From the example in the image above, the user recorded 53 individuals on the first visit of 2021, 14 on the second and so on, and none in any of the visits in 2023.

Click on the download icon (encircled in picture) to download the data as a .CVS file, that can be uploaded into R software.

Statistics and results of recorded species:

Last visit

List of species recorded at the selected site during the last visit. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example). Orange arrow in image indicates the date of last visit.

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Protocol. Results last visit.

Total numbers: Total number of individuals of the selected species recorded on the last visit only.

Species only reported during the last visit

List of species recorded only during the last visit and no other visit. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example). Orange arrow in image indicates the date of the last visit.

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Protocol. Species only of last visit.

Total numbers: Number of individuals of the selected species recorded during the last visit.

Species only reported during previous visits

List of species that were not reported during the last visit but were seen in one of the previous ones. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example). Orange arrow in image indicates the date of last visit.

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Protocol. Species only of previous visit.

Last date: Last date the selected species was recorded.
Total numbers: Number of individuals recorded on the last date the species was seen.

Species for all years

List of all species reported by the user at this site, and the frequency of occurence. Use arrows under titles to alternate between ascending and descending order (see image as an example). Orange arrow in image indicates the date of last visit.

2023-05-12 WBC results sp all years.png

Protocol. Results for all species.

Average frequence of occurrence: Proportion of visits in which the species was recorded.

For example, Anas platyrhynchos has been recorded in all visits at this site, Anas clypeata has only been recorded in half of them, and Anas acuta only in a 12.5% of them.

Total numbers: Total number of recordings for the species across all visits and years for the site.

Display on map

2023-05-09 WBC Display on map.png

Protocol. Display on map.

For the selected site, see the polygon, line or point to survey on a map. To know how to navigate the map, refer to wiki section Web interface > Navigating the map.

Here you can:

  1. Visualize your polygon/transect/point to count
  2. Generate a printable map version of your census area

2023-05-11 WBC Display map.png

Protocol. Display polygon on a map.

Modify the protocol

2023-05-09 WBC Modify the protocol.png

Protocol. Modify the protocol.

Modify the site to survey. Only users that have been granted this right will have access to the section.

Capture 2023-05-11 WBC Modify protocol.png

Protocol. Modify protocol.

Return: Go to previous screen without saving.
Centre the map: Centre the map on the polygon, line or point.

1. Modify name

Add or amend site custom name. Site reference name can only be changed by administrators.

2023-05-12 wbc modify protocol. name.png

Protocol. Modify site name.

Name of reference locality: Location under which all objects from the protocol are attached to. It is determined by administrators when creating the site and cannot be changed afterwards.
Reference name: Site name officially defined for the protocol, can be a number, name or any other code.
Custom name: Name under which the site is also known or name the observer wants to give to the site.

2. Modify polygon, line or point

Change the shape of the polygon, line or position of the point. See Web interface > Navigating the map to know how to move around the map, and Web interface > Geometry editor to know how to draw or modify a polygon, line or point.

Capture 2023-05-12 WBC Change polygon.png

Protocol. Modify site polygon/transect/point.

Centre the map: Centres the map to the site to survey.

3. Download polygon, line or point

Download the polygon, line or point as a shapefile, to use in the future or to modify it with an external GIS program.

2023-05-12 WBC Donwload polygon.png

Protocol. Download polygon/transect/point.

Polygon/transect/point number: indicates the site the entry represents in locations with more than one study site. It can be a polygon, a line or a point.
Polygon/transect/point name: site name. It can be a polygon, a line or a point.
Polygon area: area of the polygon.

5. Change geometry: Click to upload a new shapefile. It will open a menu identical to next subsection (see image).
6. Export: Click on the icon to download the corresponding polygon, line or point as a shapefile. Modify it on a GIS and upload (see next subsection to upload).

4. Upload site

Import an existing polygon, line or point.

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Protocol. Upload polygon.

The file to be imported: Click on Choose file to select the site from your computer. The file name will be displayed next to the button.
SRID: Choose from the expandable menu the Datum the imported shapefile is on.
IMPORT: Click to upload the site.

Census results

2023-05-09 WBC census results.png

Protocol. Census results.

Click on Census results to see all available years with data for this site (see image below). Select the one to visualise.

Sites with no records do not appear on the menu. You can only see your own records, unless you are a protocol administrator. To know more about administrators, see wiki section Administration.

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Protocol. Selecting year to visualise.

A new window will show all your records at the selected site. A grey section on top contains general information about this particular count, while the bottom part refers to the observations.

Capture 2023-11-27 at 15.27.16.png

Census results visualisation

1. Protocol section
2. Observations section
3. Map section

1. Protocol section

General information about the selected visit at the selected site.

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Browsing protocol results.

4. Date
5. Site
6. Author
7. General comment
8. Protocol
9. Export maps of all visits
10.Export data

4. Date

Date and time of selected survey. Notice the bar representing the extent of the day, and the yellow marking indicating time of day the survey took place (see image Time of survey).

5. Site

Site of selected survey.

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Browsing protocol results. Site.

11. Click on site name to open a new window with more information about the site, and its map.
12. Altitude.
13. Click on icon to access all observations associated with the site as in the Search engine.

6. Author

Name of observer. If you are an administrator, click on name to access their personal card. A cell phone icon in front of the name indicates the data has been submitted from NaturaList.

7. General comment

Comment about the selected survey, when existing.

8. Protocol

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Protocol summary.

14. Protocol summary: Click on the + sign to expand the panel, and on the - sign to collapse when opened (encircled on image).
15. List of all visits: Click on the + sign to expand the panel, and on the - sign to collapse when opened (encircled on image).

9. Export maps of all visits

Download maps as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Download map below.

10. Export data

Export your data as described in wiki section Web interface > Exporting your data.

[Top to Census results]
[Back to Preparation and data]
[Back to Protocols]

2. Observations section

List of all visits and their results.

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Browsing protocol. Visits and results.

16. Visits
17. Species

16. Visits

List of al visits to the site for the selected period. Use the bar on the right to see all visits if necessary.

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Protocol. Browsing visits.

18. Select from the expandable menu a different period if necessary.
19. Select the visit you would like to visualise. The selected visit will be highlighted in grey.
20. Click on notebook icon to modify / visualise the selected visit.

a danger sign besides the census date indicates census were entered in uncorrelated dates even when the date introduced is the correct one.
Do enter census in chronological order to avoid this issue.

17. Species

List of species recorded on the selected visit to this site. If necessary, move the right hand bar to see the full list. See wiki section Various > Symbols cheatsheet to know correspondence of symbols next to species names.

If your observations were submitted through the website, records are associated to a protocol polygon but their precise location within the polygon is unknown. No observations will be displayed in the map (see image as an example).

If your observations were submitted through NaturaList, records are displayed on the map at their precise location within the polygon (see image as an example).

Entering observations through the local portal: Observations will not be represented on the Map section.

Entering observations through NaturaList: Observations will be represented on the Map section at their recorded position (see image Protocol. Records visualisation on the map on next section).

[Top to Census results]
[Back to Preparation and data]
[Back to Protocols]

3. Map section

See the polygon of the surveyed site and all observations for the selected visit, if they were submitted through NaturaList. To know how to navigate the map, visit wiki section Web interface > Navigating the map.

To better visualise observations, select a species from the Observed species section left of the map (see sub-section 2. Species above). All records of the selected species are displayed in red, while all others continue being displayed in yellow.

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Protocol. Records visualisation on the map.

21. Summary of observations
22. Additional functions
23. Zoom
24. Add species to the form

21. Summary of observations

Details associated to the selected observation are summarised next to its position (represented by a red dot). To see how to interpret it, refer to wiki section Mobile interface > Understanding a summary of observations.

22. Additional functions

Click on any record to open a menu with additional functions. Red dots indicate observations where additional functions apply to. Note not all protocols allow all functions and therefore, some protocols may not display all icons.

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Add or modify additional information in the local portal.

25. Individuals of the same species: Select/deselect all individuals of the same species, and show their details. If a relationship between the sightings have been recorded, it will be shown/hidden here.
26. Flight direction: Adds flight direction if necessary. To add flight direction,
-click on the arrow icon,
-select the individual you want to add flight direction to (it becomes red),
-move the mouse to match the blue round (top) to the flight direction (bottom). See example.
27. Circle flight: Circle flight
28. Access details and edit: Access record details including information about the list and other species from the same list, as if from Home > Main menu (left column) > All my observations. The individual the function applies to is indicated by a blue circle around it.
29. Delete: Delete the selected record. You will be prompted to confirm.

23. Zoom

Select to zoom and center observations. Choose between

Zoom on all records of the species to see and center all records of the selected species.
Zoom on all records to see and center all records of this visit. When selected this option, all records will be displayed even when they were previously hidden.

24. Add a species to the form

Add a new entry to the selected visit. Enter information as for a list. See wiki section Web interface > Submitting records > Step 3/3: Submit my sighting > As if accessed from a list > List section.

[Top to Census results]
[Back to Preparation and data]
[Back to Protocols]

Download map

It is possible to download the map, for example if you cannot record observations on your device while in the field, or to keep a second copy of your data for dataproof. You can choose the map layer (available layers depend on the local portal), the transparency of the map and the colour mode (colour vs. black and white), in any combination, and download as a pdf file.

The PDF file displays:

- the map of your protocol area with the polygon, points and/or transects to survey

- a QR code that, when scanned, drives you directly to the place on the map while entering data on the web

- the name of the local portal the map comes from

- the GPS coordinates, Atitude, Reference place name for the polygon, points or transect, and Reference name

2023-05-09 WBC Donwload map.png

Protocol. Download map.

50% transparency: Check to print the map with 50% of transparency (see image Example 50% transparency, default map on top, transparent map below).

Map: Check to print the map in black and white (see image Example black and white, default map on top, black and white below). It may help to reduce ink and is compatible to back and white printers.

Lines/points: Check to delimit the polygon to survey with dots instead of lines (see image Example lines and points, map with lines on top (defalut option), with points below).

1. Choose from the expandable menu the map layer you would like to print.

2. Click on pdf icon to download the map as a pdf.

[Top to Download map]
[Back to Preparation and data]
[Back to Protocols]

Check data

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Protocol. Check data.

Calendar showing visits to different sites and number of species detected.

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Protocol. Check data.

1. Select site

Select a site by typing the name, or part of the name, in the left field (1a) and/or selecting from the expandable menu on the right (1b). Click 'Select a site' from the expandable menu to revert the selection and visualise all site again.


Click to apply selection.

3. Graphic area

See a calendar with dates in which surveys took place (colored cells). Move pointer on any colored cell to see the date the census took place and the number of species recorded. The darker the colour, the larger number of species.

Click on any coloured cell to see on a new window a list of species recorded on that date. Refer to wiki section Web interface > Codes and symbols to understand the meaning of the different symbols associated to each observation.


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Map and statistics for the site. You can only see your own site/s unless you are a user with special rights or an administrator.

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User's map.

1. Select site
2. Statistics
3. Map area

1. Select site

Select area on the left hand expandable menu (1a) and/or study site on the right hand menu (1b). 'Country' on the area menu refers to the whole area covered by the local portal you are in.

2. Statistics

Basic statistics about the selected area or site/sites.

  • Statistics for the displayed region

Statistics when more than one site is included in the selected area. Data from all sites are pooled in the results.

  • Statistics for square

Statistics when only one site is included in the search. It includes names of all users involved, and it is possible to contact them (icon 4) and/see all records associated by the user (icon 5).

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Statistics per area.

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Statistics per site.

4. Email user. It will open the default e-mail client.
5. See all observations reported by this user.

3. Map area

Map with the polygons/transects/points to survey highlighted in pink. Visit wiki section Web interface > Navigating the map to know how to navigate the map.
Select a site on the right hand expandable menu (see 1b) when there is more than one site per area.

Click on the desired polygon to see details (see image below).

6. Quick links

Get quick access to other functions of the protocol. Icon may be grouped per polygon/transect/point/square and are protocol dependent. You may not encounter all of them in each protocol.

Add observations
Add further observations to this site or any other as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Add observations.
All site data
See all records associated to the site. From this screen (see image below) you can access other data as in the Search engine tool.

2023-03-29 WBC map add observations.png

Adding observations to a polygon.

Data visualisation
See all protocols associated to this site, as described in Protocols > Preparation and data > Census results.
List of records to be checked
See all records associated to the site needing verification. This icon is only available to administrators.
Modify the protocol
Modify the protocol as described in wiki section Web > Protocols > Preparation and data > Modify the protocol.
See results as described in wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Results.

7. Export and download

Export your data and/or download protocol maps. Place the pointer on icons to see the meaning of each of them.

Export and download.png

Export and download.

7a. Export your data
7b. Download protocol maps

Visit wiki section Web interface > Exporting your data for more information on exporting, or wiki section Web interface > Protocols > Preparation and data > Download map for more information on downloading maps.

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